As of February, guests will no longer be able to see a trained Disney Artist who is d

Must think.........happy thoughts

I'm saddened that I wasn't able to take the Animation Tour last summer when I was there......My only other memory of this attraction comes back from 1999 when I walked out of the Animation Tour and there was Mickey Mouse with no lines! :D OH! When Full House goes to Disney World, (When the House Meets the Mouse), I LOVE the scence where Joey goes and meets a friend who is an animator. That looked like a fun place to draw and do what I do best (draw).

Clark (and to all the other animators out there) Thanks for the memories. No matter what you did, thanks.


New Member
More guest from the past pay a visit.

Today, more guest from previous years payed a visit to our attraction. They're coming back to see us again. The family I'm talking about has a daughter who's sick right now and didn't come by today but she's coming by tomorrow. I've been helping Megan, the families daughter, for years now. We're great friends. The young lady is very talented.
The family is from Penn.

I tried a guest measurement, I took one of my original drawings and traced them today. A lot of guest commented on it and hated it. I don't know how our managers or higher ups are going to handle the situation!

After basically letting me, go the managers and trainers are asking me to train the tour guides into becoming artists. ARE THEY THAT CRAZY!!!

Take care, I will let you know all about Dec. 7, 2004 tomorrow or by looking at my


New Member
Let's get Lee's address!!!

Does anyone know Lee Cockerals(spelling bad:kiss: ) address and phone number If so please post it all so that we can see it.

Keep up the great work.


Naturally Grumpy

We spend a good deal of our time here debating minutae, and its fun. We can complain that old Epcot has been gutted and the new attractions lack the spirit, but in the grand scheme, it is still Epcot, and possibly more popular than ever. We discuss paint and cost and good or bad balloon colors.

But this thread has possibly ruined all that for me. None of those topics that we so seriously debate come close to the impact of this, and I am heartsick!

Disney animation is as critical to the company as Micky or the Castle or Main Street. How can they even consider removing the last of this group of artesans, I can't even fathom.

No artists, no imagineers...what is left?

Animationtour, 9oldmen, startedw/amouse, and you others, even though it is small comfort, and surely won't pay the rent, you have my undying gratitude and respect for your craft, for your contributions, for the magic you have helped forge, for your keeping of the flame.

Yes 9oldmen, I did my undergraduate at Clemson, still have family there. In spite of your admission of being a chicken, I still mean what I said about you. I guess it goes to show that in spite of your environment, and even the friends you keep, you can still turn out alright :lol: :lol:

Disney has cut out it's own soul.

General Grizz

New Member
I wasn't planning a trip to MGM for at least another year, but I'm now really wanting to come stop by at Animation.

I'm still VERY upset about this news.



New Member
More Friends Visiting Today!

As I was walking along the old studio (where there are now computer games) I bumped into a friend of mine from the college program! Tara's visiting from New Jersey. I told how excited I was to see her and gave her the bad news (she was with her aunt). We took pictures together on the Drawn To Animation stage.
I explained to her how funny it is that since the bad news came down from the top, all of our friends are suddenly coming by to visit. What a coincidence that's happenng.
We're going to see the Incredibles tomorrow night at City Walk, come along with us if you want!
I made templates for the kids today. These are basically drawings copied onto 8 1/5 x 11 paper. I printed, PROPERTY OF WALT DISNEY WORLD on the paper and the studio logo so that guest won't take them away from the class. The templates worked! And there were no crying or screaming kids in any of my classes today. For those of you who don't know about the Animation Academy, young people usually get upset when things aren't going there way in the drawing classes and on top of that the time is way too short in the class. None of the parents or kids took the templates away from the class!
And once again there were happy people, loving the drawing classes coming over and over again.
I want to end this by giving you info on who you should call about this nasty ordeal.

Al Weiss,:p
407-828-5887 FAX

Lee Cockerell,:brick:
407-828-4443 FAX

Jim MacPhee,:fork:


General Grizz

New Member
9oldmen said:
As I was walking along the old studio (where there are now computer games) I bumped into a friend of mine from the college program! Tara's visiting from New Jersey. I told how excited I was to see her and gave her the bad news (she was with her aunt). We took pictures together on the Drawn To Animation stage.
I explained to her how funny it is that since the bad news came down from the top, all of our friends are suddenly coming by to visit. What a coincidence that's happenng.
We're going to see the Incredibles tomorrow night at City Walk, come along with us if you want!
I made templates for the kids today. These are basically drawings copied onto 8 1/5 x 11 paper. I printed, PROPERTY OF WALT DISNEY WORLD on the paper and the studio logo so that guest won't take them away from the class. The templates worked! And there were no crying or screaming kids in any of my classes today. For those of you who don't know about the Animation Academy, young people usually get upset when things aren't going there way in the drawing classes and on top of that the time is way too short in the class. None of the parents or kids took the templates away from the class!
And once again there were happy people, loving the drawing classes coming over and over again.
I want to end this by giving you info on who you should call about this nasty ordeal.

