Bye Snow White


New Member
Now why didn't I think of that? Replace the castle. I'm sure it loses money. Just sits there. People can walk through for free and gawk at those gorgeous murals for as long as they want. It must cost a bundle to maintain.

An asphalt lot would be lots cheaper. Yeah, just pave it right over. We could be on to something here. We might just save Disney with such great cost cutting measures. Hey, I say eliminate the Spectromagic parade except one night a week. And close at 5 -- no 4 o clock. Change the MK cast to part time status. And just shut down COP for good. Put in a little cart that sells popcorn there, or alien dolls if that's what people are buying.

:zipit: :hammer: :zipit: :hammer: :zipit: :hammer:


Active Member
Originally posted by dreamer
I think a technology update for Snow White and similar rides would be great. That would be better than changing the theme of the ride.

It's just a matter of whether Disney can finance the change and whether they believe the improvements will be profitable. bout they license the Spiderman technology and get great 3-D effects with those neato ride vehicles for the ride. Not only have the witch turn around but get right in your face as well. And have a simulated drop to add to the thrill. Think that would scare the kiddos?

Originally posted by dreamer
Now why didn't I think of that? Replace the castle. I'm sure it loses money. Just sits there. People can walk through for free and gawk at those gorgeous murals for as long as they want. It must cost a bundle to maintain.

An asphalt lot would be lots cheaper. Yeah, just pave it right over. We could be on to something here. We might just save Disney with such great cost cutting measures. Hey, I say eliminate the Spectromagic parade except one night a week. And close at 5 -- no 4 o clock. Change the MK cast to part time status. And just shut down COP for good. Put in a little cart that sells popcorn there, or alien dolls if that's what people are buying.

:zipit: :hammer: :zipit: :hammer: :zipit: :hammer:

Well, the castle does add a bit to the overall ambiance so maybe we should replace it with a castle made out of the same materials that the Hat at MGM is made out of. Who needs all that wood when you can just use plastic instead. The restaurant would have to go but we would be gaining a pin shop. We all love pin shops here, right?

Or we could replace it with a moonwalking castle. Could gain a new attraction in the process. :p

The above post was all in fun, please put down those tomotoes. :lookaroun



Active Member
Originally posted by JoeZerboy
True...sometimes I have little brainstorms [I call them braindrizzles] and sometimes they work...


:lol: That's funny! :D Braindrizzles...I'll have to remember that one! :animwink:

And D*** Dreamer ! You're even more cynical than I am! I respect that....


That will be awesome to make a ride similar to Spiderman 3D, only make it the Snow White Ride. How wild and crazy that will be!!! Oh how about a Peter Pan ride, similar to the New Superman flight rollercoaster @ 6 Flags over Georgia!?!? Eisner if you are reading this, perhaps a whole new park featuring this upgrades, Coaster Kingdom!!! All the disney classic ride with a twist! COP will now be a centrifugal ride, Dreamflight will be a parachute drop, and Mr.Toad Wild Ride, well the name speaks for itself

A nice idea was the old mill ferris wheel in DLP, I think it looks cute and it should make its way to WDW :lol:


Well-Known Member
snow needs to stay.....its nice to see that there is at least one origial ride there that hopefully will stay..........its disney..........its how disney got so popular with movies...........its like a disney staple...


Well-Known Member
I like Snow White. it will be a shame for it to close. But I think it will eventually come to an end within 5 years. What I think they should do is rotate those rides every 3-5 years or so. What do you think?


New Member
I agree. The ride need some major updates. And when I was there near the end of July early August, we rode it like 2 times. Both different days. And only waited in line for like 5 minutes maybe. Of course, the park wasn't full either day, but there were tons of people there. It just seemed weird to me that the line was so shirt! I love that ride a lot, and for it to be taken out would just be silly. It is the movie that started it all. But I think and update for it is needed.
I like Snow White. it will be a shame for it to close. But I think it will eventually come to an end within 5 years. What I think they should do is rotate those rides every 3-5 years or so. What do you think?

Oh No! Does that mean this will be the year of Snow White's demise!? Please tell me it isn't so!

Sorry, I just came across this old thread and thought the whole 5 year remark (a remark which will turn 5 this August) was pretty rediculous.


Astronaut Jones

New Member
Hmmm i feel like I'm betraying Disney by saying so, but I don't think I'd miss Snow White too much. I'm usually one who loves classic Disney, but this ride is kind of a weak point in that category to me. I do miss Mr. Toad though... I like the new Winnie the Pooh but would have preferred it to have replaced Snow White instead.

Is there rumor of them replacing it or is this just talk?


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Hmmm i feel like I'm betraying Disney by saying so, but I don't think I'd miss Snow White too much. I'm usually one who loves classic Disney, but this ride is kind of a weak point in that category to me. I do miss Mr. Toad though... I like the new Winnie the Pooh but would have preferred it to have replaced Snow White instead.

Is there rumor of them replacing it or is this just talk?

This thread is 5 years old !!! :wave:


New Member
First of all, I love the Snow White ride and truly believe that an attraction for that movie should remain in Fantasyland. Toy Story has no place in Fantasyland. Besides, we already have the Buzz Lightyear ride in Tomorrowland. It would be kinda redundant.

disney is already being redundant, toy story mania is basically the same thing as buzz lightyear but in 3D and in a different park.....


Well-Known Member
whew!!! After I realized how old this thread was(I even forgot that I posted on this thread) And As the panic went away, I feel better now knowing how old it is...I truly hope they don't replace this ride...cheesy yes but my girls this ride!!!


Well-Known Member
I believe if anything Snow White should not be removed. Its the first Disney Animate film, because of that it should be a staple in the parks. Maybe update with some cool animatronics.


New Member
disney is already being redundant, toy story mania is basically the same thing as buzz lightyear but in 3D and in a different park.....
So it's not entirely redundant. It's as redundant as Everest is to BTMR.

Even still, it's going to be a big help for MGM, which is easily the worst of the 4 parks at WDW at this point (IMHO).

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