Bring back the DREAMFINDER!!


Count me in too Grizz....I've been on these boards a while and I agree with pretty much everything you say....especially this campagin....I agree with bringing the DreamFinder back....I took a few friends to Epcot in March. They hadn't been since like 1992 or something. They were so exited to be able to go on JII again. I didn't want to tell them it had changed because I didn't want to break it to them......while they thought the new version was "Cute", they both asked me why Dreamfinder was gone and why they got rid of the original in the first sad....Bring him back!


New Member
Ok, troops, good job. So far the only thing you've accomplished is making a lot of posts with "assemble the troops" at the end of them.

Dreams and optimism are great, but unless you do anything with them, that's all they are. So you want Dreamfinder back? What are you going to do? Suggestions:

Thinking about it won't help.

Talking about it won't help.


we're waiting for instructions....this won't be done overnight...Grizz said it's going to take some time......You have to think about it and talk about it before you take action anyway..hehe:)
I love all the Figment/Dreamfinder avatars this thread has started. I hope Dreamfinder isn't enjoying his retirement too much, there's too many people who want him back!

I always thought of Dreamfinder as a sort of Santa Claus-like figure...reminding kids and adults that imagination is every bit as important as logic. Life is nothing without dreams, and dreams come from imagination. Does JIYIWF even have a message? Something about senses maybe?

My favorite part is Figment's House because it's the closest the new ride can offer to the original--but Figment's House doesn't really fit with the "senses" thing that they establish in the first half of the ride. It almost seems as though they were desperate to throw Figment back into the ride, and it lost some of it's cohesiveness along the way.

Having Dreamfinder back as a character at least, and maybe re-opening the Image Works to help incorporate him, would be a start on the road back to a pavillion with heart.

Sir Hiss527

New Member
Originally posted by dmmgp2000
we're waiting for instructions....this won't be done overnight...Grizz said it's going to take some time......You have to think about it and talk about it before you take action anyway..hehe:)

Yea I'm glad somebody else did that..cause I was going to, but I thought people would then jump on my back.

Wait for the Grizz, he's meditating on this...right now.

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
Start posting your own sparks of inspiration on here - and talk about your favorite Imaginative experiences (especially concerning the Dreamfinder and Figment).



Well-Known Member
Use Figment in a movie-tv show and you will bring back the rides popularity imo. He is very likable and would be great in CGI. He just looks like he would be a CGI character to me :)

V3 is better than V2 but nothing is as good as V1. I think that they could do some really nice things with todays AA and special effects.

Sir Hiss527

New Member
The Grizz has spoken...

Where did Figment come from anyways? He's not a known character from like movies, etc. I mean it would be cool to get Figment his own movie to make him popular. Hey it could work. Make a crafty script and your set.


Well-Known Member
Assembled, General! *raises hand to forehead in salute* What good is winter without summer, Disney without magic, peas without pods, books without literacy, television without color, Laurel without Hardy, Figment without Dreamfinder? You cannot separate inseparable duos without skewing the morals proclaimed. In short, as Grizz put it so eloquently, Figment complemented Dreamfinder, and Dreamfinder complemented Figment. Figment alone might be a goofy, innocent character, but without the contrast provided by the seasoned Dreamfinder, how in heck are we supposed to realize the possibilites that imagination provides us? - the original purpose of the attraction... The new attraction is two-dimensional, two-dimensional in that we are merely spectators of the mischeif and exploits of Figment and his Imagination Institute captor Channing. The story, try as it might, does not actively open up and tickle our own imaginations...

I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me Dreamfinder or give me death!


Well-Known Member
At the same time I do not want Figment to come back the same way he was in V1,V2 or V3. He should be expanded upon and venture into new realms of imagination. He should become curious about HIS imagination.....What happens when an Imagination has its own Imagination? That could be very interesting if done right.....It would be like Figment discovering himself thorugh his imagination!


New Member
Originally posted by SirGoofy

So, General, you have my sword.(Sorry I love LOTR, I just had to say it:D )

'...and my bow...'

This is such a great idea. I'm in. Waiting for instructions, and trying to come up with some ideas of my own.
Having never done anything like this...where do you start?
Letter writing campaign?
Bug the sponsor?
Boycott Epcot? (no, wait, scratch that)
Pyramid scheme? We each put $10 into a pot, and we get 10 other people to put $10 into a pot, and so on and so on. Then we just take over sponsorship and create the ride ourselves? (okay, a little to outrageous)
I am willing to work for this, so...your troops are ready for war General! Let's Roll!


Active Member
Originally posted by ZHoyt
I agree, Dreamfinder is a little creepy.

Honestly, I don't mind the new JIYI is that bad. It's not as good as the original, but its leapyears ahead of the first remake. Yikes, what a mess that was.

Phew (wipes brow) I'm glad I'm not the only one that found Dreamfinder a little creepy. Not sure what exactly bothers me though. Maybe he reminds me of a science teacher I had in high school? Dunno. I love the original attraction, but I like Dr. Nigel Channing paired with Figment instead. To me, they seem to make a better pair.


Active Member
Originally posted by Little Mermaid

I always thought of Dreamfinder as a sort of Santa Claus-like figure...reminding kids and adults that imagination is every bit as important as logic.

I was thinking that exact same thing earlier. How very true!

Grizz, I just want to say I love your Dreamfinder/Figment avatar. It's so cute!

I think I had an encounter with Dreamfinder/Figment back in 1987. It's all kind of blurry though. I'm getting senile! :lol:

Man I am REALLY missing the original Journey today. I watched a video of it and it brought back so many memories. I think I watched the parts with the white room and Figments movie clips several times. I love me some Figment, but it's definitely not the same without Dreamfinder.

I'm ready to receive my attack orders!

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
And now, some quotes in Figment history.


Figment: "What would you be without me, Dreamfinder?"
Dreamfinder: "That's a very good question, Figment!"

(After Dreamfinder saves Figment from an evil monster).

"Your sweater is on backwards!"

(Dreamfinder on Journey into Imagination with Figment)

The love between these two characters is undeniable. It's their coexistance. Did you know in the original ride the finale was designed where Dreamfinder would be holding Figment? (Budget did not permit this, unfortunately).



New Member
So I am not the only one that looks at the stupid "Dean Finder" door and sighs? I love Dreamfinder with Figment. The Image Works.... I still dream about visiting that again. I tell my 9 year old about and she wants so bad to see it. Dreamfinder, 20,000 Leagues, Horizons, and World of Motion all have a special place in my heart.. I miss them dearly :-(


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