Calling all "RYANS"

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Originally posted by garyhoov

Thanks! I remember now that you are a dealer, it just didn't click. (even knowing you are a dealer, I would have needed an explanation).

I always overtip everybody (my wife often pulls bills off of tables when we're leaving restaurants and I have to sneak back with it).

I'm not much of a gamer. I've been to Las Vegas 4 times in the last two years, but I probably only spent $50. ( a co-worker said after my last trip: "You didn't gamble and you didn't see any naked women?!?! . . . Las Vegas is wasted on you.")

I also live close to Atlantic City, but spend more time in the comedy clubs and restaurants than casinos. If I'm ever down your way, I'll make a point of setting aside a few hundred dollars to spend in your casino (most people probably spend that much in the first five minutes).


I may be moving to AC next summer......I have an opportunity to open Borgata!!! I'll know by November if I've been accepted as a dealer there, ant info on the area you could pass along would be fantasmic!!!

Thanks again.


Trophy Husband
Originally posted by FantasiaBish

I may be moving to AC next summer......I have an opportunity to open Borgata!!! I'll know by November if I've been accepted as a dealer there, ant info on the area you could pass along would be fantasmic!!!

Thanks again.

I'd be glad to help any way I can. What I don't know other people around here may. Feel free to private message me with any specific questions.



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by NowInc
...iiiiii haaaaaave a staaaaaaaalkerrrrrrrrrr....

.....its kinda cool actually..go me!

Congrats, Dan!

This definately means you moved to the big leagues. You're famous! Yay!! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
And I got the top of page 300! Yay me! :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

I feel like :cry: , I'm so touched!
*moves hands around like in Miss Congeniality*


New Member
Hehe.. all the interesting stuff happens while I'm in class.

Hmm.. *doesn't know if the stalker is THAT good an idea..* I sorta had one in HS but it was an ex bf and rather scary and well I kinda like to pretend that was a bad dream and never happened :D.

hehe.. Angelique is DONE for the day woohoo.. who wants to party?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MKCustodial
And I got the top of page 300! Yay me! :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

I feel like :cry: , I'm so touched!
*moves hands around like in Miss Congeniality* should be so proud :)

you shall remember this day for the rest of your life. I am so jealous :) ;)


Well-Known Member
id post her pic..but i dont believe in doing that without the persons permission.....and i REALLLLY dont feel like asking her..that could lead to bad things ;)


Trophy Husband
Originally posted by NowInc
id post her pic..but i dont believe in doing that without the persons permission.....and i REALLLLY dont feel like asking her..that could lead to bad things ;)

Here, I'll post it for you.


  • home_r1c2[1].jpg
    10 KB · Views: 45


i saw a commercial for that swimfan movie over a year ago. And I saw the commercial more than once. Then the movie didnt come out, but now it is. I find it weird.


I'm sitting here at 3:30 am listenening to Spectromagic before I head to bed and decided to check over here and WOW the thread hit 300 pages.


:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Hope everyone's well, not like me - sick!!! Damn allergies


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Angelique
Hmm.. once again.. no one around :(..

I've been noticing this... Do you think it's because your Summer is over so everybody's busy again?

Originally posted by RobFL
I'm here..

I'm just bummed. *sigh*


What's with you? Bad day with Ellen?
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