BackPack or FannyPack?


New Member
Thanks! I just about ______'d my pants from laughter:lol:


I'm going to have to on the packs. I as well used one when I was younger, but now use a good backpack with a chest strap. We carry the and equipent (lens, tripod and such), rain gear, light sheetshirt, and anything else we might need for the day. We tend to get a locker and put our larger stuff there, and only carry the small stuff with us around the park.
for me when we go in March I'll be taking a backpack because I have a 5 year old and a 1 year old. I'll need extra clothes for each kid, diapers for the youngest, basic meds (Tylenol, dramamine, etc), band aids, water, snacks, ponchos, camera, and I'm sure other stuff will get taken too that I can't think of right now. Thankfully I won't always have to carry it because we will also have the stroller that I can throw the bag under.

I should also mention that my family still uses fannypacks. My mom and dad both used theirs last year when they went and I think maybe even my aunt did too and I know my mom will be using hers again this coming vacation. lol :) (and it's black with neon green piping around it with a bright neon green and pink disney logo)


New Member

Ok, so being a child of the 80's I lived through the time when packs were all the rage. When that fad died I thought I'd never wear one again. However last year I went to Disney for 5 days. The first two I wore an over the shoulder bag . Although the size was better the strap rubbed my neck all day and wiped away the sun screen I'd put there. so at the end of the day it was chaffed and burnt. The thrid day I boutght a pack from the gift shop at all star music . That being siad I will never go to disney with out it again. It was fantastic. Everything ( money , room card, digital camera , small bottle of sunscrren, Sharpie Marker and Autograph book )fit in nicely. Several pockets made organization a snap and not having to worry about leaving a bag anywhere made my day virtually worry free. If your worried about looking uncool wear a longer shirt and cover it up but the tinkerbell one i bought was slim and pale in colour so it didn't look like the original 80's ones. They also sold a stylish Black one that I would highly recomend.

Have a great trip!



Well-Known Member
Have you looked into any Mountainsmith products? They make pseudo packs, they are called lumbar packs. They are bigger than a pack, much better looking, hold way more, etc. They are made for rock climbers and hikers to have lots of tools, food, chalk, etc. close at hand without too much bulk or throwing one's weight off too much, a big no no when rock climbing or doing any serious hiking. Just a thought, you may want to look into them. They are kind of expensive, but extremely good quality. They also make great camera bags. I have a backpack made by them. Pretty much all of there stuff is very high quality, with lifetime warranties, etc. Here's a look....


Mountainsmith makes my hiking pack as well. I am very happy with the quality of it.



Well-Known Member
As you can see, I am a pack lover and will continue to use them despite the snickers and stares.

And for what it's worth, I personally think that bulging cargo pockets are also a fashion statement in and of themselves.

I dont cram enough into them to make them bulge. Maybe I just carry less.



New Member
I'm also in the minority group that uses a purse. It has an adjustable strap so I can make it short or long, which is great when I want to sling it across the shoulder and on the hip, but it's also nice when it's short and I can forget about it. It's more important to remember to wear a shirt with sleeves though since anything with a strap will probably bother a bare shoulder.

And I have some cargo pants, but I've never found them in anything but super light material...great for warm months but if I put even just a phone in the pockets, they droop down and feel like a ton of bricks are inside :)


When our son was younger and needed more supplies, we used a backpack. It was a real pain to take on and off every time we sat down. Then I found a messenger bag on clearance for $10 and decided to give it a try. It held everything we needed and had room for plenty more. Didn't even need to trade off who carried it because it was comfortable.


New Member
I like to be prepared for anything so i carry a backpack w/ camera ,rain gear ,snacks etc. It also has a refillable bladder for water.


Active Member
What is this, junior high? If you honestly think that people will be staring at you and laughing at you if you happen to wear a pack at WDW, you need a reality check.

Trust me....most people are focused on themselves.

And if there is anyone over the age of 18 who would actually laugh outloud and make fun of someone because of the type of bag they are using at WDW, then (I'm really not trying to be rude here, just my honest opinion) they need to get a life. Seriously.:rolleyes: And if this offends you, then you might have a bit of growing up to do.

Bash away.:D


New Member
What is this, junior high? If you honestly think that people will be staring at you and laughing at you if you happen to wear a pack at WDW, you need a reality check.

Trust me....most people are focused on themselves.

And if there is anyone over the age of 18 who would actually laugh outloud and make fun of someone because of the type of bag they are using at WDW, then (I'm really not trying to be rude here, just my honest opinion) they need to get a life. Seriously.:rolleyes: And if this offends you, then you might have a bit of growing up to do.

Bash away.:D

What if you just don't like them? To me, they are uncomfortable. My feelings against them have very little to do with looks. Sure, crocs are ugly but I can see the benefit in them, so I don't care how they look. I fail to see the benefit in a pack and find them awkward, uncomfortable AND ugly.:wave:


Well-Known Member
My family is old enough that we don't need to carry much and everyone is responsible for their own stuff. Last time we all wore packs (I apologize for offending anyone) and it worked for us. Everyone had a place for their own phones, cameras, sunglasses, cards etc.
This time DH will rely on cargo pants and the girls and I are using "swing packs", cute and functional.:) 29 days and counting!! Let the packing begin!


New Member
My family is old enough that we don't need to carry much and everyone is responsible for their own stuff. Last time we all wore packs (I apologize for offending anyone) and it worked for us. Everyone had a place for their own phones, cameras, sunglasses, cards etc.
This time DH will rely on cargo pants and the girls and I are using "swing packs", cute and functional.:) 29 days and counting!! Let the packing begin!

I had to google "swing pack" because I had never heard that term. Ends up that is what I use too, just never knew it had that name! They are so versatile, my new one just came in the mail today. Very excited to use it!

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