Calling all "RYANS"

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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by turkey leg boy

It would be even slower if some of the other rude people that post on this board would leave too.

I've no intention of leaving these boards! :animwink: :lol:


New Member
LMAO tenchu we'd never ask you to leave.. who'd be our entertainment... (okay I'm bored.. I'm so bored I was playing on the Cartoon Network site trying to find out what they did with my Tenchi)...

Okay hmm wow I guess i can actually go to class now and not be early hehe.


New Member
Originally posted by Angelique

*huggles Brent* Welcome back btw. LOL....

I'm around more and more again. Even though classes started today, I'll be around more often than I have been. Stupid paperwork is terrible.


New Member
Originally posted by turkey leg boy

I'm around more and more again. Even though classes started today, I'll be around more often than I have been. Stupid paperwork is terrible.

How are your classes so far?

yes paperwork is terrible.. so is looking for a job that pays more than 7 dollars an hour on this stupid campus..

*grumbles* sorry I got off onto a little rant there. I'm off to phy sci 5 .... blah ... then lunch.. I think I'm going to go and hunt for the greek place again.. but if I don't find it I'm ordering in Thai!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by turkey leg boy

I'm around more and more again. Even though classes started today, I'll be around more often than I have been. Stupid paperwork is terrible.

Brent, do you realise that you joined 2 days before me, on my birthday.

I know thats not in the slightest bit interesting, but...


New Member
Classes won't be too bad. All of them are going to be fairly tough. They won't be too bad though. All we've done so far is get our sylabi?? and get some basic information. Friday classes will really get going.


New Member
I'm tired!!... Well you're on the semester system right? *forgot* no memory here.. lol

I am so .. anxious for the summer and these classes to be over with and the new quarter to start!!!! .... I just want English 10C and Psy Sci 5!


Trophy Husband
Originally posted by turkey leg boy

Yes, this is the correct plural of sylabus. I had a professor once who spent 20 minutes explaining greek syntax over this particular word:brick: And the kicker is he was an economics teacher. (I think he just wanted to impress us with his knowledge on the first day)


Well-Known Member
ROFLOL! Darn allergies is right! I been home for 3 days with it! Grrrr!
And Bish, your mental state is ok...or at least last time I chatted with you it was....LOL
naaaaa I'm just a good actor LOL, and just where has everone been, there are days when there are hundreds of posts on this thread and the last few days we're lucky to get 10, please everyone don't let Ryan die :(


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by FantasiaBish
naaaaa I'm just a good actor LOL, and just where has everone been, there are days when there are hundreds of posts on this thread and the last few days we're lucky to get 10, please everyone don't let Ryan die :(

People are actually GOING to class!!! Can you believe it?!??!?!?!? :hammer:


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
coffee need I brain so function welll.....

tomorrow is friday ...yay...then I get a 3 day weekend.....


Trophy Husband
Originally posted by FantasiaBish
naaaaa I'm just a good actor LOL, and just where has everone been, there are days when there are hundreds of posts on this thread and the last few days we're lucky to get 10, please everyone don't let Ryan die :(

I'm here in all my rude annoying glory:sohappy: I'm working, but I usually check in through the day. Today looks like it may be heavy, and I probably should spend less time posting.

Here's a topic (I'm sure someone's done some variation of this in the past). If you were stranded on a desert Island and could only have two albums, what would they be?

I would take Dar Williams - Mortal City and Elvis Costello - King of America
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