Budget to Remove Wand Approved for this Fall


Well-Known Member
The way I heard it, they didn't like the wand, and would like to see it down...but not if they had to foot the bill. For that kind of money they could live with it.

What kind of money are we talking about here? Is it really a lot more than I'm thinking?


Regarding the lighting of Spaceship Earth--what kind of lights make up the system they use now? I was recently reading an article in the NY Times about LED systems being tested atop the Empire State Building (the two competing brands were Color Kinetics and Philips) to replace the ancient lights they currently use. The LEDs are not only very cost-effective but are stunning in terms of creating new patterns and effects at the drop of a hat...if I recall correctly, one of the ideas being thrown around for the Empire State Building installation (which might debut in January) was the possibility of doing a public light show set to music being simulcast on the radio.

Sounds like a similar lighting system could not only look great at Epcot but could even make Spaceship Earth something of a player in the nighttime shows. For what seems to be not very much money, Disney could really do brilliant things once SSE loses the wand...with new technology they could easily surpass those beautiful color changes of long ago.


Well-Known Member
It is your opinion that you can jazz up classic art and architecture pieces by slapping some shoddily made, genre-crossing elements onto it.

Nope, that isn't my opinion, I never stated what my opinion was... Though some people may hve that opinion and that is OK.

You cannot improve upon Michelangelo's David, you cannot improve upon F.L. Wright's Guggenheim, you cannot improve improve upon Picasso's Guernica, you cannot improve the Sydney Opera House.

Again, that is a matter of opinion, not a fact.

Maybe you do need a degree in fine art to know this fact?

Or maybe only people with degrees in fine art are arrogant enough to feel that their opinions of a subjective nature are "facts". I guess only those with degrees in fine arts consider anyone who disagrees with them as ignorant...


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a similar lighting system could not only look great at Epcot but could even make Spaceship Earth something of a player in the nighttime shows. For what seems to be not very much money, Disney could really do brilliant things once SSE loses the wand...with new technology they could easily surpass those beautiful color changes of long ago.
What I think would work great would be embedding fiber-optics, or some sort of special or strobe LED system (as was mentioned as being in consideration for the Empire State Bldg.), within the small spaces between the triangular panels. The lights would be invisible during the day, hiding in the darkness of the spaces. Then, at night, perhaps synchronized with Illuminations, SE could sparkle from bottom to top. The effect would be really easily overdone, though, and would certainly have to be limited in use, much like the limited use of that fantabulous laser globe projection which will hopefully continue to be used. The major lighting player should continue to be the regular, plain old spotlight system still in use (not sure of the technical specifics of it), rotating between various coloration schemes.


Well-Known Member
Regarding the lighting of Spaceship Earth--what kind of lights make up the system they use now? I was recently reading an article in the NY Times about LED systems being tested atop the Empire State Building (the two competing brands were Color Kinetics and Philips) to replace the ancient lights they currently use. The LEDs are not only very cost-effective but are stunning in terms of creating new patterns and effects at the drop of a hat...if I recall correctly, one of the ideas being thrown around for the Empire State Building installation (which might debut in January) was the possibility of doing a public light show set to music being simulcast on the radio.

Sounds like a similar lighting system could not only look great at Epcot but could even make Spaceship Earth something of a player in the nighttime shows. For what seems to be not very much money, Disney could really do brilliant things once SSE loses the wand...with new technology they could easily surpass those beautiful color changes of long ago.

The LED lighting system is incredible, it is being used on the main pylon in a new bridge where I live. Just saw them being tested for the first time a few weeks back and it was beautiful. However the LED's are actually installed on the structure so I do not know if they would be able to use that system on SSE. The existing lights shine onto SSE to produce the colors whereas the LED system would need to be installed on SSE. I don't know if that would be possible while keeping the existing exterior appearance of SSE.


New Member
The LED lighting system is incredible, it is being used on the main pylon in a new bridge where I live. Just saw them being tested for the first time a few weeks back and it was beautiful. However the LED's are actually installed on the structure so I do not know if they would be able to use that system on SSE. The existing lights shine onto SSE to produce the colors whereas the LED system would need to be installed on SSE. I don't know if that would be possible while keeping the existing exterior appearance of SSE.
Actually ColorKinetics makes LED spotlights - just check out their website.

But what will most likely happen is that Sylvania (owned by Siemens) will be doing major lighting upgrades both inside and outside SSE. And those changes would most likely involve LED lighting, not only because it is dramatic, but because the lack of required maintenance really cuts costs.


Well-Known Member
Actually ColorKinetics makes LED spotlights - just check out their website.

Should have known those would be available, ones that I have seen just don't have enough power to actually light up large areas like that. I think the light produced by LEDs is superior to regular incandescent fixtures


Ooh, trippy...never saw the video before. Looks great. I can't wait to see the changes in person when the LEDs are installed!

