Baggage Tags for Magic Express?

Has anyone who is planning on using the new Magic Express service received the tags for luggage yet? I am leaving on May 17th and hope to get them soon so if I have a reservation problem I can fix it well before I leave.

I apologize if this has been asked before. I ran a search and didn't find anything.


New Member
I leave on Monday and am supposed to use the magical express service on my return trip on the 6th. I still do not have the bag tags, and was told by my AAA agent that booked my trip, that they probably wont arrive before I leave as they are significantly behind on getting them out. I was advised that I can get them at my hotel during my visit for the return trip to the airport. I'm not holding my breath and since it's the return trip I'm dealing with, I'm not overly concerned and am planning on having to deal with my bags no matter what.
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From what i've seen - DME is hitting a few bumps in the road, but they seem to be clerical errors rather than operational errors. More along the lines of printing/mailing problems for the tags than the physical activity of picking up the luggage.

I really hope it goes well, it's a nice service for people I hope they enjoy it rather than worry.
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alanindy said:
I leave on Monday and am supposed to use the magical express service on my return trip on the 6th. I still do not have the bag tags, and was told by my AAA agent that booked my trip, that they probably wont arrive before I leave as they are significantly behind on getting them out. I was advised that I can get them at my hotel during my visit for the return trip to the airport. I'm not holding my breath and since it's the return trip I'm dealing with, I'm not overly concerned and am planning on having to deal with my bags no matter what.

Things are a bit different for departure - are you using "Magical Express" or "Pre-check-in" ??

Magical Express can bring anyone to the airport - you check your own bags once arriving at the airport. It needs to be scheduled atleast 10 days out (some trips are longer than 10 days, so I assume not having tags before arrival at WDW is not a problem)

The pre-check of luggage is offered for certain airlines only and is done right at the resort before you depart. They handle your luggage for departure and give you boarding passes.

Then, everyone rides the same bus to the airport, which is physically the "Magical Express."
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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
I for one can tell you that this is causing havoc for the Travel agents who have to recieve the ME info for their clients and then ship it out to them. We are not getting the docs and our hands are tied.... We have angry clients who want answers.

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Aww, Pam, I know it must be rough *hugs for you*

Just try to remind them that the lack of a luggage-tag doesn't mean their vacation is not going to happen.
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New Member
I can't even imagine what you as a travel agent is goign through. Is Disney getting any feedback on this, I can't imagine that all these errors are sitting well with them.
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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
Thanks :)
They are pretty much keeping us in the dark on this. It's very frustrating when you have 10 parties traveling the first week of May and you only recieve 1 Fed Ex pkg with the ME in it for 1 party.

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Well-Known Member
Pam, perhaps all the folks from Kingdom Konsultants, Mouseketrips, Magical Journeys, etc need to get together and make angry phone calls to Disney about this. It can't be easy to be a travel agent :(
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New Member
I'm curious. Does Disney always send the tags to the travel agent (if booked through one) or to the customer? I'm just wondering cause when my CAA travel agent booked this for me she didn't know what would happen. She said it would likely go out to me but didn't really seem to know what was going on. I guess if they don't arrive I will just have to check with her.
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Well-Known Member
DON'T PANIC! Go see The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy instead!

Let me try to relieve everyone’s concerns about DME and the bag tags…

First, the bag tags are used only for your arrival to the Orlando International Airport. The bag tags will have your resort information so when we claim your bags we can deliver your luggage to your resort separately by truck, and not on the motor coach that the guest will travel in.

When you arrive at the Airport terminal, just passed security you will be greeted by a Disney Cast Member wearing a blue blazer and MICKEY GLOVES. They will direct you to the Disney Welcome Center located on level 1 air side A where you sign in and turn in your luggage claim tickets you received from the airline.

Since everyone will travel with their luggage on the way back to the airport after your Disney vacation, no luggage tags are needed. If you are arriving before May 5th, or otherwise are scheduled on the Magical Express for a return only, you will not receive any luggage tags.

Due to the printing error and delay, if your bag tags do not arrive in time to mark you luggage before you depart, DISNEY representatives will use your claim tickets to pull your luggage and transport it to your resort. In this case the luggage will travel on your motor coach to ensure proper delivery to your room.

For any guest traveling on or after May 17th, all printing delays HAVE been corrected and your luggage tags will be sent out approximately 15 day prior to your arrival by regular mail. Disney is now expecting them to arrive to the guest about 5 – 10 days in advance of you trip.

If you book through a Travel Agent your DME bag tags go to the travel agency, not the guest. The Travel Agent will then redirect them to you. The bag tags for Travel Agencies will be printed earlier and sent out 21 days in advance to arrival at the agency about 15 days prior to arrival. These guests should expect them at their home again about 5-10 days in advance of your trip.

