August Trip Report the 4th-9th

So I know this is about 2 months late but I've been having Disney withdrawals really bad so I figured I'll just relive my trip with this report!! So enjoy!!

Dates: August 4-9
Where: Polynesian Resort

The cast:
Me (24)
My Sister (19)

This was probably about my 15th trip to the world, my sisters 12th. My first trip was at the tender age of 2 months my parents say they still don't know what they were thinking taking me that young but needless to age from a young age I was hooked. This was our first trip anywhere where it was just the two of us, would we be able to withstand 6 days of just each other or by day 3 would we be ready to kill each other… Anyone who has a sibling knows what I'm talking about!! We also killed ourselves at work for the past 6 months to be able to go, stay at our favorite resort. So by the time the day arrived we were ready to go!!

August 4th-JFK to MCO, Poly, Magic Kingdom.

Woke up at the great time of 3:30am got all the last minute essentials together, triple checked I had everything, and was in the car headed to JFK by 4:00. Our flight was at 6:00 and we made it to the airport by 4:45, security had a long line but while we were waiting they opened a check point right in front of us and by the time we sat down in front of our gate with a light breakfast it was 5:30.

The flight was uneventful, took a short nap, and by the time we landed in Orlando it was 8:30. I chose this early flight because I liked the fact that knowing we would have basically a whole day in the parks, in the past we have gotten in Orlando in the afternoon and since this was our trip my sister and I wanted the earliest flight we could find. After a bathroom break we got in line for Magical Express by 9:00 and waited about 20-25 minutes.

Poly was the first stop, I had done online check-in and we got our keys to the world by 10:30. Our room wasn't ready which I knew would happen since I was arriving early, but we were told it was going to be in Rarotonga right next to the Great Ceremonial House and that was fine with us. We love the Poly we have stayed at all 3 of the Monorail resorts but since our last trip when we first stayed there it became our favorite. We signed up to get a text message when the room was ready and we had packed what we would need for the parks in our carry on bags, so once we finished transferring what we would need we checked our bags with the valet and headed for the Magic Kingdom.

We entered the Magic Kingdom and went to our usual entrance under the left side overpass then taking the first turn to the right and there is no better feeling in the world than seeing the castle for the first time and hearing the sounds, and smelling the smells. By this point it was almost 11 and suddenly we were starving. But first we needed a Space Mountain Fastpass which was closed last year during our visit, after we got our fast passes, we made a bee-line for Cosmic Ray's, after we refueled and debated over what would be our first ride. We then decided to go with the TTA or Peoplemover as it is now called, which was closed last year as well. We killed time in Tomorrowland by riding Buzz, and just generally enjoying the weather and scenery. It was time for Space Mountain and it was my sisters first ride, she is usually somewhat of a whimp when it comes to ride but I have to hand it to her she did everything this year!! By this time it was almost 1:30 and getting up at 3:30 was catching up to us. We headed back to the resort and figured we would hang around there so at least we would be close when the room was ready.

We went and hung out on the beach and soaked up some sun and relaxed, and then I realized I still hadn't taken 1 picture!!!! So it was time to whip out the camera.

By 2:45 we had enough sun, but still no room so we went to the arcade killed some more time and by then it was 3:15 so still no room so I went to concierge and just wanted to find out how much longer or if they could find us another room… Boy did I get shot down, I was basically yelled at like I was back in high school and told to just wait for the text… So I headed for a seat in the lobby with my tail between my legs and just waited…. for another hour. So for those keeping score it was now after 4, I still had no room and had dinner reservations at 5:45 at Crystal Palace. So the woman who had originally yelled at me was gone, so I went back to concierge. This time a younger guy probably around my age was extremely helpful!! He called housekeeping and the room still wasn't ready so he said that was unacceptable and told me he would get me another room and he came through for me and found another room in the Fiji building which was ready now, so we got new keys and I picked up my carry on bags from the valet and headed to the room and then 5 minutes later our luggage arrived. Here is the view from the room:

This is still a garden view!! I only wish I had a balcony I would have loved sitting out there listening to the dock sounds but at this point I wasn't complaining I was happy to have a room!!

