DAK AVATAR progress

Soarin' Over Pgh

Well-Known Member
I see the gateway to the land as the stone archway(s). Then you see a science base camp and a lot of flora, and against this in the background a modest stylized rockwork cliff, maybe half the size of Carsland, with plants which hides the showbuilding for Soarin over Pandora, maybe a tree half the size of the Swiss Family Treehouse.

This is why Cameron toured Carsland, to get a close up look at rockwork and how it could be used for an Avatarland.

Yep, this is pretty much what I'm thinking as well. Gateway to the 'land' being arches ala Carsland (but, obviously, different detailing!) and a series of hangars cleverly disguised to give the illusion of a lush plant-filled environment. But building, gap, building, gap, etc.... again, cloaked so it doesnt look so... hangar-ish. Is that a word? Hangar-y. Hangar-like. Eh.

I can't imagine them doing another tree when they can't maintain the ones they currently have.

Soarin' Over Pgh

Well-Known Member
This. Hoping this is right. A lot can be done with HiDef projections these days that could not be done in the past. Much more immersive potentially.

AND air conditioned! :cool:

Yeah, preciously. Disney's latest combination (granted, in Hong Kong) of screens and audio animatronic is a beautiful match and if done right, could actually make this sinking idea into a stellar must-see.

Air conditioning would be a plus, lol
Yep, this is pretty much what I'm thinking as well. Gateway to the 'land' being arches ala Carsland (but, obviously, different detailing!) and a series of hangars cleverly disguised to give the illusion of a lush plant-filled environment. But building, gap, building, gap, etc.... again, cloaked so it doesnt look so... hangar-ish. Is that a word? Hangar-y. Hangar-like. Eh.

I can't imagine them doing another tree when they can't maintain the ones they currently have.
o your saying you go inside and outside of multiple buildings? Or making it look that way?


New Member
Based on the original post, my thought is they are still vetting all of their thoughts. After that stage is complete they will narrow it down based on budget and realistic feasibility of what can be created. It sounds like they are at the point in the process where we might begin to get some real ideas in the coming weeks.


Well-Known Member
He means that it would be more of the scientists, Sigourney Weaver’s character, garb. No military camouflage, since the military (and the unobtainium mining company) were the villains of the movie, and I believe the land will be set in a time period somewhere just after the end of the 1st movie, when all these people were sent of the planet.

It would be interesting to see entertainment have Na’vi walk around, similar to the green army men that walk around Pixar Place. (I think Disney World is becoming more accepting of the less structured and impromptu M&G in some areas of the parks.)

Hopefully we’ll get a lot more details at this years D23 Event.

I never saw the military as the villains. Much like Aliens they were working for a coporation, which kept them in the dark about their true purposes, which is scary in itself.

Also, I would figure any attraction will have a story, and I would bet that just for drama and excitement, there would be some type of military flying vehicle involved if it's a Soarin type ride, whether or not you're "riding" a dragon, or the hover aircraft. Not to mention it's a tie in with the movie. Again, I don't know, as no one seems to know much about an Avatar attraction... Even Disney.


Well-Known Member
All the ideas have already been vetted a while ago. It was just a matter of picking one. I'm assuming the options were something like this:

Option 1 - Groundbreaking
Option 2 - Impressive
Option 3 - Mediocre and Unoriginal
Option 4 - A used Carousel with the horses painted blue

Cameron wanted option 1 and Disney demanded option 3. Option 4 was presented to give Cameron the impression that, "hey, it could be worse."

Actually. in reality It was more like Cameron wanted #1 + cheese & bacon, and Disney wanted #2 with cheese ...

What people fail to realize is that option #1 for Cameron would have made Avatar first, and Animal Kingdom second.. It would have re-placed all of camp Minnie mickey, as well as changing ALL of discovery island to match Pandora.. Including gutting EVERYTHING, all the way to the tree of life.. the show within the the new "Tree of Souls" would have been based around protecting natural enviroments, etc.. all based in the enviroscape of Pandora..

The other areas of the park, (Asia/Africa/Dino-land) would have entrances that were PORTALS from Pandora to these 'other' worlds that are facing similar issues with environmental destruction by man...

So.. when you criticize Disney for shooting down Cameron's #1 ideas.. Know what you are talking about, because in my eyes, it would have RUINED animal kingdom.

Now it will simply be a fantasy component to a nature park... And that's a much better option.


Well-Known Member
Actually. in reality It was more like Cameron wanted #1 + cheese & bacon, and Disney wanted #2 with cheese ...

