

New Member
I can't get 3 people for a game of rummy...

Where the hell are the PC folks? Shouldn't it be 'peoplecott'?????:D


Wall Street Journal
NY Times
The Street
Motley Fool
Many more....

Latest talk has Comcast looking at it. Couple years ago it was Yahoo.


New Member
Originally posted by Lee
Wall Street Journal
NY Times
The Street
Motley Fool
Many more....

Latest talk has Comcast looking at it. Couple years ago it was Yahoo.

Forgive me. I didn't understand your humor. :lol:


Well-Known Member
As far as what has Eisner done this century--Disney was the #1 studio for 2003 in Gross revenue.

If you read the AP article from 1/30 about the Pixar negotiations, MartyMouse is correct that Pixar is asking alot; infact the article called it "a lose-lose proporsition" for Disney. Jobs, on his 3rd quarter call to investor made the same comment--"It's over between Disney and us." and about a month later they were back at the tables again.

Also keep in mind that it was 'King Roy" who started talking to Henson Family and Pixar not to do business with Eisner. And this is while he was still on the Board.

If he was willing to harm Disney when he was on the Board, can you tell me that his intentiions has Disney first?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Lee
Wall Street Journal
NY Times
The Street
Motley Fool
Many more....

Latest talk has Comcast looking at it. Couple years ago it was Yahoo.

Do you have any links for this?


New Member
Originally posted by brisem
Also keep in mind that it was 'King Roy" who started talking to Henson Family and Pixar not to do business with Eisner. And this is while he was still on the Board.

If he was willing to harm Disney when he was on the Board, can you tell me that his intentiions has Disney first?

That has not been proven! It is still under investigation. For now, it is only a rumor.


Well-Known Member
Woody, I stand corrected. These rumors have been around for quite a while and haven't died like most rumors do.

But Roy also doesn't offer solutions to the problems other than Get rid of Eisner. Stockholders are going to need more than that to get rid of of him.

If Roy and Stan really want change then they should:
1) Suggest who should replace him.
2) What are the solution to these problems and back it with realistic plan.
3) What is their real agenda.

Right now they're doing alot of crying, but offering nothing.


New Member
I am in full agreement with you brisem. I have a real dislike for Roy's agenda right now. Since leaving the board, he is now free to speak his mind. However, is doing nothing to save Disney. Roy's continued vitriol hurts the company. He is attempting to take advantage of unwitting Internet dupes, in the unrealistic hope that he and Stan can gain control of the company.

Roy is behaving badly. I really wish he would have taken more interest in the company several years ago and learned how it works. On a side note, Roy was the one who got rid of Jeffery Katzenbach, not Eisner. Roy is a very unlike his Dad.

As for what Roy did while he was still on the board, I don't think we will ever know until long after his death. Eisner will not tell anything about Roy's alleged violations (both criminal and civil) concerning required fiduciary responsibilities. To do so would open the company to lawsuits galore! Eisner is dealing wisely with this loose cannon.


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by MartyMouse
Man I just don’t understand you people!!! :brick:
Mike is the best thing that ever happened to Disney. You must not remember how bad things were before he came to the company. What you see today - the great parks world wide, the fabulous hotels, movies like Beauty and the Beast and Lion King all this happened because of Michael Esiner.
Roy is acting like the little baby Walt always said he was and you are all playing into it. Mike has more class then to run to all the media outlets and cry like a little girl when things don’t go his way. Give the man a chance he has seldom let Disney down, every action he has taken has been in the best interest of the Disney Empire, keeping the stock holders happy keeps the company alive.

You feeling alright? Alot of that stuff (TDS, Wilderness Lodge, Lionking etc.) was initiated before Eisner came in. He did do the half done jobs at DCA, Dino-Rama, the some-odd hundred recent sequels, and Hong Kong Disneyland. Still think he's the best thing that happened to Disney?


