In 38 years, or 30 something minutes of screen time, he flirted with one person.
There’s plenty of character yet to be explored.
It’s really not enough that anyone can claim Lando has been 100% established as being heterosexual. miss the entire point. Comprehension must not be your thing. Take a read:
"Sorry to have brought identity/gender politics into... NOPE. Not sorry AT ALL 'cause I think the GALAXY George gave birth to in '77 is big enough for EVERYONE: straight, gay, black, white, brown, Twi'lek, Sullustan, Wookiee, DROID & anything inbetween.
This is from Jon Kasdan's twitter. The co-writer of Solo.
So let's add this to: "The Force is Female" - "Girls can't identify with Luke Skywalker" - "I'm proud of dividing the fan base" and other quotes attributed to Kennedy, Rian Johnson, Jon Kasdan, Pablo Hidalgo, and the like.
You think this backlash is because we don't want different types of characters in the Star Wars universe. Let them bring in new characters that are "straight, gay, black, white, brown, Twi'lek, Sullustan, Wookiee, DROID & anything inbetween". Just don't change the existing ones to fit your narrative.
THE POINT IS - we don't want identity/gender politics and social agendas shoved down our the detriment of existing characters.........much like what Jon Kasdan says he is happy to do.
That's the issue.