What people fail to realize is that option #1 for Cameron would have made Avatar first, and Animal Kingdom second.. It would have re-placed all of camp Minnie mickey, as well as changing ALL of discovery island to match Pandora.. Including gutting EVERYTHING, all the way to the tree of life.. the show within the the new "Tree of Souls" would have been based around protecting natural enviroments, etc.. all based in the enviroscape of Pandora..

The other areas of the park, (Asia/Africa/Dino-land) would have entrances that were PORTALS from Pandora to these 'other' worlds that are facing similar issues with environmental destruction by man...

So.. when you criticize Disney for shooting down Cameron's #1 ideas.. Know what you are talking about, because in my eyes, it would have RUINED animal kingdom.

Now it will simply be a fantasy component to a nature park... And that's a much better option.

This is the first I'm hearing about that.It was always described as a sub land with three rides. They haven't been doing much with AK anyway, so I can see why someone would say, "Hey, if you're not going to do anything with this place, I got some ideas!" ;)


Well-Known Member
Actually. in reality It was more like Cameron wanted #1 + cheese & bacon, and Disney wanted #2 with cheese ...

What people fail to realize is that option #1 for Cameron would have made Avatar first, and Animal Kingdom second.. It would have re-placed all of camp Minnie mickey, as well as changing ALL of discovery island to match Pandora.. Including gutting EVERYTHING, all the way to the tree of life.. the show within the the new "Tree of Souls" would have been based around protecting natural enviroments, etc.. all based in the enviroscape of Pandora..

The other areas of the park, (Asia/Africa/Dino-land) would have entrances that were PORTALS from Pandora to these 'other' worlds that are facing similar issues with environmental destruction by man...

So.. when you criticize Disney for shooting down Cameron's #1 ideas.. Know what you are talking about, because in my eyes, it would have RUINED animal kingdom.

Now it will simply be a fantasy component to a nature park... And that's a much better option.

This is either an amazing bit of insider info or some really salacious hearsay.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
I think the problem may be that I'm not always sarcastic. Sometimes, it is just abject silliness. I agree 110% about the Weaver figure in GMR. I kind of feel like the person who designed it looked at one picture of her face and then went from memory after that.
Agree regarding the Weaver AA. It was one of the few figures in the GMR that i felt needed a facial update/resculpt. Perhaps during the upcoming refurb...?


Well-Known Member
Actually. in reality It was more like Cameron wanted #1 + cheese & bacon, and Disney wanted #2 with cheese ...

What people fail to realize is that option #1 for Cameron would have made Avatar first, and Animal Kingdom second.. It would have re-placed all of camp Minnie mickey, as well as changing ALL of discovery island to match Pandora.. Including gutting EVERYTHING, all the way to the tree of life.. the show within the the new "Tree of Souls" would have been based around protecting natural enviroments, etc.. all based in the enviroscape of Pandora..

The other areas of the park, (Asia/Africa/Dino-land) would have entrances that were PORTALS from Pandora to these 'other' worlds that are facing similar issues with environmental destruction by man...

So.. when you criticize Disney for shooting down Cameron's #1 ideas.. Know what you are talking about, because in my eyes, it would have RUINED animal kingdom.

Now it will simply be a fantasy component to a nature park... And that's a much better option.

James Cameron presents Disney's James Cameron Kingdom Park by James Cameron.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
I also read an article about Disney working on interactive plants? If they did the bio luminescent plants, would DAK have to stay open later to enjoy the colorful effects? It would look pretty darn cool though...

I would say the single biggest attraction for me with this entire Avatar project is the Pandorian forest bioluminescence. Seeing that, and seeing how WDI tackles how to bring that to life with fiber opics, projections, touch technology..etc...is what i am most interested in.

Any theme park can have rides....but Disney is famous for creating awesome themed environments. I cannot think of a more beautiful, unique, and visually stunning themed environment then some of those scenes on Pandora in the rain forest at night. THAT is the big attraction and what i see as the thing that will make this additon a eye opener for Disney. It could well be...if...and i mean a big IF...they do it right and do not fall into the dreaded trap called *Value Engineering*.

This new addtion to DAK could be absolutely visually stunning both during the day, and night. I would like to think that with James Cameron involved, he will not allow Disney to whittle away budgets and downsize once spectacular plans into yet another bare-minimum *land* with only one main draw and a gift shop.
This is the perfect property, and the perfect concept/franchise to really do something different...and truly unique with the surroundings. Those who have seen the film will know that stunning visual eye candy i am talking about.
Duplicating that into a full size, *real land* i think would be fantastic...but again, IF done the right way ....
( non-cheap route ).

