Avengers Campus - Reactions / Reviews


Well-Known Member
Here's a stupid simple mock-up of what I mean:

View attachment 562456

Above is a blueprint for the Spider-Man attraction. Instead of having one track with back to back seating in one car, instead, have two tracks (pictured here in red and pink) with smaller cars designed to run alongside each other. Then, when these cars come to the crucial transition points, turn them AWAY from the immersion breaking thin area between computer screens (direction pictured in yellow), then spin them back the way they need to be to resume playing the game.

As it stands with the one track with spinning cars, some will get this intended view while others will end up with the short end of the stick. In order to make this new idea work fully, though, there would need to be a dispatch interval difference between the two tracks, otherwise during scene transitions, the back car would simply just have a view of the cars in front of them and not see much at all. It's a lil' bit more work and slightly trickier to design but I think the payoff would have been worth it, even if it's such a small thing to identify and complain about. Disney's always been about the little things.

An easier solution would be to just using the rotating feature. Once a screen segment is done, have the cars rotate to be looking down the hallway. The front facing will get a good view of the corner scene and turn down the next hall and turn towards the screen. The backwards facing will look down the hallway as they pull back and see the corner scene as they pulled through it. This would mean you would see other cars moving with you, but we loaded in groups, so its no surprise. Maybe you could also have elements drop from the ceiling in the hallways for movement portions. Plus, it would be a great callback to the black widows of TTBAB.


Well-Known Member
i think this is just the start (well i guess GotG was the start) of what will eventually be a major Marvel presence in CA. We already know about the major expansion pad behind the avengers HQ. I would also bet that they bring the marvel stuff to the backend/east side of hollywood land when they build the eastern gateway expansion.... probably turn sunset into more of a downtown/broadway city street with marvel character milling about.... im being optimistic


Well-Known Member
Wasn't there some art showing them flying?

After all, anything Stark makes can also fly.

Sorry.. I'm not sure what you might be referring too in regards to my statement about the ride vehicles. I understand that the queue for WEB Slingers takes place in a Stark Motor factory where he was working on flying cars. The SLING-R vehicles may be able to fly, too (though I can't confirm or know that).

My statement was basically me saying, hey, these vehicles spin right now (we see it in ride povs), so we should be spinning them outward, away from the end caps of the video screens, so we can avoid any illusion breaks entirely. However, that is not possible even with the spin currently because the cars are double loaded parties back to back. Which means someone will always be seeing something "the right way" and someone will always be seeing things "the wrong way". My suggestion would have been to break these cars "in half" and create two tracks. This way you keep the same ride capacity but you allow both set of cars on each track to spin at the proper time, meaning everyone gets the "correct" view.

Inspired Figment

Well-Known Member
Reiterating the same sentiment others have shared on this board. Not the best thing, but not the worst. Marvel definitely deserved more ambition.

I remember being against some early rumors (pre 2012?) of Marvel taking over Tomorrowland with a Stark Expo theme. Now I kinda wish that did come to fruition over this.

They also could have easily taken over Hollywoodland instead of Bugs Land too. Maybe switch out the emphasis of the Hollywood aspect and make it more general metropolis LA? It could have given weight to some American Waterfront vibes from TDS.

Definitely some missed opportunities, but it’s such a small space with relatively “simple” rides that can be overlaid if something larger scale comes into play for Marvel’s theme park presence in the far future. So not really too up in arms over it.
Marvel taking over the entirety of Tomorrowland IMO, is ‘not’ a good decision whatsoever.. and judging but the quality of said addition at DCA… Very grateful it didn’t end up permanently replacing an iconic section like Tomorrowland and instead replaced a not as nearly beloved or iconic IP themed section of DCA. Granted, there’s certainly debate whether Avenger’s Campus & WEB-Slingers are an improvement over It’s Tough to Be a Bug or its bug themed flat/carnival attractions.. but still..

