Brazil Tour Groups

I's obvious to see that the ideas and views you present comes from a young mans mind, Innoventions, and i feel you a bit.. We were 4 16-17 year old guys when we went there a week ago, and we had A LOT of fun with them too, but if you see through the eyes of a family traveling there they can be somewhat annoying..

There's no sollution to it really.. Any major group of teenagers at one place will make noise, take up space, etc etc, and that's not gonna change in the near future.

Ill take 21, as young :ROFLOL:

I have to strongly disagree. The reason that there are continuous posts about this issue is not because there the mentality to follow the crowd or be cool. There is a serious problem with the tour groups.. I have been there and have witnessed the behavior other posters have mentioned. These tour groups are visitors to our country, and like any visitor they need to be educated on our culture before they arrive. We definitely have different values when it comes to behavior and personal space. Add to the mix that they are, infact, teenagers with a group mentality. I am to the point where I will probably give up my summer visit to WDW. I do not feel this way becuase I am racist or just following the crowd.... I feel this way because there is a real problem.

Do you know how many americans go to Japan and are not "educated" about the culture. They dont understand the amount of respect and courtesy in the culture. And much like the Brazilian tour groups seem rude, Americans, as well as others, seem rude when visiting Japan. I have values when it comes to personal behavior, but there is obviously a bias, and a aspect of over exaggeration on these forums. Believe me ive seen the groups, Ive been going in June/July almost every year. My point is, theyre not going any where, and this is the first trip I didn't pay much attention to them. It worked, and even joining in (when appropriate) worked. Again I reiterate, understand where they are coming from before you pass judgement.


Active Member
This is true for some rides, but most have the Fastpass line merge with the regular line shortly before the loading dock. Often they merge before the pre-show, which is followed by another short line leading up to the loading dock. For example, Splash Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain, Space Mountain, Test Track, and Rock n Roller Coaster, and Tower of Terror.

Actually the 2 lines never merge at space mountain. Trust me u was just there last Friday and I went through the fast pass line and we never merged


Well-Known Member
Actually the 2 lines never merge at space mountain. Trust me u was just there last Friday and I went through the fast pass line and we never merged

They do. When they make the Alpha/Omega switch they send both FP and Stand-By both sides. You probably didn't see them do this as they stop the Stand-By line to let FP through.


Active Member
Original Poster
They do. When they make the Alpha/Omega switch they send both FP and Stand-By both sides. You probably didn't see them do this as they stop the Stand-By line to let FP through.

Exactly. They hold the stand-by line as they let Fastpass holders through to join either the Alpha or Omega track just as the line opens up into the main loading area. This is how they do it on many lines, a lot of the people in stand-by might not even unless they are asked to wait by a CM as they let Fastpass holders through.


New Member
I was in Downtown Disney last night, and there were tons of South American tours there..

They wore "normal" clothes this time, and no matching t-shirts, and as soon as they split up into lesser groups you didnt really notice them, as they acted exactly like the other american groups of teenagers who were also there.


Active Member
Brazilian tour groups are awesome. Me and my group eneded up dancing and chanting with them waiting for a parade. People need to learn to lighten up and live. We had a blast doing it, and the groups had a blast having us have fun with them, instead of giving them dirty looks or sly remarks. People overreact just because they dont learn to "listen" or get to know the people visiting. All of them are happy to be there you should too. Maybe you should find out why they "chant" or dance before passing judgement.

Some are "rude". but learn the culture, many of them are not meaning to be. Much of it is just ignorance on your part.

I recommend joining in on the fun they are having, very friendly people, and makes the visit so much more enjoyable!

