Avengers Campus - Reactions / Reviews


Well-Known Member
If it's being made it isnt in construction at all.

It doesn't mean its not happening though. They never announced when it was going to open. It was probably years away before they even announced it. The only point being made is they do have major plans for the area. Just because its not there on day one doesn't mean they are trying to cheap out on it. As usual the company is thinking more long term than the fans are.

But yes it could be cancelled, I'm only saying is no one knows that. People are just speculating. But yes even if it isn't, it could be delayed a lot longer now.


Well-Known Member
Well, Phase 1 was supposed to open last year, but the pandemic pushed it out a year, so I'm not sure why they would start Phase 2 construction when Phase 1 hasn't even opened yet. Disney only focused on construction over the past year for things that were already started or budgeted before the pandemic hit. A lack of mention doesn't not necessarily mean they aren't commited. It will probably take a year or two of recouping money before allocating budget for Phase 2.

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Two things in this picture stand out to me. In the green circle they cleared out the asphalt for future foundation placement at the location the entrance to the Quinjet ride would be. In red circle they commited to placing the new office space in a location that is not only away from the area where they would build the Quinjet show building, but also in a place that blocks the future view of the new show building from the Luigi area. Sure, the decision for the office location could have been finalized at a time when Phase 2 was still very much up in the air (even if it may not be now), but the green circle area was created much more recently. If there is something that was meant to go there that isn't part of Phase 2, why not built it during Phase 1 contruction with everything else?

We do have two conflicting pieces of concept are that show two different things going there:

View attachment 559695

View attachment 559696

Anyway, I'm not saying Phase 2 is happening for sure, but I don't think it's dead yet either. Time will tell.

It doesn't mean its not happening though. They never announced when it was going to open. It was probably years away before they even announced it. The only point being made is they do have major plans for the area. Just because its not there on day one doesn't mean they are trying to cheap out on it. As usual the company is thinking more long term than the fans are.

But yes it could be cancelled, I'm only saying is no one knows that. People are just speculating. But yes even if it isn't, it could be delayed a lot longer now.
My whole thing is that we really don't know if it will happen. When Disney cancels projects they don't actually announce their cancellation, they just abandon it.

At least with Star Wars we had Rise construction ongoing when the land opened. In this case I could totally see it turning into a Magic Kingdom Theater type scenario, where it just never gets brought up again.

Even though land may be cleared, like they did for the potential Star Wars restaurant, it does not mean the ride will ever be built.

We really do not know. The fact it has been two years since the ride was announced and no construction has started is worrying.


Well-Known Member
My whole thing is that we really don't know if it will happen. When Disney cancels projects they don't actually announce their cancellation, they just abandon it.

At least with Star Wars we had Rise construction ongoing when the land opened. In this case I could totally see it turning into a Magic Kingdom Theater type scenario, where it just never gets brought up again.

Even though land may be cleared, like they did for the potential Star Wars restaurant, it does not mean the ride will ever be built.

We really do not know.

But the irony is you're the one assuming its not happening simply because there is no construction. They never gave an opening date for it even before the shut down. Yes it may not happen now, but it's weird to assume its not based on that. They never said when phase 2 was suppose to happen.

And even if its not happening, its NOT because they are trying to cheap out on the land. Things have changed in a dramatic way given the last year and the money they lost being shut down for so long (and it will probably be years before they get back to revenue they had pre-shut down), so it would be understandable if they cancelled it or decided to go a cheaper direction. But this is a BRAND NEW LAND, clearly it's going to be added to in the years ahead one way or another. I just think its unfair to call it 'cheap' when they literally announced its opening with a huge E-ticket, it just wasn't going to be there on day one. But they could've just announced WEB slingers and called it a day if they really wanted to be as cheap as possible, right?

When CL opened, Disney was trying to desperately change the park's image and it needed something big to convince people DCA was going to be a quality park with big original rides and lands DL was known for after the disappointing opening of the park. It's very different today.

