AVATAR land coming to Disney's Animal Kingdom

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Example please? What property should they put in there that they own and that would be a big draw?

Well, there are the previous plans for Beastly Kingdom - Dragon Tower and Fantasia Gardens, for instance. And then there's the Lion King movie - which was such a big draw in re-release that it made 100 million domestic! What does Disney need with Avatar when one of its own 2D cartoons, made way back in 1994, made more money in re-release than the new Muppet movie? (Not dissing the Muppet movie, just saying that the Lion King made more). The astonishing success of its re-release surely proves that the Lion King is a proven eternal classic that people can't get enough of. Yes, there are some few little things around the parks derived from LK - but they're, in my opinion, lame. I was very disappointed in the Festival of the Lion King. Puppets and acrobats, whoopee. Rafiki's Planet Watch? Boring and preachy. But a dark ride built around LK - now you're talking. It could be awesome. And then there's that other Disney classic, The Jungle Book. Where is THAT in AK? Both of those films are much more fitting thematically ('cause they're DISNEY, duh) and more family-friendly than anything about Avatar could be. Iger should have had more faith in Disney creations instead of thinking he had to go outside the studio for a new attraction that would expand attendance at AK. But no, he's just a typical cynical unimaginative CEO who thinks acquisition equals artistry. I can't wait for him to leave - although only God knows who'll take over and whether he/she will be any better (Roy Disney, where are you when we need you?)

Remember, you asked. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Having recently ridden a B&M wing rider ( THE SWARM at thorpe park- I really suggest to go on it if you ever get the chance), I can see this as a possiblity. They seem easy to theme, are perfect for near misses, and could suit pandora. If they were to build the projection dome idea, imagine if the trains flew overhead the paths, if they flew down over a pond, creating a splash effect.

It could bring inversions to the park, creating a classic thrill ride. This next to maybe a 4d show or similar, and a kiddies ride (my first Banshee...) and it would be a good addition to the park.

I rode The Swarm on opening day, and I didn't think about it at the time, but you're right. This would be a good choice.

Cosmic Commando

Well-Known Member
Well, there are the previous plans for Beastly Kingdom - Dragon Tower and Fantasia Gardens, for instance. And then there's the Lion King movie - which was such a big draw in re-release that it made 100 million domestic! What does Disney need with Avatar when one of its own 2D cartoons, made way back in 1994, made more money in re-release than the new Muppet movie? (Not dissing the Muppet movie, just saying that the Lion King made more). The astonishing success of its re-release surely proves that the Lion King is a proven eternal classic that people can't get enough of. Yes, there are some few little things around the parks derived from LK - but they're, in my opinion, lame. I was very disappointed in the Festival of the Lion King. Puppets and acrobats, whoopee. Rafiki's Planet Watch? Boring and preachy. But a dark ride built around LK - now you're talking. It could be awesome. And then there's that other Disney classic, The Jungle Book. Where is THAT in AK? Both of those films are much more fitting thematically ('cause they're DISNEY, duh) and more family-friendly than anything about Avatar could be. Iger should have had more faith in Disney creations instead of thinking he had to go outside the studio for a new attraction that would expand attendance at AK. But no, he's just a typical cynical unimaginative CEO who thinks acquisition equals artistry. I can't wait for him to leave - although only God knows who'll take over and whether he/she will be any better (Roy Disney, where are you when we need you?)

Remember, you asked. :lol:
I'm sorry you were disappointed with Festival of the Lion King, but it is one of the most well-liked attractions on property. Still, it's different enough from the movie that I think there's room for that show to stay and a Lion King dark ride to be added.


Well-Known Member
How would you feel about Soarin on track? Im serious.

Depends. Do you want them to? :lookaroun

While I don't think DAK needs a thrill ride of that magnitude, I would love to see it. X2 is the most thrilling coaster I've been on. Putting a tamer version of that into a World of Avatar land in a themed environment could be absolutely incredible.

As to Soarin' on a track that's not Soarin' - that's a different ride system, and probably more in line with something that Cameron would be interested in.


Well-Known Member
While I don't think DAK needs a thrill ride of that magnitude, I would love to see it. X2 is the most thrilling coaster I've been on. Putting a tamer version of that into a World of Avatar land in a themed environment could be absolutely incredible.

As to Soarin' on a track that's not Soarin' - that's a different ride system, and probably more in line with something that Cameron would be interested in.

I've seen an interview with the creator of the ride system for Soarin' where he talks about earlier concepts where you would board a vehicle and "fly" over a curved inverted LCD screen, like a reverse version of Freemont Street in Vegas.

This could be great, but I remember they had a ton of operational issues with the concept; evac and capacity come to mind.


Well-Known Member
IF it even opens.... Ever... A groundbreaking E ticket plus immersive land will be wonderful. Anything else is gravy. Anything less is a supreme failure.

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