There's a great insight on this from none other than Anthony Mackie.These things predate the pandemic, which was a huge hit to already-struggling theaters. Sure, lots and lots of people came out for Top Gun, Minions, Spider-Man, etc. but these are vestiges of the glory days, not an indicator of some return to the glory days.
Any kind of successful box office movie that exists outside of the intellectual property umbrella have legacy actors or directors attached to them. There is no next Julia Roberts, Tom Cruise, Nic Cage, Helen Mirren, etc. As importantly, I don't think there's a next Spielberg, Scorcese, Cameron, or Nolan -- a director tens of millions of Americans go see because of the name behind the camera.
At the very least, they roll have to work their way up through D2C or very low budget and independent efforts to become a brand strong enough.
There's time in the present for Searchlight movies to make money for Disney at the box office now, but that may not last forever.