Now all that said, if you feel what is currently there is not up to par, OK, you have every right to feel that way. For me, I keep the same argument I've always had and that it's 100 times better than what was there before which WAS a cheap addition in every way. They themed it a little nicer but nothing about ABL was remotely innovative or felt like a real land or anything to do for anyone over ten years old. It was a cheap quick fix with kiddie rides and bathrooms. They couldn't even be bothered to add a small gift shop. I don't even remember if there was a vendor cart for ice cream or churros. And the funny thing is there are still people who want that back lol. I think AC will be in great shape at opening and hopefully will keep to phase 2.
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Well-Known Member
Avengers Assemble is a terrible name for a place. Its a call to action, not a noun. That's like renaming Big Thunder "Hang onto your has and glasses."
I am SO only calling Big Thunder that now.
Nope, this is the Woke era when politics drives the plot lines instead of good storytelling. Be glad Black Panther was made with Chadwick Boseman. He will be replaced with his character’s sister.
That's what upsets me the most these days... we've lost many a good story and ideas because creators are more focused on politics than good stories. Best recent example is Doctor Who... I feel terrible for Jodie Whittaker because she is a fantastic Doctor but has been forced into these absolutely idiotic polictically driven storylines. Also the music has been an absolute abonimation brought on by a hire due to skin color.

Personally I'm interested to see her become blank panther if that's the way ... she's pretty good and I think that she has more personality than Chadwick Boseman (he was always the blandest part of his character).

Two things in this picture stand out to me. In the green circle they cleared out the asphalt for future foundation placement at the location the entrance to the Quinjet ride would be. In red circle they commited to placing the new office space in a location that is not only away from the area where they would build the Quinjet show building, but also in a place that blocks the future view of the new show building from the Luigi area. Sure, the decision for the office location could have been finalized at a time when Phase 2 was still very much up in the air (even if it may not be now), but the green circle area was created much more recently. If there is something that was meant to go there that isn't part of Phase 2, why not built it during Phase 1 contruction with everything else?
I hadn't considered that they built that office building with blocking the Avengers ride in mind. Seems like there is still a gap in sight lines between your two circles, but certainly something that could be taken care of during future construction. Judging by your differing photos, I wonder if the entire pad back there is reserved for Avengers or is they still can carve another piece of land for something else (accessed from Carsland (the once proposed drive in theatre) etc...)

Concerning the rest of the conversation on here... I see it as a reflection of how stupid Imagineering was with Star Wars Land... seemingly taking some sort of hyperimmersive approach to the land and explaining every single aspect of it to fit within reality. Now with AC, they seem to have gone back to a bit more normal approach... not be so immersive, and people are trying to explain all the little details and existence of trashcans within the park etc. simply because Disney itself was doing that with SWL.
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Well-Known Member
How often does Disney announce that a project is cancelled?

They don’t think long term at all. That’s why there can be such wild swings in priorities.

I'm only saying why do people assume something is cancelled just because they haven't starting building it yet???

I'm going to say it for the third time, the Avengers ride was NEVER given a date of any kind, so it's just an odd assumption to me. Maybe the plan was to have it open by 2023. Or maybe its 2027, so would they have to start building anything this soon if it was already many years away?? This is purely speculation but my guess is they just wanted to get the land itself open ASAP to give people a reason to go to DCA after GE opening and obviously to capitalize on the brand of course. But they didn't want to wait to open it with a big E ticket because that would've probably pushed it out a few additional years. GE probably could've opened a few years earlier if they weren't trying to open it with ROTR.

They clearly have long term plans all the time, hence the Disney Forward project. But yes things can always change, get canceled, etc when they just see where the wind is blowing and suddenly change course. Every (good) company does that. I know people here want to question every thing they do, but you don't stay this big, profitable or popular if they didn't change when they feel they have to. That's how you stay on top.
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Well-Known Member
I'm only saying why do people assume something is cancelled just because they haven't starting building it yet???

I'm going to say it for the third time, the Avengers ride was NEVER given a date of any kind, so it's just an odd assumption to me. Maybe the plan was to have it open by 2023. Or maybe its 2027, so would they have to start building anything this soon??

