Bring back the DREAMFINDER!!

bring em back

I'm with ya, bring back the dreamfinder! I remember when I was little meeting him and figment, although I was a little scared the first time, looking back it was awesome, we still have it on tape. You don't know how excited I'd be if they're bring back the old ride with updated animatronics....although I can't see anyone convincing eisner to reinstall a ride they spent money taking out...:cry:


Originally posted by General Grizz
Figment isn't hip. As the Dreamfinder himself said, "HIS SHIRT'S ON BACKWARDS!"

Eisner initially killed Figment. He said in the 1999 Annual Shareholders Meeting that "Figment's now in Figment Heaven."

It took a team of guests to push Figment back in the park. And we did that. . . unfortunately, Eisner didn't give the right budget.

Sure, get Eisner out, too. I'm all for that. :wave:

Alright, I'll call again: ASSEMBLE!

I'm with ya. Thats the one thing about Epcot that has never left my memory. Figment & Dreamfinder. I don't remember much else about Epcot or even the whole Orlando trip, but I do remember that.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Add my vote!

Last time we did WDW JIYI (version one) was quite new. Its was SO embarrassing seeing all the CMs stood about at loading - I kid you not, there was no one infront of us, no one behind us, and as we sat waiting for dispatch no one else arrived. And this was at 10am in June! From what I`ve seen of JIYIWF (a mouthfull in itself) its better than v2, but that wasn`t hard. HERES TO VERSION 4!!


New Member

BRING back Dreamfinder and the orginal Journey!!!!

Finally a post on figment for the figmentfan!

My favorite attraction hands down is Journey, even with the new version.

Think about all the characters that Disney has.........which ones are only characters for the parks? Figment and Dreamfinder are ones developed for this attraction. Disney should cash in on these characters, maybe give them a updated look, but keep the same characters. Disney cashed in on the Pirates' characters by making a movie (Dreamfinder and figment movie?!?!)

I rememeber waiting in line for the orginal Journey, and waiting about 20 to 30 minutes. Now I wait 0 mins. What does that tell you? I am no scientist...... but..... DON'T MESS WITH WHAT YOU GOT! Leave Journey the way it was before the new version!!

Count me in!

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
Glad to have you onboard! Unfortunately, the original attraction will never come back. However, with a GREAT budget and talent, the ride will change in the coming years.

Unless Disney, under Eisner, does not appropriate the money, leaving Imagination to stick in ruin.

And what does that tell us about the so-called imaginative "Walt Disney Co.?"

The importance lies in Imagineers and executives who care about the CHARACTERS. Even the current Figment is really a Bugs Bunny in the shape of a purple dragon!

Physical form is the first step. The giant step is the heart and emotion.

Dreamfinder and Figment are this emotion. Imagination will never be existent without this duo!


Active Member
Count me in!

I remember the first time I visited Epcot in 1987... the line for Journey was sooooo long! But I loved the ride! I remember totally loving the white room. Was my fave part of the whole ride. I also loved the room where Figment is doing all those things on the big screens. I could've sat and watched that all day... that was a riot! Figment totally cracked me up there. I didn't make it back to Epcot again until I think 1997, but as soon as I went thru the gates, I made a beeline for Journey.

I love the old Image Works too. I remember when the Dreamfinder's School of Drama things was really popular. Everyone got the biggest laugh at watching people who did it over the TV screens. The musical instruments thing was really cool... and the rainbow tunnel thing! I loved that!

I would love to see the return of Dreamfinder. As much as I like Erid Idle, his Dr Nigel Channing character bugs me. When I visited Epcot in 2001 when the 1st remake of Journey opened, I rode twice and was not impressed.

So I concur... bring back Dreamfinder!


New Member
Originally posted by TimeTrip
The part I missed the most about the original ride was the part where you would see dreamfinder on his "blimp-thing". The fact that the car was moving along at the same rate the scene was rotating giving the illusion that you actually weren't moving always amazed me. :(

That was actually the "Dreamship" . There were 5 of them, as each train of cars entered the turntable area, the cars would rotate so you could watch the show and each Dreamship had a movie screen behind it, and of course, with Dreamfinder and Figment riding it. The reason it was traveling at the same speed was the turntable was actually pushing the cars around.

After riding the turntable almost for a complete turn, then you were sent out on the track that you ride on now. The turntable is now being used for the load and unload areas.


i'm in.

btw, im sure all of you have noticed the door with "Dean Finder" on the outside of it on the current version. at least that is something, although not enough.

also, why did they decide to get rid of imageworks upstairs? now its just a waste of space.



Bout time someone started a thread like this! JII V.1 is my favorite ride of all time. THe theming, the script, the characters, and the MAGIC were all poured into the mold and out popped a true classic. This ride opened my mind as a kid like no other could. I only go to WDW every two years, and I had no idea that they had changed the ride. Well, needless to say, I was almost brought to tears when I rode JIYI. I have never missed a ride like I miss JII.

So, General, you have my sword.(Sorry I love LOTR, I just had to say it:D )

P.S. JII is the main reason I want to be an Imagineer.

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
There you have it. The power of Imagination.

A few answers to some questions I just browsed. . .

The IMAGE WORKS upstairs is closed because Disney is not willing to pay insurance for guests to go up there. Instead, cheap McDonalds style sets are downstairs. NOTHING interactive at EPCOT compares to what is currently sitting in the dark upstairs. . .

The TURNTABLE was one of the reasons why JII initially closed. It was so massive, that it eventually began to sink down (much like Carousel of Progress's current state). It altered track so much, that maintence was constantly required. Instead of reworking a new ride without the turntable, a new attraction with no animatronics (so as to reduce cost) was slated to replace the classic. Right now, the turntable is emptied and is sitting underneath current portions of the pavilion.

Many people have never posted about bringing Dreamfinder back just because the new JII is open or that it seems improbable.

Let me tell you right now that it IS possible.

We can't back down.

We did it with Figment. . . but it's only half-done.

So everyone! Stand by for instructions, I'll let you know what we can do once we get this thread bigger with all people who care about Disney heart and the magic that once was . . . and through our efforts, will be again!


Sir Hiss527

New Member
"Reporting for Duty Sir"

I never actually met the DreamFinder, but this is something that I hate about tearing down classics. So i'll be waiting for you Grizz.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Count Me in Grizz sir! Even though I only went on the original once, I have plenty of ideas to share that will bring JII back into its original glory and magic! Plus keep it within Future World's theme.:sohappy:


Account Suspended
Not that I'm agenst bringing him back, But think, Dreamfinder is kinda creepy. Especially to todays audience.


New Member
I agree, Dreamfinder is a little creepy.

Honestly, I don't mind the new JIYI is that bad. It's not as good as the original, but its leapyears ahead of the first remake. Yikes, what a mess that was.

My question is, is it really fair to expect three remakes in a span of a decade or so? Think how many other rides there are that need updating throughout WDW.

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by ZHoyt
My question is, is it really fair to expect three remakes in a span of a decade or so? Think how many other rides there are that need updating throughout WDW.

This is not a campaign to change the ride necessarily - this is just a campaign to bring Dreamfinder back. Give him a home as a meet/greet character or involve him in the Image Works.

Journey into Imagination with Figment is failing immensly with attendance. . . and this new spark can surely add meaning to the area.

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Sir Hiss527
I agree, I barely even know who DreamFinder is..I would like to meet him someday..

Hey Grizz, like the avatar?

Sure do!

I'll make custom Dreamfinder avatars for anyone who wants one.

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