Active Member
My only concern is that Disney breaks in pieces (just like Universal, sold in pieces to a better postor) General Electric owns Universal Studios (Film, TV, Theme Parks) and gave them over to NBC (NBC / Universal) Music (i don't know at this point) Now just Imagine our Beloved Disney like this:

Parks and Hotels: under Viacom (Mtv, CBS, Paramount)

TV (Disney Channels, ABC, ABC Fam...): Under Harpo (Oprah!)

Movies and Music: Warner Bros.

Publications / Internet (yes the do have books): Microsoft

Remember this is hypoteticaly speaking.
But with this winds of a power struggle and everything in between, castmembers and us the guest are the ones hurt at the end.


Well-Known Member
Disney's Financials are strong right now and could sustain a takeover bid. I not 100% sure but I think Disney has a 'poison pill' plan for possible take overs.

Also in fighting a take over, cash is inportant and right now Disney is safe.--Angels sold for around $100million, I'm not sure of the actual amount Celbration brought in. Plus you have Disney Stores and the Mighty Ducks up for sale.


New Member
I just want to say that I have a lot of respect for MartyMouse. He has managed to say his feelings regarding support for Eisner in a very mature way. Unlike so many discussions on this board, this thread has not turned into a all out bashing for or against Eisner. :D

Personally, I think that Eisner is responsible for doing incredible things for the company. Without him, WDW wouldn't be nearly where it is today. Plus, we can't discount his recent successes. Disney's live action film department lately has been top notch. The future doesn't look all that bleak either--Everest, anyone?

However, lately I have been discouraged with quality throughout the Disney company. Theme Park attractions such as Dino-Rama make me sick to my stomach. Ride Clones are becoming ever more prevalent. Also, the lack of Disney Animated Musicals is very frusturating! Where is the heart and emotion?

I think we need to take into account the fact that Disney Theme Parks were hit hard by the economic depression. Money doesn't come from trees...However, this does not give Eisner the right to lay off Florida Animation and countless cast members.

Pesonally, I'm a little concerned about Roy's rhetoric. He bashes Eisner so fervently, yet he doesn't offer any viable solutions. Until, Roy stops complaining and starts offering realistic solutions, it is hard for me to give my entire support for his cause.

I hope that in the future we are able to truly SAVE DISNEY!


New Member
Originally posted by imagineer boy
Also, the recent films are good, but all Eisner did was give them the green light. He didn't even bother with the story of the budget or anything.

No CEO, would ever have direct involvement in the story of movies, theme park attractions, or TV Shows. Granted he may approve them, but he is not responsible for the creative aspects behind them.


New Member
Roy is a paper lion but unfortunately it won't be until after the vote that people who support him start to question his approaches.

There are few companies that have as many things to praise/complain about, as does the Walt Disney Company.

Now do i enjoy knowing that Eisner has made hundreds of millions in stock options in the past decade? No, who would other than Michael Eisner himself? But let's remember that this is a compensation package not developed by Eisner so to "hate" him for that reason is at best naive or at worst advantageous vis-a-vis those who are naive. If you want to play the "hate" game on this issue you need to first play the "blame" game and blame the correct source of this outcome, not the one receiving the package, but those who handed it to them. If you don't approve of Eisner, great, but it should be for managerial reasons and not what his paycheck is.

As far as the quality of CM's in the parks these days. This has FAR more to do with outside forces(the economy) than internal forces. If there aren't quality people applying for jobs at Disney, then there aren't. People on these boards talk about how it "used to be" and i agree to an extent. But if you hire a peabrain at the starting wage and they're a dud of a cast member, giving them a $5/hour raise is only going to give them more money to spend at Walmart, and isn't going to make a guest's interaction with them any more palatable. They'll still be a dud and have no interest in who/where they work other than collecting the check. But this is the way it is everywhere! Just visit any of the major hotel chains(not Motel 6, think Marriott/Hilton and above) or retailers(Macy's, Nordstroms et al) and you'll find its the same story everywhere. People who can't answer the same questions you had answered years ago.

