Backstage Area Pics

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head mouse

I love this thread. :lol:

A bunch of grownups trying to hide the existence of some boring warehouses on one side, pitted against another bunch of grownups falling over themselves to see said boring warehouses. If there's ever been a more mutually pointless argument in recorded history, I have yet to find it.

Keep it up, though, folks. I'm loving every bit of it. :ROFLOL:

If it's so pointless to you, then why are you here reading it?


New Member
i was not trying to fight about anything other then the fact that disney actully has signs posted back stage saying no pics to be taken, you are also told that before they bring you down stairs in the keys tour, all cast members like me have pics of back stage areas on there camra phones or what not. i know alot of ad/lib cast that have back stage pics of poc its not that big of a deal except for the fact that you are asked not to take them and if you do you need to keep them to youre self because if you are caught as a cast member you will be fired and they will sue you. it has happen a few times. disney usally dose not sue but there has been a time or two they have over dumb things. and as a guest if you are caught back stage taking pics and not on keys tour then you are trustpassing and orange country will take you out with a new shiny pair of cuffs. on top of that its not a POWER trip or a NURD WITH POWER thing its just the rules pure and simple. just like the speed limit on world drive it says 50 you do more, the cop thats sitting in the bushes will actully pull you over. just another small rule people are breaking way to often and thats the answer disney has applied to that. now for you people that likes to go and correct peoples spelling and gramer have fun with this one!:wave:

head mouse

^^ No they will NOT sue you. I doubt Disney is going to spend money on courts and stuff over a few pics. As it has been said a few times in this thread. They will escort you off the property, and if your a CM you will be fired. They can NOT take your camera or film, and they will NOT sue you. Disney has better thing to sue people over, like kids kicking characters and stuff. (thats a joke BTW since I am sure someone will comment on it.)


New Member
I have them too...and am also not going to post or share them....I agree with unkadog and photodave on this....


New Member
just like the speed limit on world drive it says 50 you do more, the cop thats sitting in the bushes will actully pull you over. just another small rule people are breaking way to often and thats the answer disney has applied to that.

A speed trap is the "answer Disney has applied"? :veryconfu


Well-Known Member
People...Who really cares what backstage looks like, it's nothing fabulous, become a CM and within a week you will hate it because it reminds you how much you hate going to work.


I have worked as a seasonal CM for the past two summers, and loved it. I'm sorry YOU don't - why on earth do you work there, then?

head mouse

People...Who really cares what backstage looks like, it's nothing fabulous, become a CM and within a week you will hate it because it reminds you how much you hate going to work.

head mouse said:
I really HATE the way CM's on here will sit there and say "Back stage is nothing special. it's really drab..."

It may be to you. You work there and see it every day. but to the average person that has never seen it. it's neat, cool, amazing, wonderful. Like ciscobee said, it help guest appreciate everything that goes on back there.

Lets solve this once and for all...

I posted this once. I'll post it again.

See ALL the backstage you want HERE


Active Member
Clearly some people aren't seeing eye-to-eye here.:lookaroun

1. Cast Members, Former Cast Members, or others with similar thoughts:
There's a natural curiosity to see what's behind the curtain. I will admit, I would very much like to see backstage features, the ride and effect systems mainly, which in itself is not a grave felony. If someone wants to see, claiming that they do not (it would ruin the magic!) is a useless argument. Regardless of the legality of behind-the-scenes photos, curiosity is not a crime. Additionally, stating that you do possess said photos is easily [mis]interpreted as a show of arrogance, or an air of moral superiority (which itself is groundless, as taking said pictures is, according to posts in this thread, a crime!).

2. Non-Cast Members, Magic-Ruiners, Curious Ones, et all:
The truth is, many backstage areas simply aren't that interesting. Sheds, parking lots, and roads (oh my!), all of which you could see out back of your local shopping mall. There's a reason that these sights are not meant to be viewed by guests, they detract from the experience. Management and Cast Members work hard to eliminate these shows of reality in the interest of providing a pure environment for the guest. Perhaps it's best that way.

head mouse

Clearly some people aren't seeing eye-to-eye here.:lookaroun

1. Cast Members, Former Cast Members, or others with similar thoughts:
There's a natural curiosity to see what's behind the curtain. I will admit, I would very much like to see backstage features, the ride and effect systems mainly, which in itself is not a grave felony. If someone wants to see, claiming that they do not (it would ruin the magic!) is a useless argument. Regardless of the legality of behind-the-scenes photos, curiosity is not a crime. Additionally, stating that you do possess said photos is easily [mis]interpreted as a show of arrogance, or an air of moral superiority (which itself is groundless, as taking said pictures is, according to posts in this thread, a crime!).

2. Non-Cast Members, Magic-Ruiners, Curious Ones, et all:
The truth is, many backstage areas simply aren't that interesting. Sheds, parking lots, and roads (oh my!), all of which you could see out back of your local shopping mall. There's a reason that these sights are not meant to be viewed by guests, they detract from the experience. Management and Cast Members work hard to eliminate these shows of reality in the interest of providing a pure environment for the guest. Perhaps it's best that way.

It's true that it's not all that glamorous back stage, but like I said before, you have to remember that to people that don't see it every day, it amazing.

Another one of my special back stage moments was this:

My father was a painter at the Grand Floridian. He took me and some friends to the park one week day. He had to work so we got there at like 7:00am. He had to go clock in so he took us with him into the maintenance building. showed us his work station and stuff. He then took us over to Victoria & Albert's and took us to the kitchen for a small breakfast (a donut and some juice).

It in no way ruined the magic of anything.

If Disney was so uptight about "keeping the magic alive" they wouldn't offer Keys to the Kingdom tour.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Now I know why I`ve avoided this thread upto now.....

To the OP - there are hundereds of backstage photos on the web. You just have to do some looking.


Active Member
I love this thread. :lol:

A bunch of grownups trying to hide the existence of some boring warehouses on one side, pitted against another bunch of grownups falling over themselves to see said boring warehouses. If there's ever been a more mutually pointless argument in recorded history, I have yet to find it.

Keep it up, though, folks. I'm loving every bit of it. :ROFLOL:

And finally, a third bunch of grownups trying to look cool by posting condescending comments.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
And finally, a third bunch of grownups trying to look cool by posting condescending comments.

Nah, looking cool hasn't been a priority since about grade 9. Just wanted to point out the rampant hilarity here and encourage its continuation. :wave:

I hope it's not locked! :eek:
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