Calling all "RYANS"

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I hate to change the discussions here but its amazing at how many pages this thread has gone threw in about a day and a half.

Over 30.


New Member
Originally posted by Angelique
Now I'M tired.. and I don't wanna take a nap!!!

Who wants to come give me a back rub?? lol

Pick me, pick me. :wave:

I'll give you a back rub, then we can take a nap together.


New Member
Originally posted by Rdedeian
I hate to change the discussions here but its amazing at how many pages this thread has gone threw in about a day and a half.

Over 30.

That's what you get for spending too much time following DMB and not spending every waking moment here. :D


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by NowInc

Its sad...the american arcade is dieing...because the home consoles are just as good (if not better) than arcade gunna miss em when they are gone :(

Nothing beats the feeling of an arcade though, don't you agree? Even though I try to keep up with the market, I try to go to an arcade at least once a month, even if it's just for a quick pinball game, just to get that fix... :hammer:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by NowInc

ya know...Bruce campbell is in the majetsic... ;)

Seriously?? Maybe I'll get to watch it after all...

Bruce Campbell ROCKS!!! :sohappy: Isn't it cool that he got to name Spider-Man? He sure is movie history...


New Member
Hmmm I'll opt for the back rub and nap... *yawns*

Maybe I should get food. I could always make tuna ;).

I'm getting muchos veggies and fruit tommorrow from the Farmers Market. Who wants to come over for dinner and a party? I need company :)


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Rdedeian

House rule, no AC til dark, live with the parents still have to follow there rules

Sounds like some rules a father of a Ryan would have... understandable though..


Originally posted by turkey leg boy

That's what you get for spending too much time following DMB and not spending every waking moment here. :D

I spend most of my time on those boards that why, but I'm coming here a lot more since I got back.
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