We hung out for awhile, freshened up and left the room around 5:15 took our time and got to Crystal Palace by 5:40.
Waiting for our table:

We love the Crystal Palace dinners, and its become sort of our traditional first dinner of vacation. Our meal was great, so after we filled up we hit a bunch of rides, Pirates, Philharmagic, Snow White and probably some more before heading back to main street to watch the Main Street Electrical Parade. It was fun to see it and it brought back tons of memories, after it passed by we just hung out had a snack and waited for fireworks. Summer Nightastic was alright and it was amazing during the Pirates part but I really missed Wishes.

After fireworks we headed back for the room, by the time I showered and finally got into bed I figured I had been up for 21 straight hours but I had to be up for a 7:30 breakfast at O'Hanas but isn't that the way it is on a Disney Vacation!!!


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August 5th- Magic Kingdom Morning, EPCOT, Boardwalk Resort, and back to EPCOT.

Up at 6:30 for breakfast at O'Hana's at 7:30 which was delicious I love breakfast at O'Hana's its always one of our favorites. We then hopped on the monorail and headed over to the magic kingdom, where we rode astro orbiter, and Buzz. Then headed to frontierland where we got fastpasses for Big Thunder and got in line for Splash Mountain which was only a 20 minute wait, which was even less.

We got front row of the log and we excited but after we got off we weren't so excited we had both gotten absolutely and completely soaked…. I have NEVER gotten that wet before on this ride it was ridiculous but extremely funny looking back at it now. First that water canon completely soaked us and only us!! This family behind us couldn't believe it they were laughing and we were too, luckily we have a great sense of humor!! It was only about 9:00 so we stood near Big Thunder in the sun and tried to dry off. At one point I literally rung out my shorts and there was a puddle underneath me. Cast members were cracking up as they passed by us. But it gave me time to take some nice photos.

After an hour of photos and some drying we used our fastpasses for Big Thunder and then decided to head back to the resort and change because we were still soaked!! Some photos on our way out:



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We got back to the resort, changed, and went to get some lunch at Captain Cooks, we then took our lunch to a quiet almost private beach behind Fiji, we were the only ones there and it was great. The Aloha Dinner Show was doing a sound check so we had the music playing behind us and a great view in front of us. After an hour or so I decided to go on a little walk around the resort.

We met back in the room, changed, walked over to the T&TC and headed for EPCOT.

I always love this shot.

Tron-orail!! I can't wait for this movie!!!!

We entered EPCOT and just took our time because it was extra magic hours night and we had plenty of time. So we went over to Mission Space and just walked on for Team Green. I know I know… Team Green come on go on Orange but I like the fact that with Team Green I can just walk on, its worth it for me. We then headed over to Test Track who had a wait time of 30 minutes. We got in and the line was really moving then after 10 minutes an announcement came on saying due to a storm they may have to stop the ride. Then 5 minutes later we were told they were suspending the ride due to the storm. So I figured well if there is a giant storm coming I'll just stay in line covered and protected. This is where I talk about how much I love my iphone because it was such a great time killer I played games, checked emails, then I checked the weather and the storm coming was looking pretty bad but after 10 minutes still no rain or anything so they announced they were going to start the ride again, and after so many people left the line moved along quickly. We got on and all I kept thinking was when we had out onto the track its going to be pouring and I'll be soaked again!! But when we got out it was sunny and beautiful!! So after our wait it was almost 6:00 and we decided we wanted to head over to the boardwalk and check it out and get something to eat at the Bakery.


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We had never been to the boardwalk and I have to say it was a beautiful resort. Great for photos:

I had a delicious sandwich and my sister had a salad from the Bakery and we sat outside on the boardwalk and enjoyed our meal.