I hope this helps! :sohappy:
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Well-Known Member
:wave: :wave: :wave:

For those worried about the entire system or if test runs are being done, I have found out recently that yes many test have been and are being done to ensure a smooth start on May 5th. The Disney Cruise Line has tested the luggage claim system for 2 years. The Motor coaches have been doing test runs to and from Orlando International Airport and Walt Disney World. As a result of these test, the travel time from the time you land to the time you are in the lobby of your resort is now expected to be 90 minutes during peak times. The return from your resort to the Airport is still expected to be 45 minutes. The printing problems have been corrected and a solution to the current mailing delay has been put in place.

I really hope this puts everyone at ease…
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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
Disney has had numerous calls from angry travel agents I am sure of.

When you book through a TA, all of your docs will go to the TA and then the TA will send them to you. The TA will/should check your docs to make sure that everything is in order. Unfortunately, with Disney I have had occasions where they do not send a room only doc or they do not send/fax an updated doc when changes are made to either a room only or a pkg. Room only confirmations are mailed while pkgs are faxed to the TA. All confirmations in my opinion should be faxed.

I hope they get it together soon so that the agents can send everything to their clients in one shot instead of separately like we are experiencing with the ME docs. (If and when they show up)

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DME "goes live" May 2nd, first for Media event guests, May 5th for all inbound and then May 6th for outbound.

Resort Airline Check-in is currently active for guests at all resorts except Fort Wilderness Resort & Campground, Caribbean Beach, and Old Key West which start using it May 2nd.
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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
Thank you for the info JP. I do have clients who are traveling next week and I have not recieved their ME info yet. At this point, I do not think they will get them in time.


p.s I will be at the press event next week
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Well-Known Member
Well I thank you all for the helpful info. it is greatly appreciated. However I am not sure if this will be the benefit many of us had thought it would be. I personally would much rather pay $80 for a town car service and get it done in 45 minutes rather than 90 minutes as was mentioned in a previous post. That of course is just my opinion. I am sure I can make a better judgement after I have experienced this service first hand, most likely without the proper baggage tags. I'll post my experience upon return.
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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
Have a good trip Dwarful!

Personally I always use QuickSilver and still have many clients who prefer a towncar. I can't wait to see how this all works out with ME. I hope that this all straightens out and everyone gets where they need to go smoothly.

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New Member
Pam, how great that you get to be there!

*******begin third degree***********

Where are you staying? What do they have planned for you? Who are you going with? Let us in on all the juicy stuff
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Well-Known Member
JPVonDrake said:
Due to the printing error and delay, if your bag tags do not arrive in time to mark you luggage before you depart, DISNEY representatives will use your claim tickets to pull your luggage and transport it to your resort. In this case the luggage will travel on your motor coach to ensure proper delivery to your room.

This is the part I don't understand. I've never gotten a "claim ticket" for my baggage. I walk up to the counter, get my boarding pass, and that's it. When I get to my destination, I pick up my baggage on the carousel and don't need a "claim ticket". I honestly have never heard of such a thing.

I'm very leery about this. If I don't get the tickets, I'm just going to go get my bags myself as normal. I am only bringing one checked bag, and this all just seems so much more hassle than it is worth to save me walking to get my bag. I'll hold in in my lap for the bus ride if I have to I guess.

Thanks for keeping us updated, JP!

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Well-Known Member
Actually AEfx every airline gives you a claim check. it is usually a 1 1/2 inch square item that they paste on your ticket jacket!!! You probably just never noticed it!!! I have also dont the same as you, but in NY sometimes they will go through the trouble of checking to make sure that you got the right bag by matching the claim tags to the luggage tag!!! That is how I figured out what it was!!! Belle
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Well-Known Member
wannabeBelle said:
Actually AEfx every airline gives you a claim check. it is usually a 1 1/2 inch square item that they paste on your ticket jacket!!! You probably just never noticed it!!! I have also dont the same as you, but in NY sometimes they will go through the trouble of checking to make sure that you got the right bag by matching the claim tags to the luggage tag!!! That is how I figured out what it was!!! Belle

Well I guess I'll wait and see, but I save every tiny bit of paper from every trip and I can't find one. I fly on a ticketless airline - I bring a piece of paper I print from the website, they scan the barcode, check my ID, and hand me a boarding pass.

When I get on the plane they rip the boarding pass and I keep the stub. I'm assuming this is what people are refering to as a claim check.

That said, I've never been asked for one and wouldn't have known what it was if they asked - I usually travel without checking luggage just about every where else I go except for WDW, so I guess I've just never encountered it.

Learn something new every day, LOL. ;)

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