Brazil Tour Groups


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to add that I think Disney is aware of the Tour Groups issue, because every year during Summer they hire some College Students around here (about 20 I think) who have already been ICPs in the past in order to work in constant contact with those groups. They don't work Park Operations or any regular role, their job is to be with those groups. Unfortunately, I don't think that is working. :lol:

Maybe they need an army of CMs.

As you are Brazilian, can you tell me by what time they will be gone? Do we have to expect them to still be around at the end of August, beginning of September?


New Member
So this year I think to myself "Self, go to Disney in January, it shouldn't be that busy". WRONG. I forgot about the Brazilian tour groups. They were everywhere with the flags, and the clapping, and the singing, and the line cutting, and the pushing, and the walking into you. I will never, ever go in January again simply for the reason that there may be a Brazilian group there. They have to be the rudest people on the face of the earth.

I just want to go and have a magical time, not have to be walked into every 2 minutes or have ear piercing singing or have 39 people line jump because their 1 friend was in line in front of me. Oh, yeah, and the OP was right. Try talking to them and suddenly it's no English. I never knew that you needed to know English to have manners.

Evil Genius

Well-Known Member
All these horror stories make me so glad my family goes to the World in last May and early June. The worst we have to content with are the extra crowds dring Gay Days and quite frankly we find them all to be a lot of fun!

Javier Boughton

New Member
i believe that we can all nag about something or someone during our trips..

so what about if i put together my whole family and my wives family for a trip to wdw..we will easily be more than 200...

will that make someone uncomfortable because we are taking fast passes?
or because we are occupying half a restaurant?
or half a hotel floor?
or because more than half of them don't speak english?
or because we are laughing and having a good time?

what about on weekends when you see a lot of US teenagers in the parks in groups ? or the big groups when they just graduated? groups are about the same size..and I dont hear anyone complaining and they have the same effect as the ones they are describing in the post

i believe everyone is paying for a ticket

i think that they are more annoying things that could happen on your visit to WDW..


Well-Known Member
i believe that we can all nag about something or someone during our trips..

so what about if i put together my whole family and my wives family for a trip to wdw..we will easily be more than 200...

will that make someone uncomfortable because we are taking fast passes?
or because we are occupying half a restaurant?
or half a hotel floor?
or because more than half of them don't speak english?
or because we are laughing and having a good time?

what about on weekends when you see a lot of US teenagers in the parks in groups ? or the big groups when they just graduated? groups are about the same size..and I dont hear anyone complaining and they have the same effect as the ones they are describing in the post

i believe everyone is paying for a ticket

i think that they are more annoying things that could happen on your visit to WDW..

Did you already experience these Brazilian groups? Because if you didn't you don't know how rude they can be. I experienced them only once so far and they were extremely annoying, I never experienced any other guests that were this terrible.


Active Member
I visited this past Sunday and DHS was overrun with them...went to MK a bit later, less were there, but went on Space Mountain, wait time posted was 30 minutes, but as soon as my friends and I got in line we saw a TON of people from a tour group go to the fastpass line...our 30 minutes turned into 1 hour :fork:, and they didn't even have the games turned on (Haven't played them YET! Every time I go, they're not turned on, what gives???) :fork::fork:

But anyway, whoever says that Fastpass doens't interfere with other wait times, what if a brazilian tour group suddenly slams the fastpass line...guess what happens...
its not because of the fastpass cause the fastpass line has a separate loading dock, so the Fastpass line and the regular line never merge


Active Member
Original Poster
its not because of the fastpass cause the fastpass line has a separate loading dock, so the Fastpass line and the regular line never merge

This is true for some rides, but most have the Fastpass line merge with the regular line shortly before the loading dock. Often they merge before the pre-show, which is followed by another short line leading up to the loading dock. For example, Splash Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain, Space Mountain, Test Track, and Rock n Roller Coaster, and Tower of Terror.


Well-Known Member
What tour groups did you see? I was there last week too and they were fine(other than occasionally walking right on top of you)

I notice that throughout various threads on these boards you say how the tour groups were fine and you don't see the problem with them...other than they cut in line, trample you, chant and yell and push you.

That's kind of the exact problem everyone has with them.