We then headed back to EPCOT

We then literally sat on a bench for an hour in the UK Pavilion and just people watched. My sister and I were talking about this the other day about how it was one of our favorite parts of our trip. We enjoyed world showcase and then we ended up back at Test Track this time going on as single riders which is a great time saver, it took only about 10-15 minutes and my sister got in the car right behind me. We then headed over to get a spot of illuminations, and enjoyed the show. The storm by the way never came!! Maybe it hit another area of the resort but it missed EPCOT and that was all that mattered to me!!

Then it was extra magic hours and we made our way through the park.

And headed over to Soarin' which was still a 40 minute wait!! But what else did we have to do. Luckily for us we ended up jumping almost 15 people when cast members were looking for a pair of 2. I can't even tell you how many times this happened to us on this trip, we just had some good luck!! After Soarin' we went on Mission Space 2 more times and Test Track again. Test Track at night was great, I recommend everyone do it at night at least once!! We then headed back to Poly and turned it for the night. Next up Disney Hollywood Studio's Morning Extra Magic Hours which means a mad dash for Toy Story Midway Mania!!


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August 6th- DHS, Nap at Poly, and Magic Kingdom

We woke up early and ate breakfast at Captain Cooks, I had Tonga Toast Yumm :) And then it was off to Hollywood Studios to ride Toy Story Midway Mania. The park just opened and the line was already down the street in Pixar Place. It was insane, the fastpasses in turn were already for 3:00 so we just bit the bullet and waited in line.

The details in the queue are amazing, my only complaint is what holds up the line is people stopping to take photos with Mr. Potato head. One family of four had each member take a solo picture with him… there needs to be a cast member there either telling people to not take pictures or allowing those who don't want to take a picture to bypass those who do. Because once I passed Mr. Potato head the line moved so quickly and in 10 minutes I was on the ride. Which is great, and I enjoyed the additions of the Toy Story 3 characters.

We then got fastpasses for Rock n' Roller Coaster and then went on Tower of Terror. My sister has never done either ride but again she did them both, I was very proud but I don't think she will ever do Tower of Terror again she is not a fan of the free fall feeling!!

While waiting for our fastpass time, we did basically everything else in DHS, the only things we didn't do, Lights Motor Action, Backlot Tour, and Playhouse Disney, and Little Mermaid and Beauty and The Beast Show. I love the scenery of DHS but the park is lacking in the rides department, I needs so work but it is still one of my favorite parks. But then it was Rock n' Roller Coaster times.

We then finished up what we needed to do and then headed out. We went back to the resort and I was really tired, the running around was catching up to me, so I told myself that I would lay down for an hour…. but that turned into 3 hours. My sister slept for an hour and at some point went out by herself to the pool and came back with some food!!

We then said we were going to Magic Kingdom for Extra Magic Hours, it was going to be open until 3:00am So we bypassed the fireworks and parades and pretty much rode everything we still needed to except Peter Pan, Winnie The Pooh, and the Tomorrowland Speedway.

But we only lasted until 12:00 even with the nap I just couldn't do it!! So we headed back. Tomorrow was Animal Kingdom, I needed my rest to climb Mt. Everest!!


Well-Known Member
Awesome TR! I was getting nervous at the beginning.. no pictures of sisters in the world?! But here they are, and they are GREAT! Keep it coming!


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August 7th- Chef Mickeys, Animal Kingdom, DTD, Poly Beach.

Woke up at 6:30 for our 7:30 Reservation at Chef Mickeys. We got onto the monorail at 7:00 for what should have been a 10 minute ride… Well there was traffic lots of it and we got there at 7:45!! Let it be known I HATE being late, it drives me insane. But thankfully it wasn't a problem and we were seated quickly. Breakfast was great what can be said about Chef Mickey's that hasn't already been said?!? So then we headed out to the buses and were on our way to the Animal Kingdom.

We got there and headed straight for Exped… nope actually Dinosaur. We weren't in a rush so we went there first. On our way out I finally saw one of these!!

