Those numbers are not close to accurate, for Pandora or several others. Just at AK he's significantly off (plus or minus) for Kali, Everest, Dinosaur, and Kilimanjaro.
He admits that he's merely guessing so that's okay, I appreciate the honest disclaimer.
Flight of Passages throughput is well under the theoretical, but the theoretical is much higher than what he's guessing. It's got 4 theaters and I promise you each of them isn't going to do 330 an hour operationally. Look to Soarin for your numbers on that. Ruver Journey- boy I would have loved to see throughput numbers like that, but we're looking at boats smaller than Frozen and he's expecting 3 times Frozen's typical ohrc? Intervals will be faster, but to achieve 3000 an hour on a 4-5 person boat (on average) you'd need to send out over 600 boats an hour, or one every 10 seconds to hit thrc.