There's a lot of blaming Kathleen Kennedy in the wake of Solo. This seems awfully speculative, as none of us really know to what degree the larger Disney corporation is influencing Star Wars.
J.J. Abrams said he had to pitch his Episode 9 script to Bob Iger, so the buck doesn't necessarily stop with her.
Just look at Rogue One. It started as a very different movie than a traditional Star Wars film, a grittier war film with less spectacle than the other films. Who dictated that the final act be reworked to include a big classic Star Wars space battle? If I had to guess, it was someone above Kennedy.
Then there's theories that there's a Star Wars boycott. I don't buy it. Boycotts are typically a lot of talk and minimal impact. As a pretty forgiving Star Wars fan who isn't seething with anger over the prequels and The Last Jedi, I wasn't interested in Solo. The marketing didn't click, and it was released in the wake of some very heavy and crowd pleasing competition.
Solo seems to be pretty well received by those who have seen it. Are people really so strategic as to pass on a movie they'd enjoy, thinking it will send a message to Disney that they were displeased by other film(s)? Does anyone think this would work?
As I said before, for everyone who disliked The Last Jedi there's someone who enjoyed it. I think just about every fan loves the original two films, but reaction to everything since has always been mixed. If George Lucas couldn't please everyone, why do people think there's some mystical figure who could replace Kennedy and deliver Star Wars movies that everyone loves?
Excellent post.
For everyone who disliked TLJ there are *four* people who enjoyed it. Except for the outlier RT user score all other user scores and polls show a 80% like.
Excellent point.
There a things you can pick on in every movie.
Most movies are awful these days. We are only motivated to go to the movies maybe once every month or two (and we really want to go!)
So many of them have stupid endings. So many are boring. Couldn’t sit through the second Pirates movie or Captain America. No interest in Transformers.
Seriously missing the Harry Potter series (FB was “meh.”) Enjoying the Jurassic reboot.
That said, people like what they like, and good for them.
I think people are upset at what happened to Luke. Good! You’re supposed to be! But that doesn’t mean the movie is bad. It affected you. It did it’s job. You don’t get to dictate the storyline.
First of all, we don’t know that Luke is actually dead - although Leia’s reaction in the moment seems to indicate he is, or at least is presenting himself as such.
Second, if he is, maybe he holograms back a little more than Yoda did, and is still part of the story and has a shot at redemption. Heck, there can be a revelation that he got it all wrong somehow. Anything can happen, it’s a movie. Once you’ve bought the premise, it’s pretty open ended.
I enjoy a good dissection of things from a “mainstream” perspective, but I do not enjoy the superfans. (And I’m an original from the 70’s.) They’ve gone overboard.
Prequels were blah. New ones are good. Nothing is as good as 4,5,6. Nothing in any genre.