I then went on Primeval Whirl, a decision I am still regretting…

The reason I'm regretting it is, I slammed my shoulder into the side of the ride vehicle. When I got off my arm was hurting but I went on with my day, **but remember this moment for the end of this trip report. Next up Expedition Everest 3 times in a row all walk ons. The line was less than 20 minutes each time which was great!!

My sister was tired and decided to head back to the Poly, I decided to go explore Animal Kingdom on my own.

I found this adorable Meerkat

And the customary Tree of Life Photo

After I was done I headed back to the resort where we decided to head to Down Town Disney. Where for some reason I took NO photos :( but we did do all our shopping and got presents for everyone back home. We then headed back to Poly got some dinner at Captain Cooks and grabbed some seats on the beach to enjoy the Water Pageant and the fireworks.



Well-Known Member
Great TR. I ran into my first sidewalk artist this past summer. I was so excited to see it myself since so many people had talked about it! Love the Epcot photo of SE


Well-Known Member
Fun, can't wait to hear more. I only have brother but I do have two girls and hope they are close when they are older to do WDW together and talk about thier childhood memories Mom dressing them alike in Minnie Mouse dresses:goodnevil


Original Poster
Great TR. I ran into my first sidewalk artist this past summer. I was so excited to see it myself since so many people had talked about it! Love the Epcot photo of SE

Thanks for reading!! I know I was so excited to finally see it!!!

Fun, can't wait to hear more. I only have brother but I do have two girls and hope they are close when they are older to do WDW together and talk about thier childhood memories Mom dressing them alike in Minnie Mouse dresses:goodnevil

Me and my sister are 5 years apart but we are extremely close, I know its corny but she really is my best friend. Luckily for us we were never dressed like Minnie together but my mom did always like to fine us matching outfits for our disney vacations and during this trip one day we both got to the park and realized we were in basically the same outfit so it never ends :lol:

great pictures! i especially love the ones from frontierland! very nice! can't wait to read more.

Thanks!! Glad your enjoying it!!


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August 8th- Magic Kingdom

As you can probably figure out by now we are Magic Kingdom girls, it's our favorite park and we are usually perfectly content just sitting on a bench on main street and soaking up the sights and sounds. But today was our last full day so we were gonna do it all.

We woke up early and got to the park for the opening show.

We ate a cinnamon bun from the Main Street Bakery for breakfast and boy was it amazing. Neither of us had ever had one before and all we kept saying was why did it take us this long to get one!! After we finished we headed to fantasyland and did Peter Pan and Winnie The Pooh our last two rides left in fantasyland.

I took a closeup of the Be Our Guest restaurant artwork.

Just as we got off pooh we saw a storm coming.

So we made our way over to Tomorrowland and took another ride on Space Mountain and waited inside while it down poured. We took another ride on the Peoplemover, then on Buzz , and then we headed back to the resort.



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We took a nap, got some lunch, and packed some of our stuff up :(

The weather had cleared up so we decided to take a walk on the pathway to Grand Floridian.

We explored the Grand Floridian for awhile, the last time we stayed here I was about 13 but we always go back to explore. I love the smell of the lobby, I say Disney should start making candles of the hotel scents because I would by Grand Floridian and Polynesian scented candles in a heart beat!!!

We headed back into the Magic Kingdom which would be open until 2:00am and we planned on staying and not giving up this time!! We walked around, I'm sure we went on rides but I can't remember but I do know we got on the train in Frontierland and got off at Main Street.

Thats when I looked down and found an abandoned balloon, I thought it made a nice, unique photo.

We went back into Tomorrowland where the dance party was in full swing. We hung out and I thought the dance party was really cute. It was really funny to watch and we did do a little dancing.

We did some more rides, and then about 9:30 we ate dinner at Cosmic Ray's on the patio and watched the Electrical parade from afar. After it passed we headed over to get a good spot for the fireworks. We watched the fireworks and just enjoyed them no photos, no video, just enjoyed them on our last night. Then we lined up because I wanted to get video of the Parade when it came by again at 11.