Inspired Figment

Well-Known Member
Speaking of which.. something I wanted to mention that no one else seemed to have caught or noticed that I seemed to have picked up on (My spidey senses are tingling lol)
A number of folks have mentioned that this ride reminded them a lot of Journey Into YOUR Imagination or the later, ‘With Figment’ redo, with the Honey I Shrunk/Medfield College based ‘Imagination Institute’ setting.

You all remember.. that ride that basically portrays Figment & his ‘Friends’ (Look up the ‘Friends of Figment’ online group and read up on how that group had a hand in successfully “Bringing Figment Back” to see how that connects with all that..) as a constant nuisance who makes a mess of things before convincing the ‘Dean’Finder/Chairman of Imagineer- I mean “Dr. Nigel Channing” “if you can’t beat em, join em” and that “imagination is just turning your thinking upside down” ultimately concluding with “Imagination is a Blast” & the “Figment Chorus” blasting in our face (Mhm, “imagination is a blast” in more ways than one…)

Well… Notice… ‘WEB’…. Sounds a lot like ‘WED’ doesn’t it?? 😏😉
What’s the thing that us guests are recruited to battle that’s turned against it’s imaginee-I mean.. “WEB” Engineers destroying everything in it’s path with the threat of destroying all of Avenger’s Campus?? Oh yeah, the CONSUMER PRODUCTS creation, the Spider-Bots they sold/debuted before the ride opened?? 👀

Huh, you could almost say that the Guardians- er.. Imagineers behind this mess are on a mission to Breakout! from Chap- I mean.. “The Collector”’s prison… (ya know.. that guy that’s holding all the things Disney’s ‘acquired’ over the years in prison boxes.. like unique IP/classic parks characters; ‘FIGMENT’ 👀, the Matterhorn Yeti, CBJ Octopus and the like…)
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Inspired Figment

Well-Known Member
So.. while certainly we could blame the imagineers behind this thing designing the ride the way it is… it’s ultimately the guys in charge of Consumer Products ruining/severely limiting them & greenlighting these dreadful decisions. Once us guests keep complaining about these things and show them with our wallets we don’t want them, Chapek the IP Collector goes & it’ll probably start a chain reaction in “saving WEB, I mean.. WED from absolute destruction.
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Well-Known Member
just saw a video that shows the webslingers attachments do interact with the spiderbots, thats kinda cool. At least they do something....maybe they should make some kinda of hit detection vest/helmet you can wear and then make it like those old school laser tag sets from when i was a kid....


Well-Known Member
Speaking of which.. something I wanted to mention that no one else seemed to have caught or noticed that I seemed to have picked up on (My spidey senses are tingling lol)
A number of folks have mentioned that this ride reminded them a lot of Journey Into YOUR Imagination or the later, ‘With Figment’ redo, with the Honey I Shrunk/Medfield College based ‘Imagination Institute’ setting.

You all remember.. that ride that basically portrays Figment & his ‘Friends’ (Look up the ‘Friends of Figment’ online group and read up on how that group had a hand in successfully “Bringing Figment Back” to see how that connects with all that..) as a constant nuisance who makes a mess of things before convincing the ‘Dean’Finder/Chairman of Imagineer- I mean “Dr. Nigel Channing” that “if you can’t beat em, join em” and that “imagination is turning your thinking upside down” ultimately concluding with “Imagination is a Blast” & the “Figment Chorus” blasting in our face (Mhm, in more ways than one…)

Well… Notice… ‘WEB’…. Sounds a lot like ‘WED’ doesn’t it?? 😏😉
What’s the thing that us guests are recruited to battle that’s turned against it’s imaginee-I mean.. “WEB” Engineers destroying everything in it’s path with the threat of destroying all of Avenger’s Campus?? Oh yeah, the CONSUMER PRODUCTS creation, the Spider-Bots they sold/debuted before the ride opened?? 👀

Huh, you could almost say that the Guardians- er.. Imagineers behind this mess are on a mission to Breakout! from Chap- I mean.. “The Collector”’s prison… (ya know.. that guy that’s holding all the things Disney’s ‘acquired’ over the years in prison boxes.. like unique IP/classic parks characters; ‘FIGMENT’ 👀, the Matterhorn Yeti, CBJ Octopus and the like…)
I feel like I'm having a seizure trying to read this.


