Wow, so cut roughly in half from the original $500 million budget.
That's a heck of a cut. I'm just speculating here, but that sounds like more than an E-ticket unless it was to be on par with Radiator Springs Racers ($200+ million). To date, the most expensive roller coaster in the world is EE at only $100 million. So effectively two EE-size rides worth of funding were cut, at minimum! That doesn't sound right, which has me wondering what else was originally planned.
Perhaps the entire land was once to be "bio-luminescent" as in the movie, and thus interactive, but now it's not, or some other very architecturally-difficult land items (floating mountains) were cut too? I was once imagining this entire land to be indoors with a simulated sky to pull of the floating mountain effects and the bio-luminescent life even during the Florida sunlight, but I could imagine this being ridiculously expensive.