Calling all "RYANS"

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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DisneyWorldGuru
Dan, what games do you have?

*turns around to take an accuate inventory*

Ok..full working cabinets:: Street fighter 2 ( most amazing peice)...Centipede..asteroids (original Black and white), Mortal Kombat 2, and Outrun (stand up version).,...and of course., mame cabinet ;)

Working PCBs but no cabinets:: (PCBs are like cartridges for acrade machines)

Joust, Moonwalker, TONS of CPS2 stuff (capcom fighting games like marvel vs capcom, gem figher, street figher alpha 1 2 and 3), a Sega Naomi board with a few japanese games...

Busted stuff that i gotta fix :::

A pile of joysticks....a busted naomi box (gotta fix that..i want 2 working ones so i can link em together)...

you can get a list of aracde stuff at

...thats just my arcade stuff...we wont get into my home console collection...


Well-Known Member
hey baby.. you like fiiiiiiiiine cookin... I got a swanson's dinner in the freezer (* whispers *) WithYouNameOnIt......


New Member
Now I hate you.

No just kidding. I have played most of those games. The nly game that I can get my hands on now is a Mrs. Pacman and a golf game but both need work.

Well I am going to go now. My friends decided to go see a movie.
Talk to you all later.



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DisneyWorldGuru
Now I hate you.

No just kidding. I have played most of those games. The nly game that I can get my hands on now is a Mrs. Pacman and a golf game but both need work.

Well I am going to go now. My friends decided to go see a movie.
Talk to you all later.


I HAD a pacman cabinet..but traded it for my working naomi board..


Well-Known Member
I went to see XXX its about this doctor and 3 patients.. Then i realized i was in the wrong movie.... Ofcourse i watched it to make sure :D


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Maria
Well done ceo!

LOL a joke ofcourse.. Yeah the real movie :lookaroun lacked some plot problems.. Vin never was shown sleeping.. eating .. or changin clothes.. He was in one outfit and then in another the next. :rolleyes:


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by the_ceo_at_wdw

LOL a joke ofcourse.. Yeah the real movie :lookaroun lacked some plot problems.. Vin never was shown sleeping.. eating .. or changin clothes.. He was in one outfit and then in another the next. :rolleyes:

Bad editing?
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