I've read through this entire thread and I have several things to add.
The "groups" are obnoxious and rude. Way more than once I've seen the old send two people in line and the rest go off until they two get closer to the end and suddenly you are being shoved out of the way by the 10-20 stragglers to get up with their friends.
Fastpass, yes everyone is entitled to use the system, but I've also been boxed out by the kids while the adults use more than one machine to get the group's fastpasses.
The chanting is annoying, but the personal space issue and the pushing are not something I will tolerate.
My last comment is directed at you Innoventions, and I'll just speak for myself, although many do similar things. Throughout the year, I take on extra jobs like coaching and writing curriculum so that I can afford to take my family to Disney World. If I want to learn about another culture, I will go to that country. I am not going to take the time to understand the Brazilian culture to find out why they are being rude in my country. You used the example of Americans in Japan and how we as American should learn the culture so as not to offend the Japanese yet you also want us to learn the Brazilian culture so as not to offend them? I say If they want to come here, as a "right of passage" they should behave according to our customs and norms, Just as you expect me to do if I go to Japan. I am not "ignorant", nor am I racist. I am a hard working father that would like to be entertained by the Disney entertainers, for which I've paid handsomely, not the visitors. Your piousness about how we should behave is just as wrong as their rude behavior.
To those groups that follow the rules or behave accordingly, I hope you have the time of your lives. Disney is the best place to be.
I've read through this entire thread and I have several things to add.
The "groups" are obnoxious and rude. Way more than once I've seen the old send two people in line and the rest go off until they two get closer to the end and suddenly you are being shoved out of the way by the 10-20 stragglers to get up with their friends.
Fastpass, yes everyone is entitled to use the system, but I've also been boxed out by the kids while the adults use more than one machine to get the group's fastpasses.
The chanting is annoying, but the personal space issue and the pushing are not something I will tolerate.
My last comment is directed at you Innoventions, and I'll just speak for myself, although many do similar things. Throughout the year, I take on extra jobs like coaching and writing curriculum so that I can afford to take my family to Disney World. If I want to learn about another culture, I will go to that country. I am not going to take the time to understand the Brazilian culture to find out why they are being rude in my country. You used the example of Americans in Japan and how we as American should learn the culture so as not to offend the Japanese yet you also want us to learn the Brazilian culture so as not to offend them? I say If they want to come here, as a "right of passage" they should behave according to our customs and norms, Just as you expect me to do if I go to Japan. I am not "ignorant", nor am I racist. I am a hard working father that would like to be entertained by the Disney entertainers, for which I've paid handsomely, not the visitors. Your piousness about how we should behave is just as wrong as their rude behavior.
To those groups that follow the rules or behave accordingly, I hope you have the time of your lives. Disney is the best place to be.

And have i said that you are racist?
By the way, I work for my Disney Vacations as well and with student loans and a minimum wage job, i do many odd jobs to get this accomplished :wave:

My point is have fun, your in Walt Disney World. And although their presence is large, dont let them deter from your enjoyment. My whole point is, put yourselves in their shoes. I believe and again youll disagree with me which is fine, people dont "understand" things they do, I dont entirely, I was sharing my experience and what I did. I for the first trip joined in (when appropriate) and enjoyed myself. Ignored them when it wasnt the right place. Like i said before, I wasnt a fan of Brazilian tour groups until this trip.

My whole point about japan by the way, was that the poster I quoted stated they should learn the culture before coming here, i was just stating how many american tourists when going to japan dont do the same thing. Just a comparison :wave:


Active Member
And have i said this, and by the way, I work for my Disney Vacations as well :wave:

My point is have fun, your in Walt Disney World. And although their presence is large, dont let them deter from your enjoyment. My whole point is, put yourselves in their shoes. I believe and again youll disagree with me which is fine, people dont "understand" things they do, I dont entirely, I was sharing my experience and what I did. I for the first trip joined in (when appropriate) and enjoyed myself. Ignored them when it wasnt the right place. Like i said before, I wasnt a fan of Brazilian tour groups until this trip.

My whole point about japan by the way, was that the poster I quoted stated they should learn the culture, i was just stating how many american tourists when going to japan dont do the same thing. Just a comparison :wave:

I understand your point of view, I'm just saying that as with Americans in other countries, the Brazilians should follow our customs.

On a personal note, I'm curious as to why you chose to bold the word racist when you quoted me.
I understand your point of view, I'm just saying that as with Americans in other countries, the Brazilians should follow our customs.

On a personal note, I'm curious as to why you chose to bold the word racist when you quoted me.

because you insinuated that i was calling you or others racist. I said no such thing. I wanted to clear that up. Thats what the first part of my first sentence was about.


Active Member
because you insinuated that i was calling you or others racist. I said no such thing. I wanted to clear that up. Thats what the first part of my first sentence was about.

There was an overall undertone racism by another poster, as well as your calling those of us that don't understand them or tolerate them as ignorant. Because of those statements, I felt the need to make that defensive statement. Overall you took a very minor part of my post and turned it to question whether I am racist, and I find that unacceptable.


Well-Known Member
One thing I will never understand about "Brazilian Tour Groups":

When I was in Junior High, we had a optional school trip down to FL every year and we spent one day at MK. Our group size was ~80 kids. How the day usually went was, we would all roll up in a couple of buses to the TTC, were all told to take the boat/monorail to MK and meet by the flagpole at 8 pm. After that point we never toured as a group, for the whole day. And we didn't want to either - we wanted to come and go as we please with our own individual friends.

So I can't understand the insatiable desire of these groups to want to stick together so badly. Wouldn't going around on your own be better? Is this just a cultural thing, a language thing, or are they just more strict?
There was an overall undertone racism by another poster, as well as your calling those of us that don't understand them or tolerate them as ignorant. Because of those statements, I felt the need to make that defensive statement. Overall you took a very minor part of my post and turned it to question whether I am racist, and I find that unacceptable.

Yet i addressed all of your post directed at me. That point of you insinuating I was calling people racist, when I never said that, I felt was worth bolding. More for your reference on what I was commenting on than anything else. If you find me bolding your words, offensive, i guess I apologize. You see as you were defending yourself, so was I. Its a bolded word, relax a little. :D, Im voicing my opinions and your voicing yours, thats whats great about this site. Maybe my word choice was harsh, but many people are ignorant, and look through blinders. Maybe not you but many.


