Calling all "RYANS"

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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Tigggrl
:( dealing with one right now over my cell phone..which hasnt been active in like..a year....they sent me a bill out of nowhere for a large sum of money..which i not only refuse to pay..but CANT pay even if i wanted to.....grrr


Well-Known Member
I had a "friend" Who ran the cell bill up to 200.00....He has a phone on my account...He didnt pay his share, so Now I am out a phone....They arent getting money from me either....

I guess it dosent pay to be nice...:(


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by cac2889

whew! Your bill is more than that for your cell phone? Do you use it a lot for your band or with your clients?

funny thing is i hardly used it...i didnt exceed my minutes...

They claim i pre-maturly terminated my contract..and instead of them telling me this back in november when i apparently DID this..they just let late fees pile up..finally sent me a bill last month..and now have sent a collection agency after me...
naps are good, I need one my self I've been up for 24 hours now....

I just got back from taking my granmother to the doctor, and I have a really funny stiry about that....

I knew where the office was but there are two buildings there and I didn't know which one it was in, well when I pulled into the lot, one of the buidlings was the O'RYAN building, and I knew that had to a sign telling me that was the building,....and it was i was LMAO!!!!!

Okay nuff for now.


New Member
Originally posted by FantasiaBish
naps are good, I need one my self I've been up for 24 hours now....

I just got back from taking my granmother to the doctor, and I have a really funny stiry about that....

I knew where the office was but there are two buildings there and I didn't know which one it was in, well when I pulled into the lot, one of the buidlings was the O'RYAN building, and I knew that had to a sign telling me that was the building,....and it was i was LMAO!!!!!

Okay nuff for now.

Good story. Hope she got a good report.

I'm thinking of starting an amendment to get it put into the constitution.


New Member
Now I'M tired.. and I don't wanna take a nap!!!

Hmm... I learned about eating healthy today for an hour and a half. So now I feel bad about everything in my fridge :(.

Who wants to come give me a back rub?? lol
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