Right there with you buddy. Although honestly I didn't really like TDL as a park, but almost every attraction when compared around was the better version. The park just annoyed me because it was so spread out and felt completely concrete because every inch of it was walkways to handle the massive crowds. It lacked the landscaping that makes a park like Disneyland feel so intricate. It also annoyed me that because of the massive paths and endless concrete, it was difficult to tell where one land ended and the next began. This was especially evident leaving Tomorrowland. Look - there's the entrance to Toontown. And here's some Fantasyland buildings. So why are the Star Jets fifty feet off in the distance?
Your post makes it sound as though you have not yet been to Disneyland Resort Paris. If that is the case, let me just tell you, while they do not have nearly as many attractions as the other Magic Kingdom parks do (excluding Hong Kong, of course) it is so impressively beautiful. So many things in that park are just downright *stunning*. Phantom Manor will leave you never being able to ride Haunted Mansion again. Pirates of the Caribbean will leave you never being able to ride any other Pirates again. it's a small world (YES, I'm not kidding) will leave you, well, I assume you were never able to ride it's a small world again anyway, but this one is GOOD. Not good, GREAT even. I REALLY dig the art direction and brighter, bolder colors used throughout (Sorry Mary Blair, no disrespect. Your stuff is classic, but sometimes classic also equals dated). Now here's the thing - Personally, I absolutely LOVE Space Mountain, but every time I rode it, it was de la terré a la lune. I have not been on Mission 2. I'm sure the ride is still fun, but the new music just annoys me. Anyway the real point is, know it is very, very, very, very, very, very, very, VERY rough. It's an AWESOME, INTENSE ride the likes of which Disney will probably never build again, but it IS a 14 year old Vekoma looping coaster, and it's aged like any other Vekoma out there. TRY to look past how painful it is to see how it is far superior in theming and story to any other Space Mountain. I SWEAR it's worth the beating that you will take.
VERY jealous that you went to TDR in June. When I went, it was Mid-March, and the weather was literally 30s for a high every day, and extremely windy, yet the parks were open from 8am to 11pm and you BETTER BELIEVE we stayed in them every second haha. Only time in my life I literally wore two pairs of pants at a time, and I was still freezing. It was so far beyond unpleasant it's not even funny. But it was worth if for Journey!
Well, this is the thought I pose to you-
One day many years ago there was a young, inexperienced kid named Anthony Baxter. I realize the guy is a total gem, but there's GOT to be another Tony Baxter out there somewhere. It's the nature of the industry. People can't do it forever. If there wasn't up-and-coming talent on the horizon, the industry wouldn't have lasted as long as it has.
I realize that things haven't been the brightest, but I'd put good money on a brighter tomorrow at WDI. With *ahem* let's say speed bumps like Marty Sklar pushed into fake "ambassador" roles to get him out of power, and people with actual vision like Lassiter taking the helm, good things can happen. Trowbridge is a talented guy as well, who has been hindered by Universal upper-management for a while now and is just itching to make something good a reality.
No Rhode? I say let's give it a shot.