Active Member
Yet i addressed all of your post directed at me. That point of you insinuating I was calling people racist, when I never said that, I felt was worth bolding. More for your reference on what I was commenting on than anything else. If you find me bolding your words, offensive, i guess I apologize. You see as you were defending yourself, so was I. Its a bolded word, relax a little. :D, Im voicing my opinions and your voicing yours, thats whats great about this site. Maybe my word choice was harsh, but many people are ignorant, and look through blinders. Maybe not you but many.

The time that I read your original post to mine the "and have I said you are a racist" portion wasn't in the post. That was why I asked. Oh well...we move on.:wave:
The time that I read your original post to mine the "and have I said you are a racist" portion wasn't in the post. That was why I asked. Oh well...we move on.:wave:

My original post, directed at the bolded word was not clear the first time, and i agree, i can see the confusion


New Member
I was just browsing web sites as I'm due to go in September for my next Disney trip and saw this topic.

I have been to WDW numerous times and most times I have come into contact with the Brazilian tour groups it has been a bad experience. I have seen them steal cuddly toys in Magic Kingdom, pushed passed in line on numerous occassions by large groups of them and my ears don't ever want to hear that chanting and clapping again.

I have also experience something called pop warner, I even stayed at the all stars while it was on and the large groups of teenagers were rowdy but never rude.

I wish they would just show some manners. I am from the UK and I think Americans are very courteous, much more than here in the UK. If only the tour groups could act like them then It would be great, keep chanting all they want but please don't act as though people around them aren't there.

And I don't know why people keep playing the race card, hell I have no preconcieved ideas about brazilians as in wdw is the only place I have ever come into contact with them.

P.S. Where can I find the months they won't be there as thats when I will book my fortnightly holidays on property.


Active Member
P.S. Where can I find the months they won't be there as thats when I will book my fortnightly holidays on property.

They are there in July, December, January. You may also see them in the beginning of August and first few weeks of February.

So I can't understand the insatiable desire of these groups to want to stick together so badly. Wouldn't going around on your own be better? Is this just a cultural thing, a language thing, or are they just more strict?

Beats me, I would hate to have someone telling me where to go while at Disney. But I guess most people who are on their first visits and have limited time to go through the parks may be a little bit overwhelmed by the variety of things one can do, so they may prefer to follow a guide who is responsible for planning everything. :shrug:


New Member
I also just came back from Disney World and the tour groups drove me crazy! As stated, they act like they can't speak English. A few days ago, they went over to the photopass guy and spoke clear English to him! And Disney doesn't want to say anything because they bring them so much money year after year. But, honestly, do they give more money than all of us who find them so obnoxious and rude? They drove me bonkers! :hammer:


New Member
One thing I will never understand about "Brazilian Tour Groups":

When I was in Junior High, we had a optional school trip down to FL every year and we spent one day at MK. Our group size was ~80 kids. How the day usually went was, we would all roll up in a couple of buses to the TTC, were all told to take the boat/monorail to MK and meet by the flagpole at 8 pm. After that point we never toured as a group, for the whole day. And we didn't want to either - we wanted to come and go as we please with our own individual friends.

So I can't understand the insatiable desire of these groups to want to stick together so badly. Wouldn't going around on your own be better? Is this just a cultural thing, a language thing, or are they just more strict?

The difference is that these groups are not arranged by the schools, they are arranged by "third party" traveling agencies, and they are expensive.

I can only guess why some of them decides to go in 1 large group (the majority split up into lesser groups, which is why you only notice the large ones), and i have 3 theories:

1 - It's for social reasons, decided by the guides/arrangers, as to make sure people socialize, meet new people, and so that no-one walks around the park alone. As i said before, these tours are very expensive, and have no real relation to the school system, so letting people go around in their own small groups can be pretty fail, as only a very small amount of them know eachother prior to the trip.

2 - It's for "safety" reasons. It's easier and more safe for the guides to make sure everybody is okay by going as 1 big group, and since English doesnt have a very high priority in the South American schools, many of the kids would have a hard time by having to take care of themselves in a country like the US (Note: Most Argentinian, Chilean or Columbian tours are less strict about this, because tons of Disney employees speak fluent spanish). Also, generaly teenagers from South America have little or no traveling experience.

3 - The tour guides/arrangers wants to make sure everybody sees and experience specific rides/shows/parades, so they walk around as 1 group at times, and meet at certain rides/shows at a certain time.


Also a response to all the people asking "Why dont they simply break them into smaller groups".

My source is my many interactions, conversations and observations of these groups and their guides.


Well-Known Member
One of oddest sights I saw on my last trip was a guide walking around waving her flag with no tour group in sight.

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