AVATAR land coming to Disney's Animal Kingdom


Well-Known Member
My understanding is that Cameron is the one pushing for something well beyond Soarin' over Pandora. He's the one being ambitious here.


Well-Known Member
Pandora's Box would be a good solution, as would a hybrid B&M Dive/Flying coaster for a flying Banshee type of attraction. I would love to see PB 1 or 2.0 (whatever that looks like), or something entirely new. I suspect that Cameron has some very specific ideas of what he wants to do, and the Imagineers are trying their best to come up with a transport method to accomplish it. What I fear is that vehicle may not exist and may not be technically feasible at the moment, or worse, may be locked up in a proprietary agreement like the Kuka technology.


Active Member
Pandora's Box 2.0 is a bit different from the promo video that's available. That's according to sources I have, cause no one except Vekoma and Efteling park in the Netherlands knows for sure what 2.0 looks like.

Apparently, the ride no longer has any of the robotic components that exist in the promo video. The new version is basically a ride car attached to a motion base. The base has the car roate 360', as well as various ranges of pitch and roll. That car and motion base is attached to a lift mechanism that can raise and lower the car. The rest is the same. The lift will move around a building and the ride car will stop at different cells. The advantage of this new version is that capacity is higher and there aren't as many moving parts. So it's cheaper, more reliable, more maintenance friendly, and has a higher capacity.

Sounds like Spiderman had an affair with Tower of Terror :)


Pandora's Box would be a good solution, as would a hybrid B&M Dive/Flying coaster for a flying Banshee type of attraction. I would love to see PB 1 or 2.0 (whatever that looks like), or something entirely new. I suspect that Cameron has some very specific ideas of what he wants to do, and the Imagineers are trying their best to come up with a transport method to accomplish it. What I fear is that vehicle may not exist and may not be technically feasible at the moment, or worse, may be locked up in a proprietary agreement like the Kuka technology.

1. PB was designed with Disney in mind. So if the kinks are(or will be) worked out, it wouldn't surprise me to see it in the parks someday.

2. As someone who has followed Cameron's projects, I don't quite understand the whole arugement about how Cameron has a vision for the land and Disney isn't buying into. He usually goes into a project with a basic vision in his mind. Like on Avatar, he knew what the world looked like from a basic point of view. But it wasn't until he started getting art from concept artists that the whole world of Pandora took shape. Another example is Avatar the video game. I posted a link about the process of making the game. He basically let Ubisoft do their own thing. He had some creative input of course. But he let them run with ideas.

I think the bottom line on Cameron is, he has a basic vision in his mind of what he wants. And he surrounds himself with the people who can flesh out the vision(Vincent Pace, WETA, Disney, etc.)

Sounds like Spiderman had an affair with Tower of Terror :)

Yes it does. If they ever build it, you'll have to see the behind the scenes videos. It'd be amazing to see it.


Well-Known Member
You say a Soarin ride would be a massive fail. I'm not so sure. I wouldn't say that till I hear some reports on Vekoma's I-Ride; which is basically Soarin. The apparent difference is I-Ride has a greater range of motion then Soarin. And it can be customized to do various other things. Personally, I think you've got a better chance of seeing PB 2.0 then I-Ride, but still.

Yes, I stand by it. Soarin derivative would be a massive fail. Just because you update a concept doesn't make it novel again. Been there. Done that. How would it raise the bar?


Well-Known Member
My understanding is that Cameron is the one pushing for something well beyond Soarin' over Pandora. He's the one being ambitious here.

I've heard this from other sources as well, and I'm amazed Disney thinks another Soarin' is good enough. They go through this whole acquisition to try and compete with Potter, and by extension one of the greatest rides ever built, and they want to try and combat it with a motion simulator?

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
I've heard this from other sources as well, and I'm amazed Disney thinks another Soarin' is good enough. They go through this whole acquisition to try and compete with Potter, and by extension one of the greatest rides ever built, and they want to try and combat it with a motion simulator?

Really, it wouldn't shock me in the least. Just look at the FLE, it had the potential for amazing, but in my opinion they are doing the least they can get away with. It will be an improvement and a welcome addition but I cant help but see the lost potential with the project. While I hope Cameron wouldn't go along with mediocrity, it wouldn't really surprise me if that's what happens.


Well-Known Member
Really, it wouldn't shock me in the least. Just look at the FLE, it had the potential for amazing, but in my opinion they are doing the least they can get away with. It will be an improvement and a welcome addition but I cant help but see the lost potential with the project. While I hope Cameron wouldn't go along with mediocrity, it wouldn't really surprise me if that's what happens.

