I was a lighting designer in my previous career. I understand their pros and cons. They can be very dominating over the surface colour. I find their use generally overbearing in brightness and oversaturated in color, boring in their wash and lack of shadows, and very hard on the eyes.
Part of the reason for this is in their application. Disney loves to use them as floodlights and/or use them as if they're painting a surface. The trees at TBA are practically glowing blue and purple like Avatar. It's super unnatural.
The result, at least in outdoor applications, is you end up with the attractions I replied to which all look the same to me. Blasted with purple and blue glowing light. Maybe I'm alone but I think Disney takes away from the magic of the "place" often purely due to their use (or mis-use of LEDs).
Maybe part of my disdain is just the colors they use. lol. Not everything warrants color being blasted at it.
I'm not saying LED=bad. But I know poor lighting when I see it, as I'm sure you do too.