We then basically went everywhere and did every ride we could. We went on splash at about 1:45 and we were happy cause we didn't get completely soaked this time, we were content laughing and having fun and the cast member at the front of the queue checking resort keys saw us and yelled over to go get back in line before he closed it, we weren't going to do it but how could we pass up being the last people on Splash for the night. So we ran back in the line and got our own log and had the best time, but we also got soaked again. But this time we didn't care, it was the perfect last night of our vacation, and by 2:15 we were on our way out.



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August 9th- The Last Day :(

Today was our last day of vacation and we were not ready to leave, but then again who ever wants to leave?? We started off with a later breakfast at Kona's, I figured I was going to have Tonga Toast for my last day hoping it would hold me over till our next visit. After breakfast we finished packing, checked in our luggage, and headed back to the magic kingdom. We took the boat over and saw a rainbow it was almost perfect.

Again we basically went on as many rides as we could.

The rain managed to stay away, and we had a great final afternoon. Casey's for lunch, and then we sat on a bench near the hub and enjoyed the sights and sounds. Before I realized it my sister had fell asleep sitting next to me and still says it was the best nap she has ever had. Our flight was at 7:40 so that meant we had until 4:30 before we had to catch the Magical Express. My sister finally woke and we finished any last minute shopping and said goodbye to the Magic Kingdom :(

We got back to the Poly and hung out around the resort and around 3:00 we got a snack and sat on a bench near the dock and soaked in as much as we could. But 4:30 came so quick before we knew it we were sitting on the Magical Express bus and were headed back to the airport and reality.

We got to the airport, killed some time and got through security easily. Got to our gate and boarded the flight on time. But just as we got onto the runway the pilot comes on and says they were having problems so we headed back to the gate. Where we spent 2 and hours while they fixed the problem!!! Eventually we were able to take off and landed back at JFK at midnight. The only semi-good thing about that was we both got a $25 credit from JetBlue which is good for a year so we already decided it was going towards the next trips flight!!

Now remember I told you to keep in mind how I slammed my shoulder during Primeval Whirl. A week later it was still painful and only getting worse to the point where I would wake up in the middle of the night crying in pain. I went to the doctor, had to get tests done. The mri showed a partial torn Rotator Cuff, so Physical Therapy it was, but here I am a month later still in pain and I just went back to the doctor and in a month I will be going for shoulder surgery!!!! :brick: But it's not Disney's fault so don't worry I'm not one of those crazies who is going to sue our favorite place. I have had shoulder problems since I was 12 when I first dislocated it. I played softball, volleyball, and basketball since I was a little kid all the way through high school and it turns out the hit I took on Primeval Whirl was what aggravated it. But when the doctor and nurse ask how did you hurt your arm and your reply is a roller coaster in Disney World expect laughs and double takes!! But Primeval Whirl has become a running joke in our family, so every time I can't carry anything heavy or I have a sudden pain we all just yell "Primeval Whirl!!!!!" And I'm sure when my arm is in a sling for 4-6 Weeks I will be yelling Primeval Whirl A LOT!!! :lol:

But I hope you enjoyed the trip report because we had a great time!! My sister and I say it was hands down one of our favorite trips because we got to do what we wanted to do and not have mom or dad slowing us down!! And for those who were wondering my sister and I did have 1 fight, but neither of us can remember what it was about, we just remember around day 5 being really mad at each other for about an hour!! Thanks again for reading and reliving my trip with me!!!


Well-Known Member
I loved your little lost balloon picture! Perfect!

I'm sorry to hear that you took your shoulder pain home with you in such a big way, but at least you'll never forget that trip now! :hammer::lol:


Well-Known Member
Excellent report, Kelly. I'm glad you decided to share. I love all the pictures around the Polynesian... what a great room view, especially since they consider that a garden view.


Thanks for sharing your trip, it was great!! I also love the smell of the lobbies, especially the Polynesian and the Yacht Club. Maybe it's just the memories we smell...

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