I have to trust Mr. Cameron though...and trust that he will force them to deliver on something special.
This could be a amazing experience visually for people if Disney will allow itself ( and it*s creatives ) a little free reign and dare to be different, dare to be on the cutting creative edge.

They used to be, and can easily be that again if they really had the desire.


Well-Known Member
Saying any more than I have would DEFINATELY compromise a lot of people.... Not looking for fame here, just to take the pressure of the company a bit..

It was a wise decision for the company to bump creative chests with Cameron.

If this is true it doesn't make sense. They had to have known that James wanted to turn all of Animal Kingdom into Avatarland before the deal was made. There must have been extensive discussions about what both sides wanted before they signed the deal, exactly why they didn't go ahead with JK. This just doesn't make sense.

I don't see him keeping his vision a secret and then suddenly springing it on them out of nowhere. There had have been deep discussions BEFORE the deal was made. Maybe they mislead him with how big they were planning to make this.

I don't get this, on top of everything up to this point has been that James wanted the land with three rides; coaster, boat ride and Soarin over Pandora, not a repurposing of most of the park.


Well-Known Member
If this is true it doesn't make sense. They had to have known that James wanted to turn all of Animal Kingdom into Avatarland before the deal was made. There must have been extensive discussions about what both sides wanted before they signed the deal, exactly why they didn't go ahead with JK. This just doesn't make sense.

I don't see him keeping his vision a secret and then suddenly springing it on them out of nowhere. There had have been deep discussions BEFORE the deal was made. Maybe they mislead him with how big they were planning to make this.

I don't get this, on top of everything up to this point has been that James wanted the land with three rides; coaster, boat ride and Soarin over Pandora, not a repurposing of most of the park.

I don't know why it seems implausible to you really. Deals like this get signed without real designs, just concepts. Perhaps after all the tours through the park with Rohde, Cameron decided that he was going to save the park by Avataring it. Initial word was that he and Joe didn't exactly see eye to eye with the vision for the project. This fits that narrative.


Well-Known Member
I don't know why it seems implausible to you really. Deals like this get signed without real designs, just concepts. Perhaps after all the tours through the park with Rohde, Cameron decided that he was going to save the park by Avataring it. Initial word was that he and Joe didn't exactly see eye to eye with the vision for the project. This fits that narrative.

Because there had to be discussions about turning the tree of life into the Avatar tree. There had to have been. I don't see James signing off on something where there were zero discussions about the size and scope of the project and what that would include.

The whole reason JK didn't sign the deal with Disney was because they told her what they wanted to do, and what they wouldn't do. They might not have had artwork or models made up, but they would have had extensive discussions about what the land would be and what it wouldn't. Why would James agree to something that wasn't talked about and agreed to?

I just don't see all of the problems with the project lying with James Cameron, like its being made out to be. I don't see him agreeing to something and then trying to take over the park after the deal is signed. And again, I don't mean to belabor the point, but everything that's been said since this thing was announced was that Avatarland was limited to a "land" with three attractions.


Well-Known Member
Because there had to be discussions about turning the tree of life into the Avatar tree. There had to have been. I don't see James signing off on something where there were zero discussions about the size and scope of the project and what that would include.

The whole reason JK didn't sign the deal with Disney was because they told her what they wanted to do, and what they wouldn't do. They might not have had artwork or models made up, but they would have had extensive discussions about what the land would be and what it wouldn't. Why would James agree to something that wasn't talked about and agreed to?

I just don't see all of the problems with the project lying with James Cameron, like its being made out to be. I don't see him agreeing to something and then trying to take over the park after the deal is signed. And again, I don't mean to belabor the point, but everything that's been said since this thing was announced was that Avatarland was limited to a "land" with three attractions.
i m sure there was plenty of discussion...in fact JC was quoted as saying "we re going to build not just a ride but an entire land"

we have to remember we get maybe 5% of what actually goes on behind close doors no matter how good our insiders are.... we re missing a lot of whats going on


Hmmm Cameron's idea of a massive retheme makes sense in a way,but I agree it would have been the single worst idea ever.

I really think, like someone else said,that this AVATAR land could be something really special,visually and in concept.
This COULD be Disneys answer to WWOHP,if its done right.
I know in this day and age unfortunatly money does have the final say but if disney let themselves be free and not think about budget but think about the imagineering they can do spectacularly well with this land.

I quite like the heavily themed multiple building idea,they could maybe do it with giant bio domes.here in England we have something called the Eden project that's the type of thing I'm meaning.google search will show you what I mean.
My only issue there however would be the un natural hot to cold,hot to cold feel as you go from building to outside and back.especially if its all supposed to be one continuous jungle.

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