I also read an article about Disney working on interactive plants? If they did the bio luminescent plants, would DAK have to stay open later to enjoy the colorful effects? It would look pretty darn cool though...
I would say the single biggest attraction for me with this entire Avatar project is the Pandorian forest bioluminescence. Seeing that, and seeing how WDI tackles how to bring that to life with fiber opics, projections, touch technology..etc...is what i am most interested in.
Any theme park can have rides....but Disney is famous for creating awesome themed environments. I cannot think of a more beautiful, unique, and visually stunning themed environment then some of those scenes on Pandora in the rain forest at night. THAT is the big attraction and what i see as the thing that will make this additon a eye opener for Disney. It could well be...if...and i mean a big IF...they do it right and do not fall into the dreaded trap called *Value Engineering*.
This new addtion to DAK could be absolutely visually stunning both during the day, and night. I would like to think that with James Cameron involved, he will not allow Disney to whittle away budgets and downsize once spectacular plans into yet another bare-minimum *land* with only one main draw and a gift shop.
This is the perfect property, and the perfect concept/franchise to really do something different...and truly unique with the surroundings. Those who have seen the film will know that stunning visual eye candy i am talking about.
Duplicating that into a full size, *real land* i think would be fantastic...but again, IF done the right way ....
( non-cheap route ).
I have to trust Mr. Cameron though...and trust that he will force them to deliver on something special.
This could be a amazing experience visually for people if Disney will allow itself ( and it*s creatives ) a little free reign and dare to be different, dare to be on the cutting creative edge.
They used to be, and can easily be that again if they really had the desire.