Well-Known Member
Marvel taking over the entirety of Tomorrowland IMO, is ‘not’ a good decision whatsoever.. and judging but the quality of said addition at DCA… Very grateful it didn’t end up permanently replacing an iconic section like Tomorrowland and instead replaced a not as nearly beloved or iconic IP themed section of DCA. Granted, there’s certainly debate whether Avenger’s Campus & WEB-Slingers are an improvement over It’s Tough to Be a Bug or its bug themed flat/carnival attractions.. but still..
AFAIK, original Marvel plans for TL didn’t really include a “full” takeover like the Star Wars one did. This was following the peak success of the DCA relaunch and CarsLand — so I think the end product would have genuinely been superior than what can currently be produced at WDI. It would only have been a Stark Expo themed Iron Man e-ticket replacing the subs and Innoventions area. Looking back now, I do think this would have been a successful outcome for Tomorrowland since it draws heavy inspiration from the World’s Fair aesthetic. We know it is inevitable that the land will become filled with more IP whenever a redo comes into play — just a matter of what would/would’ve worked best thematically.

Inspired Figment

Well-Known Member
AFAIK, original Marvel plans for TL didn’t really include a “full” takeover like the Star Wars one did. This was following the peak success of the DCA relaunch and CarsLand — so I think the end product would have genuinely been superior than what can currently be produced at WDI. It would only have been a Stark Expo themed Iron Man e-ticket replacing the subs and Innoventions area. Looking back now, I do think this would have been a successful outcome for Tomorrowland since it draws heavy inspiration from the World’s Fair aesthetic. We know it is inevitable that the land will become filled with more IP whenever a redo comes into play — just a matter of what would/would’ve worked best thematically.
In all honesty, they shouldn’t even have to be constantly hindered by strict film IP tie ins & cheap budgets, coming at the expense of their unique creations with high budgets.
That’s what ruined Tomorrowland in the first place. Doing that again really wouldn’t make too much of a difference I’m afraid…
What they need is a new set of management that truly respects unique, non-IP based things going in. I don’t expect the Chapek reign to last much longer tbh..
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Little Green Men

Well-Known Member
That’s why I keep saying imagineering peaked in the 60s. Yes the degree of difficulty is higher with some of the stuff they are attempting now (although you can argue the tech available now makes it a wash) but give me a better example of a full on beginning to end experience then POTC or Mansion. Newer attractions may have one or two moments that are more impressive than anything you can find in POTC or some incredible WOW moment but I can’t think of anything that is more impressive from start to
I would say the 90s with rides like Tower of Terror, Spaceship Earth, even lost rides like Horizons and Journey into imagination


Well-Known Member
So, to clarify... if I get a Spiderman Midway Mania boarding pass as of the 7am rush... and estimate I'll be riding the ride around 1pm or so... do I need to mobile order food for lunch at Pyms at 8am and set it for ~11:30a or so?

(times are obviously in a perfect world for me).

Inspired Figment

Well-Known Member
It would seem sometime around ‘96 is when things ‘really’ started to go sour within WDI progressively getting worse in ‘98-early 2000s (the obvious exceptions being the creation of Indiana Jones’ Adventure, Countdown to Extinction, and the rest of Animal Kingdom)
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Well-Known Member
I might add Kilimanjaro safari as well

Kiliminjaro Safari is amazing, but it's better now than when it opened. The poaching storyline, while admirable in intent, actually detracted from the ride. It turned the live animals into set dressing for the storyline.

Regardless, I don't think it's comparable to any other Disney attraction because it's just a completely different thing.

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