We can also remind Bombardier that they purchased the monorail technology from Disney; and, if it weren't for Disney, they wouldn't have this technology to sell. Adding to that, sure, you own it now - fair and square - and inventing it doesn't entitle Disney any special privileges to it (because it's no longer theirs), but millions of people visit WDW from all over the globe. If WDW were to have the flagship monorail system using YOUR technology, potential new customers EVERYWHERE could see this technology firsthand and recommend BOMBARDIER for when they return home! Therefore, we ask, when calculating the cost of the proposal, that a fair, discounted low cost is figured into the equation. The lower the cost estimate, the more likely Disney will agree to the proposed terms. The more likely Disney agrees to those terms, the more likely the flagship Bombardier monorail system would get built for millions to see each year from around the world - people whom could potentially recommend a Bombardier monorail system to their local city councils.