Well-Known Member
What happens when 2 Brazilian tour groups collide?
Do they merge into one mega group like the blob and devour others in their path? Seriously, I'm not trying to be cute here....what happens?
We had our problem 2 years ago, believe me we almost said we were never going back when they are there. I am hoping they are gone Aug. 18 till the 29. We even had to go and complain at our hotel, when we got home we had a phone call from someone in coporate to apologize.:mad:


Well-Known Member
Hey, at least you guys don't have to deal with them outside of Disney. Those of us that live here know they go to more than the parks. Heck, even at Walmart last night there was a group. They visit the other parks too, but the worst was trying to go to the Apple store, and couldn't even get in because there was a huge group there.


Active Member
I too have to jump on this bandwagon. The last time I went in March 2009, we were sitting at the MK and enjoying the Fantasyland Philharmonic. A group of Brazilian teens actually got up in the performer's space and ran in and out of them. I think the band leader was so surprised that he didn't know what to do for a few minutes. Luckily, they went away on their own (some people in the crowd were yelling at them). It was quite a scene. At least I was in the MK! Nothing ruins the magic for me because I just don't allow things to bother me while I'm on vacation.
I haven't brought this story on the boards yet but it definitely fits in with the thread..

Last July Me, my cousin, my aunt and uncle all went to the world in mid July. Safe to say that these tour groups were all over the parks. Besides the constant yelling/singing and clapping that everyone has mentioned they just have no reguard for other people. Anyway, the only day we went to Blizzard Beach we picked our area and put our bags and towels down on a set of 4 chairs. We went and did all the slides we wanted and after getting a bite to eat we returned to our area. Well a group of Brazilians had come to our area and moved all our crap some of it was on another chair...some was on the ground. Anyway, my uncle who has no patience at all for stuff like that pretty much let loose on them. I keep an open mind to all people but Disney World is not Brazil and these people shouldn't be allowed to run around and get away with murder just because they "can't" speak english..


Well-Known Member
Hi guys!!
I think i'm able to clearfy some points here :)

Well, first I gotta explain my situation: I'm from Brazil, still live in BR 'til the end of this year, my mom is american and a DisneyImagineer, I've just being accepeted to UCF for next year, and my family gonna move to NYC too, next year. So, I can say that I experience both cultures; AMERICAN & BRAZILLIAN.

And that's the real problem, the main conflict btw those two completely diferent CULTURES.

I understand the feelin that many americans, includin me btw, have about Brazillian group. However, look what happens here: The tours are organized by Travel Agents, this tours are specially recomended for teenagers (mainly those around 15-17), usually this groups HAVE TO HAVE AT LEAST 2 ADULTS (WHOSE, YES, SPEAK ENGLISH), and teeneagers who NEVER had travel before, thus, it is probable that many of those teenagers DONT SPEAK ENGLISH, the education in Brazil doesnt emphasize in forgein languages (a shame, I know). With all this facts toghether, turns out a kind of mess/exctiment for them/and a problem for the whole US.

An important point also, is that the Behavior demonstrated (since in families) in brazil is not such a thing as in the US ( That I know, because my mom educated me very well in an "american way", and I have been to Disneyland 8times and WDW 12 times, and feel sorry everytime I saw a brazillian groups. A total lack of education by them.)

Moreover, thats why I respect so much the american people (could be a fat people, lol, just kidin!!!!!), but you all have the education and behavior that everybody needs to follow!!

Really hope to be a CastMember in future!! And just for some news, my mom has just told me,that Disney is working on a projet for specifically for Brazilian groups since 2000, the project is already completed, and gonna start throughout in 2011. As a trully CM my mom is (ohh gosh,... :p ) she cant even tell me the details, but she had told me that specials CMembers will be sent to the Brazillians travel agencies to give them special orientations about it. ( YEEEAAAHHH!! ). And another point of the proget would be to close a week just for BR groups in summer....and than ... she didnt tell me anything more....

Well, she knows I would post what she says anyway!! :)

So, hope I could help somehow you guys! I know its a frustration issue, which sadly will not stop so soon.....
But We have to deal with it, right?! Cuz in the end, everybody just have to have the chance to experience a little of what Disney has of its best: A little of Magic that just Disney has. Be in A journy, and skip, to your dream!


