Calling all "RYANS"

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I'm a dealer (in a casino) I was dealing roulette, no one was tipping (fleas), they had every number but 28 covered with a bet, i hit 28 they all lost!!!!

Please tip your dealer when gaming we hace to eat to...
today (although its tuesday to most folks) is my last day to work before 2 days off, therefore it's my Friday. :sohappy:

btw love your av...


Trophy Husband
Originally posted by FantasiaBish

I'm a dealer (in a casino) I was dealing roulette, no one was tipping (fleas), they had every number but 28 covered with a bet, i hit 28 they all lost!!!!

Please tip your dealer when gaming we hace to eat to...
today (although its tuesday to most folks) is my last day to work before 2 days off, therefore it's my Friday. :sohappy:

btw love your av...

Thanks! I remember now that you are a dealer, it just didn't click. (even knowing you are a dealer, I would have needed an explanation).

I always overtip everybody (my wife often pulls bills off of tables when we're leaving restaurants and I have to sneak back with it).

I'm not much of a gamer. I've been to Las Vegas 4 times in the last two years, but I probably only spent $50. ( a co-worker said after my last trip: "You didn't gamble and you didn't see any naked women?!?! . . . Las Vegas is wasted on you.")

I also live close to Atlantic City, but spend more time in the comedy clubs and restaurants than casinos. If I'm ever down your way, I'll make a point of setting aside a few hundred dollars to spend in your casino (most people probably spend that much in the first five minutes).



Trophy Husband
Originally posted by tenchu
Ola everyone, I'm here to brighten up your day!

...Or something like that. :lol:

My day's brighter already! (but I've got a lot of work to do, so I probably can't spend much time today). Have fun everyone else!:sohappy:


Account Suspended
*stumbles out of bed, trips over something, lands in desk chair*

Stupid Ellen, stupid Energy!


I wanna go back to bed!



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by RobFL
*stumbles out of bed, trips over something, lands in desk chair*

Stupid Ellen, stupid Energy!


I wanna go back to bed!


Give ellen a wave for me, rob. :wave:


Account Suspended
Those Celebrities...

I've worked with her for months now and she refers to me as some person she doesn't even know.



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by RobFL
Those Celebrities...

I've worked with her for months now and she refers to me as some person she doesn't even know.


Now, now, Rob... Isn't it better than if you had to go to It's a Small World? You gotta see the good side of things...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by RobFL
Those Celebrities...

I've worked with her for months now and she refers to me as some person she doesn't even know.


The cheek! I'd tell her that if you're not in her next autobiography that she'll be in serious trouble!


New Member
Morning everyone.

I must be off to class in a few but thought I'd drop a line to tell everyone hi and see what everone was up to today...

Keith is bribing me with a trip to WDW... and yet I can not accept *sighs*... That would be wrong lol... so I'm not going to have any fun *pouts*... and all I would have to pay for is airfare hehe

Anyways.. see everyone in a few hours!


Trophy Husband
Originally posted by NowInc
...iiiiii haaaaaave a staaaaaaaalkerrrrrrrrrr....

.....its kinda cool actually..go me!

But I thought I was being very discreet.:D

Seriously, congratulations, you've earned it dude!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by garyhoov

But I thought I was being very discreet.:D

Seriously, congratulations, you've earned it dude!

Shes cute too!! thats the reason im not all scared or

Shes also the best type of stalker...she doesnt have a car ;)

(by the way..some of you may remember me talking a few weeks ago about me having a stalker..well..that one moved to NY..and like 3 days later..this NEW one took over the job)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by garyhoov

The cute ones can cut your throat while you're sleeping just as easy as the ugly ones.

Well..thats why i dont intend on ever ACTING on it...but its cool to point and say "see that chick over there...shes my stalker!"


Trophy Husband
I was just kidding. I really am happy for you.

Maybe one day she'll kill someone really famous and then you can say "Hey, I remember when she used to be stalking me!"


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by garyhoov
I was just kidding. I really am happy for you.

Maybe one day she'll kill someone really famous and then you can say "Hey, I remember when she used to be stalking me!"

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