Actually ColorKinetics makes LED spotlights - just check out their website.

But what will most likely happen is that Sylvania (owned by Siemens) will be doing major lighting upgrades both inside and outside SSE. And those changes would most likely involve LED lighting, not only because it is dramatic, but because the lack of required maintenance really cuts costs.

Ah good call, I completely forgot about Sylvania...that does make sense. I hope that really is what happens. I was thinking of something like the LED spotlights you mention--basically the same setup as the old spotlights, but the LED technology would make it more practical, simple, and stunning to do the color changes again. I hope by the end of this year we can once again see a nighttime SSE that's not just purple and yellow...


Well-Known Member
It really does seem as if this is for real this time. There are new "rumors" everyday and the people get more and more credible. I can't wait till it's down!

I feel that just like the HCoE Castle and the Castle Cake, the wand was a nice temporary addition to SSE. Fun for a year or so, but afterthat, it's time to go back to the original. When it comes to Disney icons (Castle, SSE, and ToL) they are perfect just the way they are. The Hat is fine...it's just a mark of the lack of thought that ever went into the Disney-MGM Studios. The park has and will continue to have a serious identity crisis until it recieves a major overhall...the Studios may very well be the long awaited "Fifth Gate"...monetarily speaking.

As a future monorail CP, I should see SSE quite often, so I look forward to seeing it in its original glory.


Well-Known Member
It really does seem as if this is for real this time. There are new "rumors" everyday and the people get more and more credible. I can't wait till it's down!

I believe this is true though many things can change between now and when the work is to commence. As far as the rumor I think there are just too many sources saying similar things and it is well past April first to not believe it.


Well-Known Member
I feel that just like the HCoE Castle and the Castle Cake, the wand was a nice temporary addition to SSE. Fun for a year or so, but afterthat, it's time to go back to the original.

Nail, meet head.

I really dislike how anyone who doesn't care for the wand is lumped into one category of "not liking anything to change". I thought the Castle Cake looked absolutely horrible - like someone puked up pepto bismol everywhere. But it didn't bother me because it was temporary.

The wand would have been neat for one year. Here we are closing in on a decade, and it's an eyesore.

Sure, some people would complain about it being up temporarily, and they are the crazy Disney fans everyone is always dismissing. There is a huge difference here.

I liked the comparison to the David statue. It would be funny if they dressed it up in Bermuda shorts for a few days; but if they drilled them on permanently it would be a whole different story.



Well-Known Member
It's only a big deal to Disney fanatics. Do you think that the average Joe walks into the park and says,"Ew, that wand looks awful!"? No. Period. The average guest is awed by the splendor of Epcot and can't wait to start their experience.

Trust me, 99.9999999% of the guests could care less if there is a wand or not.


Hi, I realized you have already received a large number of replies to your audacious post, but I felt obligated to reply because it was originally my post that you were referring to. I noticed that you vowed not to open anymore wand threads in a previous post, so I'm not sure if you'll be reading this, but here it goes anyway...

I always thought statistics were BS, you just proved it for me. Anyone can use numbers to sway people. In most cases, the numbers have no meaning at all.

I'm sure x amount of people couldn't care less if the wand is there or not, but it's them I feel sorry for because they obviously never have seen SSE wandless... and that's where "the splendor of 'Epcot'" begins.


Active Member
I'm sure x amount of people couldn't care less if the wand is there or not, but it's them I feel sorry for because they obviously never have seen SSE wandless... and that's where "the splendor of 'Epcot'" begins.

This is true, and it's also the thing about art and architecture--much of the impact of it is subtle, and not overtly noticed. That's what makes it classic versus ordinary, versus a good attempt.

For instance--how many people would really care if the Mona Lisa had a different expression on her face?

If, in American Gothic, there were no pitchfork?

How many people would care if the golden gate bridge were painted light blue?

Only the people who had seen it before and accepted it as a classic the way it was.

Changes to classic icons, no matter how subtle, should be avoided because often, what makes these works so striking and original are the small details.

I don't think the wand is a small detail, and I can understand how others might say it is insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but I return to my original point--you should not mess with classics. If you do, you should let the changes serve their purpose, and out of respect to the artist and the public, you should return it to its original state.

Fact: SSE's sphere is widely regarded as a major architectural achievement both in visual design and engineering--enough to be considered by a significant amount of people as "a classic".

Fact: The original vision and design for SSE did NOT include a wand.

It's not so much that most people don't care--it's that the artists, architects, designers, and engineers never envisioned the wand as part of their structure's statement. It cheapens their vision to keep it there, especially since their original vision was (and is) so widely lauded.

Argue all you want about the fact that it's sterile, boring, monolithic, or whatever--the point is that when you say this about the wandless SSE, you are now responding to the structure the original creators wanted you to respond to, not a re-tooled version--and that's a good thing.