Is Eisner perfect? Nope.
Was his predecessor? Nope.
Will his successor be? Nope.
Can everything be blamed on a CEO? Nope.


New Member
Originally posted by lebernadin
Roy is a paper lion but unfortunately it won't be until after the vote that people who support him start to question his approaches.

There are few companies that have as many things to praise/complain about, as does the Walt Disney Company.

Now do i enjoy knowing that Eisner has made hundreds of millions in stock options in the past decade? No, who would other than Michael Eisner himself? But let's remember that this is a compensation package not developed by Eisner so to "hate" him for that reason is at best naive or at worst advantageous vis-a-vis those who are naive. If you want to play the "hate" game on this issue you need to first play the "blame" game and blame the correct source of this outcome, not the one receiving the package, but those who handed it to them. If you don't approve of Eisner, great, but it should be for managerial reasons and not what his paycheck is.

As far as the quality of CM's in the parks these days. This has FAR more to do with outside forces(the economy) than internal forces. If there aren't quality people applying for jobs at Disney, then there aren't. People on these boards talk about how it "used to be" and i agree to an extent. But if you hire a peabrain at the starting wage and they're a dud of a cast member, giving them a $5/hour raise is only going to give them more money to spend at Walmart, and isn't going to make a guest's interaction with them any more palatable. They'll still be a dud and have no interest in who/where they work other than collecting the check. But this is the way it is everywhere! Just visit any of the major hotel chains(not Motel 6, think Marriott/Hilton and above) or retailers(Macy's, Nordstroms et al) and you'll find its the same story everywhere. People who can't answer the same questions you had answered years ago.

Is Eisner perfect? Nope.
Was his predecessor? Nope.
Will his successor be? Nope.
Can everything be blamed on a CEO? Nope.

Very well put! :)


New Member
I feel the reason I DISLIKE Eisner so much is because he stands for what is so wrong right now with the large corporations!

He wants CM's to work funky hours, with the public(and lets face it,love or hate your job, VERY HARD) in less than favorable work conditions, for below poverty wage... And hey make sure you SMILE to our guests! Eisner is from the same mold as the ENRON & MCI Corporate structure. Who cares about the little people as long as our bottom line is good. MCI and ENRON fortunately did not affect me, but I can feel for the people who lost there retirement because of these upper corporate people. I am not saying Eisner is stealing outright from Disney, but cringe at the thought of him getting a bonus, for what??

I would have respect for him saying," Hey we did not live up to expetations this year, so I will not accept the bonus." I don't think he would bounce a check. Does anyone deserve to make his salary? While his employees are barely getting by. If free passes to the park weren't a perk, most CM's could not afford to go to the parks! I feel that most people used to take a job for Disney because it was Disney! The Magic was there! They weren't ever going to get rich but there was a future to move up for those who wanted to do so. Now under his leadership, it's just another job.

How about the family who lost a loved one on Big Thunder because of his cost cutting of maintenance. Please don't say that is below a CEO's job description. We all know he is one of the biggest Micro- Managers there is. He has let the parks go down hill. The crowds have thinned because of nothing MAGICAL lately!
You know they are hurting when you see a T.V. commercial every hour. Why not spend that money on hiring a few maintenace people or fix the problems on the rides, or heck just buy some paint! Word of mouth built Disney and can tear it down, like it has today!

Yes, Roy is being a little vague while standing on his soap box for attention, but I feel he is still the lesser of two evils! I also feel if he does have anything to do with Eisner departing Disney, he will not be alone when he moves back in :)

But then again what do I know??

I do know what DISNEY used to be and what it stood for, it's not that anymore, and I want it back!!


New Member
Please read this!

Please go to and read this article:

This sums it all up! It is part one of a 3 part series this week.

The Meek Shall Inherit the Happiest Place on Earth

Mr. Disney needs to hire this guy March 4th:D

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