Well-Known Member
I agree that I hope its on par with FJ but about being part of a bigger experience!? Im not so sure about that!When they are just a part of a much larger experience (Horizons, Forbidden Journey, Spiderman, World of Motion, If You Had Wings) I have no problem. I am not a big Universal fan but I was just blown away by Forbidden Journey. This may be the best use of screens in an attraction yet.. and they even simulate flyingHey, they simulated flying on If you Had Wings, Dream Flight, and Horizons with screens too. The big difference is that they were all part of a much larger, more immersive experience and not the ONLY part of the experience.
I really hope that Soarin' over Pandora is more like Forbidden Journey and less like Soarin' over California.
Sure potter world is very detailwd and came with all new surroundings and the castle! But it was only 1 new ride in total.....
Avatar will be a whole new land (just as immersive and interactive, if done properly) with a new boat ride and new simulated flight ride. Now idk about anyone else, but i find this more impressive!