They clearly have long term plans all the time, hence the Disney Forward project. But yes things can always change, get canceled, etc when they just see where the wind is blowing and suddenly change course. Every company does that. I know people here want to question every thing they do, but you don't stay this big, profitable or popular if they didn't change when they feel they have to. That's how you stay on top.
Phase 2 projects have a long history of not happening. We’re still waiting for Phase 2 of the park’s big redo that would include things like the Hyperion Theater facade and Dine-In Theater. For a project to be approved it’s going to be at least into schematic design. There is this weird belief that theme park attractions are simultaneously in active development for even longer than they are and that they are sort of designed in the field. Most projects are about five years total with Blue Sky, Concept Design and Feasibility typically taking up at least that first year.

Disneyland Forward is exactly because they do not have long term plans. They want the freedom to do whatever they want, not be locked into a plan.


Well-Known Member
Phase 2 projects have a long history of not happening. We’re still waiting for Phase 2 of the park’s big redo that would include things like the Hyperion Theater facade and Dine-In Theater. For a project to be approved it’s going to be at least into schematic design. There is this weird belief that theme park attractions are simultaneously in active development for even longer than they are and that they are sort of designed in the field. Most projects are about five years total with Blue Sky, Concept Design and Feasibility typically taking up at least that first year.

Disneyland Forward is exactly because they do not have long term plans. They want the freedom to do whatever they want, not be locked into a plan.

Dude I know that. But what basis do you have this was cancelled outside of the fact that they haven't started building a ride no one ever gave a date it will open yet? That's all I'm saying. '

YES, it could be cancelled, I have stated that as well. But what gets annoying about message board is when people use their assumptions as fact based on little to no evidence. There has been nothing suggested one way or the other, that's all. No one here works for the company or have inside information. It's just armchair guesses, that's all.

We're just splitting hairs over the long term business. They have plans, but yes they also have to work with multiple stakeholders to make those plans happen like with Disney Forward, in this case the city of Anaheim itself. So they have to keep things in a wide berth as possible. It's why it took SDL so long to get made although they wanted to build a park in China in the early 2000s. But yeah, they don't have complete control of everything and can't just snap their fingers and it will happen. But they are always thinking years if not decades down the road. But we clearly have a different definition of it so it's no point of arguing it.


Well-Known Member
Take with grain of salt. But friends who work I the area have been hearing that where the jet is would actually be the exit (there is a gift shop there) and the actual entrance would be on the other side of guardians. Think of a loooong queue like Indy to get around the building.

That's an interesting thought, but (at least as things stand now) it seems unlikely to me.


(Pardon my crude sketching.)

I think they're going to want to keep easy access to all that equipment for the Tower (outlined in red). A queue would presumably cut that off (unless they went underground, etc.)

While the structures outlined in blue were never meant to be monuments to permanent architecture, they're also not tents. I don't see them being demolished in the next ten years, which would mean somehow avoiding them, while retaining necessary access.

Disney loves their backstage perimeter access roads (green lines at minimum). The queue would have to squeeze through there while keeping the road.

While it's not impossible, I don't see them going through the trouble and expense if it's likely unnecessary. It'll be fun to see what they end up doing.
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Well-Known Member
Once they break ground that will be confirmation that the corner with the 7-11 will never be acquired for park expansion. I never thought it would, but there was always a teeny bit of hope.


But don't forget Hiya, Pal is getting a new ride: We're On a Train, making that mini-land as well themed as Step on the Gas.
Now if we can just convince the Tolkien Estate to grant the rights for LOTR someday, maybe Disney or Universal could finally, after all these years, get a YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!! land the fans have always wanted.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
That's an interesting thought, but (at least as things stand now) it seems unlikely to me.

View attachment 559727

(Pardon my crude sketching.)

I think they're going to want to keep easy access to all that equipment for the Tower (outlined in red). A queue would presumably cut that off (unless they went underground, etc.

While the structures outlined in blue were never meant to be monuments to permanent architecture, they're also not tents. I don't see them being demolished in the next ten years, which would mean somehow avoiding them, while retaining necessary access.

Disney loves their backstage perimeter access roads (green lines at minimum). The queue would have to squeeze through there while keeping the road.