Wow, very interesting. :D

Grizzly Hall 71

New Member
Hi guys!!
I think i'm able to clearfy some points here :)

Well, first I gotta explain my situation: I'm from Brazil, still live in BR 'til the end of this year, my mom is american and a DisneyImagineer, I've just being accepeted to UCF for next year, and my family gonna move to NYC too, next year. So, I can say that I experience both cultures; AMERICAN & BRAZILLIAN.

And that's the real problem, the main conflict btw those two completely diferent CULTURES.

I understand the feelin that many americans, includin me btw, have about Brazillian group. However, look what happens here: The tours are organized by Travel Agents, this tours are specially recomended for teenagers (mainly those around 15-17), usually this groups HAVE TO HAVE AT LEAST 2 ADULTS (WHOSE, YES, SPEAK ENGLISH), and teeneagers who NEVER had travel before, thus, it is probable that many of those teenagers DONT SPEAK ENGLISH, the education in Brazil doesnt emphasize in forgein languages (a shame, I know). With all this facts toghether, turns out a kind of mess/exctiment for them/and a problem for the whole US.

An important point also, is that the Behavior demonstrated (since in families) in brazil is not such a thing as in the US ( That I know, because my mom educated me very well in an "american way", and I have been to Disneyland 8times and WDW 12 times, and feel sorry everytime I saw a brazillian groups. A total lack of education by them.)

Moreover, thats why I respect so much the american people (could be a fat people, lol, just kidin!!!!!), but you all have the education and behavior that everybody needs to follow!!

Really hope to be a CastMember in future!! And just for some news, my mom has just told me,that Disney is working on a projet for specifically for Brazilian groups since 2000, the project is already completed, and gonna start throughout in 2011. As a trully CM my mom is (ohh gosh,... :p ) she cant even tell me the details, but she had told me that specials CMembers will be sent to the Brazillians travel agencies to give them special orientations about it. ( YEEEAAAHHH!! ). And another point of the proget would be to close a week just for BR groups in summer....and than ... she didnt tell me anything more....

Well, she knows I would post what she says anyway!! :)

So, hope I could help somehow you guys! I know its a frustration issue, which sadly will not stop so soon.....
But We have to deal with it, right?! Cuz in the end, everybody just have to have the chance to experience a little of what Disney has of its best: A little of Magic that just Disney has. Be in A journy, and skip, to your dream!

Glad to know that things are changing.

OFF TOPIC: Have you ever seen Cidade De Deus? It is a great film! But is it really like that there?


New Member
I think people are overreacting quite a bit.. You're turning it into some kind of major issue, even though it should only be a minor annoyance when you go to Disneyworld. Disneyworld has always been a huge mix of different cultures and people.

You're making it an issue directed towards Brazil/South America, even though they act like any other large teenage group would act, no matter if it's Americans, Danes or Russians or whatever.

Playing the language card is a bit lame, as any group of 50+ american teens would be just as annoying.


Active Member
I don't think so... it would be a minor annoyance, if they made it that way. It becomes a major annoyance because the groups that they take around are so massive that it becomes a major distraction when they all break into song or start screaming and running down streets and whatnot.

I grant you that any large group of teens or whatever can be just as bad, but the problem is that most tour groups that go to Disney break up the group into smaller groups (like a lot of the Magic Music Days kids). A lot of these Brazillian tour groups stay together and when you have 30-50 kids all breaking into chant you can scare people around you who have no clue what's going on and they can become a major annoyance. If it were a group of like 6-10 kids it wouldn't be that bad, but it hardly ever is and when you get this massive group flooding a single rider line it becomes a problem.


I think people are overreacting quite a bit.. You're turning it into some kind of major issue, even though it should only be a minor annoyance when you go to Disneyworld. Disneyworld has always been a huge mix of different cultures and people.

You're making it an issue directed towards Brazil/South America, even though they act like any other large teenage group would act, no matter if it's Americans, Danes or Russians or whatever.

Playing the language card is a bit lame, as any group of 50+ american teens would be just as annoying.
Yeeahh, I think like that too....
But you have no idea how much money Disney earns with this BR groups, it's impressive, and thats the 'WHY' make a project just for them situation.....
And why they have to give it a special atencion....


New Member
I must say that they DO break into smaller groups most of the time, but there are always 3-4 major groups walking around, and those are the ones people notice, and judge them all by.

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