The "dog people" are funny. Like, the people who are invited to your house and just assume you want some big smelly dog coming with them and walking around your house. I don't
think so, LOL. Those people don't get an invite to my house after that. Especially because I am allergic to dogs - cats are fine (as long as there aren't more than 1 or 2) but dogs being around and I'm a mess all day.
It's not just that, though. It reminds me of people who think we should have to put up with their kids behavior as well. Obviously at WDW kids are expected, but just in general - if you are at a nice restaurant and someone lets their 2-year old scream for an hour and expects you to put up with it, they are wrong. Kids make noise - but a screaming kid for an hour is a screaming kid, and they are screaming for a reason. That's why after a minute or so, the parent removes the child from the restaurant. It may ruin their dinner, but it's their kid - so it's better to have one person's dinner interrupted than to ruin the meal of 100 people around you.
Thing is, people don't see it that way. THEY paid to be there, so WE should have to put up with it. Certain dog people act similarly.
(Preparing for someone to yell at me for comparing dogs to kids, but the truth is the people that exhibit bad dog behavior consider them as such.)
I'm just fine with my kitty who is lovable and sweet and then goes away for half the day to sleep. I think that's my real personal reason I don't care to be around dogs - so dang needy, LOL. Like toddlers who never grow up.