Would my life change drastically if someone removed the pitchfork from American Gothic, added a different expression to the Mona Lisa, painted the Golden Gate bridge light blue, or added a giant neon sign to the Empire State building? Not at all. Would these still be an acts worthy of criticism, even scorn? You bet.

I didn't hate the wand when it was up for awhile, I just dislike that it's been up for so long that there are many many people who don't even recognize that they are looking at something that was not originally intended to be there.


Well-Known Member
I hate that they have these song layovers at the entrance--what they ought to do is take the existing music and add some festive music intersparsed with the stuff you actually hear in the parks. Entering the park hearing music that has nothing to do with the actual park is stifling to me. At Christmas, they could even just play the in park music, but add some festive jingle bell sound effects to the music--it would be both festive AND park-themed...and they wouldn't have to keep paying for the rights to use all the classic Christmas carols.

This is going OT, but I've always had a problem with WDW's Christmas music. My dad loves it, cause he's a HUGE Christmas fanatic. But it drives me crazy. Mainly because I feel like it should be themed. Of course, it's easy for them at MGM because they play Bing Crosby, Dean Martin and the like anyway. And Main Street's music is themed decently enough, although I would LOVE to have some ragtime Christmas music! But couldn't they get some Ray Lynch-styled Christmas music for Epcot, or some Christmas music with African instruments for AK? Or some western-ish Christmas music for Wilderness Lodge? I mean, would it really be that hard? It is Disney, after all.
Anyway, I apologize for the OT post...but I saw Kyle's and the non-themed music at WDW just gets under my skin.


New Member
Changes to classic icons, no matter how subtle, should be avoided because often, what makes these works so striking and original are the small details.

I don't think the wand is a small detail, and I can understand how others might say it is insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but I return to my original point--you should not mess with classics. If you do, you should let the changes serve their purpose, and out of respect to the artist and the public, you should return it to its original state.

Fact: SSE's sphere is widely regarded as a major architectural achievement both in visual design and engineering--enough to be considered by a significant amount of people as "a classic".

Fact: The original vision and design for SSE did NOT include a wand.

It's not so much that most people don't care--it's that the artists, architects, designers, and engineers never envisioned the wand as part of their structure's statement. It cheapens their vision to keep it there, especially since their original vision was (and is) so widely lauded.

Argue all you want about the fact that it's sterile, boring, monolithic, or whatever--the point is that when you say this about the wandless SSE, you are now responding to the structure the original creators wanted you to respond to, not a re-tooled version--and that's a good thing.

Would my life change drastically if someone removed the pitchfork from American Gothic, added a different expression to the Mona Lisa, painted the Golden Gate bridge light blue, or added a giant neon sign to the Empire State building? Not at all. Would these still be an acts worthy of criticism, even scorn? You bet.

I didn't hate the wand when it was up for awhile, I just dislike that it's been up for so long that there are many many people who don't even recognize that they are looking at something that was not originally intended to be there.

I'd like to use this argument in regards to another classic...Pirates of the Caribbean. But I won't since that's a whole different thread topic.
I'm thrilled to hear about the removal of the Wand and I hope it's true. The Wand has been an eyesore to me since 2000, when - as I noted in another thread - I returned to Epcot after a four year gap, only to find that casino and thrill ride designers had seemingly invaded what in 1996 had been my favorite Park. I was saddened and disgusted, and over the years I've come to spend more and more time at The Magic Kingdom, and less at Epcot...partly because entire pavilions have been abandoned, partly because the edu-tainment has been tossed out the window little by little.
I'm all for starting a mass email campaign to Siemens to start sponsoring The Great Movie Ride, too. Maybe then the cranes can be called in to trash that stupid Hat, too.


New Member
This is going OT, but I've always had a problem with WDW's Christmas music. My dad loves it, cause he's a HUGE Christmas fanatic. But it drives me crazy. Mainly because I feel like it should be themed. Of course, it's easy for them at MGM because they play Bing Crosby, Dean Martin and the like anyway. And Main Street's music is themed decently enough, although I would LOVE to have some ragtime Christmas music! But couldn't they get some Ray Lynch-styled Christmas music for Epcot, or some Christmas music with African instruments for AK? Or some western-ish Christmas music for Wilderness Lodge? I mean, would it really be that hard? It is Disney, after all.
Anyway, I apologize for the OT post...but I saw Kyle's and the non-themed music at WDW just gets under my skin.

I agree. California Adventure's Hollywood Pictures Backlot uses Christmas music from movies rather than just random Christmas songs. It fits perfectly, and I was actually very surprised to hear general instrumental music at Disney-MGM when I was there in December. I knew Epcot used the same kind of general music, but they should really be doing more of what you said - Ray Lynch, Yanni, etc. I didn't really pay attention to Animal Kingdom's BGM for Christmas, though. What do they use?

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