On the future of theaters… I’m a pessimist. I think they will go the way of malls. Existent, but few and far between. I think people’s general desire to be out and about has decreased since the advent of personal technology and then Covid. And I know that as a mom of a toddler who dreams of a date night without paying a sitter $20 an hour (which basically means no date night in my area), what would motivate me to actually get out of the house are charming restaurants with string lights and unique cocktails and guacamole, or unique local events, or (dares to dream) art exhibits like Van Gogh immersive. Watching a screen when I could stare at a screen in my own house? Probably wouldn’t muster the effort of cleaning 18 layers of toys pre-sitter for that one. I imagine many people feel similarly - even without young children, it takes more enticement to get people out of their homes these days.
If history is any guide, eventually some Next Big Thing comes along that is so expensive it’s not available at a personal, individual level, and so must be experienced communally. So I think theaters will be resurrected eventually when that comes around - maybe in the form of extreme virtual reality or something like that. But until then, I see them going the way of the opera or symphony. Present, but increasingly niche.