Agree, Disney doesnt want to do anything anymore that requires building sets and atmospheres around you. screens screens screens. :brick:


Well-Known Member
Agree, Disney doesnt want to do anything anymore that requires building sets and atmospheres around you. screens screens screens. :brick:

Not entirely fair. RSR is a giant physical recreation of the Cars movie. The new Little Mermaid ride may not meet the expectations of some, but is loaded with physical sets and animatronics.


Well-Known Member
Not entirely fair. RSR is a giant physical recreation of the Cars movie. The new Little Mermaid ride may not meet the expectations of some, but is loaded with physical sets and animatronics.

It may be low expectations, but that's exactly why I'm happy about Mermaid.

It's...a ride. Like, a real dark ride. Where you go through sets that are physically there.

Compared to the video-laden turds we mostly get these days, it's a gosh-darned miracle.


Active Member
Having recently ridden a B&M wing rider ( THE SWARM at thorpe park- I really suggest to go on it if you ever get the chance), I can see this as a possiblity. They seem easy to theme, are perfect for near misses, and could suit pandora. If they were to build the projection dome idea, imagine if the trains flew overhead the paths, if they flew down over a pond, creating a splash effect.

It could bring inversions to the park, creating a classic thrill ride. This next to maybe a 4d show or similar, and a kiddies ride (my first Banshee...) and it would be a good addition to the park.

In regards to your opinion, hakunamatata, isn't that what most of the magic kingdom is?


Well-Known Member
Having recently ridden a B&M wing rider ( THE SWARM at thorpe park- I really suggest to go on it if you ever get the chance), I can see this as a possiblity. They seem easy to theme, are perfect for near misses, and could suit pandora. If they were to build the projection dome idea, imagine if the trains flew overhead the paths, if they flew down over a pond, creating a splash effect.

It could bring inversions to the park, creating a classic thrill ride. This next to maybe a 4d show or similar, and a kiddies ride (my first Banshee...) and it would be a good addition to the park.

In regards to your opinion, hakunamatata, isn't that what most of the magic kingdom is?

Do the seats rotate on that like X2 at Magic Mountain?


Active Member
No they don't, and I think that's a better thing, because you are able to take in the scenery better. It isn't too intense, unless you go right at the back, and most seats provide a very floaty sensation.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
When Animal Kingdom first opened, Disney preached with an really heavy hand. Man is evil! Man must repent! It was really annoying. Thankfully, they've toned down that message a degree or two. They swapped from trying to beat this message into your head with a big hammer to a small ball-pean hammer. It's still annoying, but not as hard to ignore.

Now with a land/attraction based on the Avatar film, I see Disney returning to this old tired message. Man is evil, man must repent. This kind of thing is tiring. We come to WDW to be entertained, not browbeaten. Speaking of which - isn't Habit Heroes about the worst thing Disney has done in ages? I can't imagine anybody happily planning to visit this new "attraction". "Wow Mom, can we go see the attraction where we're nagged to brush our teeth everyday? I want to do that first!"

LOL! Well said! Disney should focus on entertaining. And if it does so in the classic Disney style, then values will be seamlessly blended in with the laughter and tears. As opposed to the obnoxious preaching the stuffed shirts in the company seem to want to inject into AK attractions in order to please the goody-two-shoes out there who believe everything a kid watches has to be educational (curse you, Sesame Street! :lol:)

And yeah, the worst thing about Avatar (aside from the trembling reverence lavished upon it, which I simply don't get) was its preachy hackneyed "message". Hey, Mr. Cameron, how about telling a good story to go along with the eye candy? For a change? :p

No offense to you Avatar fans, but I really wish this attraction would get cancelled. It's just so unnecessary when Disney has its own properties it could use to enhance AK.


Active Member
Having recently ridden a B&M wing rider ( THE SWARM at thorpe park- I really suggest to go on it if you ever get the chance), I can see this as a possiblity. They seem easy to theme, are perfect for near misses, and could suit pandora. If they were to build the projection dome idea, imagine if the trains flew overhead the paths, if they flew down over a pond, creating a splash effect.

It could bring inversions to the park, creating a classic thrill ride. This next to maybe a 4d show or similar, and a kiddies ride (my first Banshee...) and it would be a good addition to the park.

In regards to your opinion, hakunamatata, isn't that what most of the magic kingdom is?

While cool, I think that Disney would probably opt for something that everyone will be able to go on. TOT may be thrilling but I think most all people can handle it....I think the most extreme we will see them get is something like RNRC (which I think is much more intense than EE).

Heck FJ at Uni had issues with people not being able to fit into the harnesses...a lot of people. That just doesn't ruin that individuals trip, but that of their families to I would imagine.

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