Well-Known Member
There are always drawbacks with any ride system.
To my way of thinking, the actual sensation of speed and G-forces provided by a moving ride vehicle are more important and outweigh the advantages of the simulator screen.
As for the field of view, just use a single car system like on the Gerstlauer eurofighters and infinity series.
If I can still see the front of my telepathy pod then you I am not on a banshee.
If I can still see my girlfriend on the pod next to me then I am not on a banshee.
The avatar body they beam me to shouldn't have my skin color and somehow be wearing the same wristwatch that I wore to the park.
Illusion blown.
Cool! Then we can agree that this is a theme park, and that any ride system chosen
is a compromise, and that the technology required to actually neurally link us into a remote Avatar
and ride on a Banshee on a planet light years away, literally, only exists in the movies.
So they chose a simulator. You wish they had chosen a roller coaster.
It's as simple as that.
For my part, I'll let you know what I think of their choice after I ride it.