While it's not impossible, I don't see them going through the trouble and expense if it's likely unnecessary. It'll be fun to see what they end up doing.
You basically replied with what I was going to reply with. You can't just arbitrarily move all of the Tower's mechanical equipment. It's servicing the building with underground conduits and piping. The only way around it is to go through the emergency vehicle gate and they can't get rid of that either. There's just no practical way to make it happen. Besides, why wouldn't they have the entrance to the Avengers Quinjet ride not at the Avengers building with the Quinjet on top? 🤷‍♂️


Well-Known Member
You basically replied with what I was going to reply with. You can't just arbitrarily move all of the Tower's mechanical equipment. It's servicing the building with underground conduits and piping. The only way around it is to go through the emergency vehicle gate and they can't get rid of that either. There's just no practical way to make it happen. Besides, why wouldn't they have the entrance to the Avengers Quinjet ride not at the Avengers building with the Quinjet on top? 🤷‍♂️
The mechanical equipment could be relocated. It’s be expensive but could be done. While fire department access to individual buildings is required the location of specific gates between onstage and backstage is not dictated. Removing the gate would be more of a logistical issue since Disney would no longer have the access.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Take with grain of salt. But friends who work I the area have been hearing that where the jet is would actually be the exit (there is a gift shop there) and the actual entrance would be on the other side of guardians. Think of a loooong queue like Indy to get around the building.
Just to add what I wrote above, this is the second time I've heard of a gift shop under the Quinjet, but I've never seen it in marketing material and it's not on the Disneyland website. Also, if you look at the back of that structure, there is no way an attraction exit could be there. There's an HVAC FAU in the way and the only way around would be to cross over the trolly tracks. To the right of the FAU is a vehicle pull-up door. I do see something called "Campus Supply Pod" but the latest Park Blog post says it's located near the Web Slingers attraction. Perhaps I've missed something...


Giss Neric

Well-Known Member
Two weeks to go before opening and still no scheduled previews. Opening day has already been booked so at least a technical rehearsal or surprise soft opening would be nice.


Well-Known Member
But the irony is you're the one assuming its not happening simply because there is no construction. They never gave an opening date for it even before the shut down. Yes it may not happen now, but it's weird to assume its not based on that. They never said when phase 2 was suppose to happen.

And even if its not happening, its NOT because they are trying to cheap out on the land. Things have changed in a dramatic way given the last year and the money they lost being shut down for so long (and it will probably be years before they get back to revenue they had pre-shut down), so it would be understandable if they cancelled it or decided to go a cheaper direction. But this is a BRAND NEW LAND, clearly it's going to be added to in the years ahead one way or another. I just think its unfair to call it 'cheap' when they literally announced its opening with a huge E-ticket, it just wasn't going to be there on day one. But they could've just announced WEB slingers and called it a day if they really wanted to be as cheap as possible, right?

When CL opened, Disney was trying to desperately change the park's image and it needed something big to convince people DCA was going to be a quality park with big original rides and lands DL was known for after the disappointing opening of the park. It's very different today.

Now all that said, if you feel what is currently there is not up to par, OK, you have every right to feel that way. For me, I keep the same argument I've always had and that it's 100 times better than what was there before which WAS a cheap addition in every way. They themed it a little nicer but nothing about ABL was remotely innovative or felt like a real land or anything to do for anyone over ten years old. It was a cheap quick fix with kiddie rides and bathrooms. They couldn't even be bothered to add a small gift shop. I don't even remember if there was a vendor cart for ice cream or churros. And the funny thing is there are still people who want that back lol. I think AC will be in great shape at opening and hopefully will keep to phase 2.
So your point is that basically because Disney promised something that they clearly are not working on anymore, that we should just trust them?

My point still stands with Cars Land. Marvel is a multibillion dollar film franchise spanning dozens of films. They've owned Marvel for 10 years, and this is the best they came up with?

Look at what Universal has done with Harry Potter. Disney still hasn't even come close to 2008 Universal Studios.

It's an embarassment. Marvel Land and Star Wars Land should be the greatest themepark areas of all time, yet both are victims of poor design.

I never would imagine a Marvel Land would one day open with just a shooter ride and a restaurant and a vending cart. It's a joke and a disappointment. This is the best WDI can do? And people defend it? They clearly spent 5 years building 1/4 of a themepark land and are calling it a day.

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