Al Weiss,:p
407-828-5887 FAX

Lee Cockerell,:brick:
407-828-4443 FAX

Jim MacPhee,:fork:



Well-Known Member
after reading various pages of this thread, it definitely saddens me that such a thing is happening. the Walt Disney Co. seemed to be founded on the basis of animation (at least it seemed that way to me). sorry if this has been said repeatedly but i feel it needs to be said once more.

i have a great deal of repsect for the animators and all those who work behind the scenes, creating the magic. it also is a joy to see artisans doing their craft and teaching others. i find it shamefull that this idea is being taken away from the animation tour. but i am giving a heartfult thank you to those artists who are willing to teach others your craft. i only wish i could have experienced it myself. i had planned on stopping by on my next trip, but...oh well...


New Member
Its probably wishful thinking, but perhaps a grass roots campaign can save this attraction and most importantly the jobs of the people who care so much about what they do.

I will write to everyone that information is provided for and encourage everyone reading this thread to do so as well.

This is what happens when accountants get too much power. :fork:

General Grizz

New Member
JasonCajun said:
Its probably wishful thinking, but perhaps a grass roots campaign can save this attraction and most importantly the jobs of the people who care so much about what they do.

I will write to everyone that information is provided for and encourage everyone reading this thread to do so as well.

This is what happens when accountants get too much power. :fork:

There will be an organized website with a step by step process that will suggest people write. . .

Hopefully that will be up by the end of the month.

The Mouse Info

New Member
Animationtour said:
I am a cast member at the Magic of Disney Animation and I feel the need to inform our guests about some very unethical decisions that have been made clear in the past couple of days. For those of you who miss seeing actual animators ever since the studio has closed, but still enjoy being able to draw at the Animation Academy, you should know that as of February 1, 2005 there will be NO trained Disney Artists at The Magic of Disney Animation.

Guests will be taught by an untrained cast member who will be tracing from a template. You may just as well ask the person at the front of the room for a piece of paper and go trace it yourself.

Two days ago, the artists were all asked to attend a meeting where they were informed that they were lucky because the company had decided to allow them to stay on as artists until February when the position would be disposed of in order to save less than ten cents per guest. This two month time frame has everything to do with the fact that this comes in the middle of the Christmas Season (which they need the artists to work) and gives them all of January with artists to spare so that they could train the operations cast members to trace drawings. Furthermore, cast members have learned that this switch to all "untrained artists" has been in the works for an entire year (since the tour reopened).

The reaction of almost every operations cast member has been "I will not trace and I don't want to be a phoney." We really care about our guests!

I do not wish to ruin the magic for any of you, but only to allow you to come see the artists before they leave. Be assured that everyone at The Magic of Disney Animation is verging on tears because of what has been taken away from the experience. We will continue to provide you and your families with the best experience possible until Walt Disney World will no longer allow us to do so. Also, feel free to ask questions and voice your opinions to both management and cast.

OMG, I cannot believe this... I have closely worked with many of you during the early 04 season, and I know what you have all gone through. Many of the cast members in Area 6 I have also built close relationships at the time. Im very dissapointed that its come down to this decision, for so many of you have such great talents that simply go above and beyond what anyone else would do. Josh, Issac and Jason truly made an experince at the academy, and so did many of the fellow cast members and CP's who had to deal with the many chances. You guys all rocked! I feel your tears, and mine will come soon. I just want you all to know, you are all amazing people, and I will hope to make my transition back to flordia soon to see you off.


New Member
9oldmen said:
Does anyone know Lee Cockerals(spelling bad:kiss: ) address and phone number If so please post it all so that we can see it.

Keep up the great work.
Mr. Lee Cockerell
Executive Vice President of Walt Disney World Operations
1375 Buena Vista Drive
Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830-1000

Telephone: (407) 934-7287


New Member
An emotional day at work

Yesterday was a very beautiful day. Mehgans family came back by to visit as they promised.

I got another visit from a family that came by the day before. It's really a small world because they gave me a business card from a young lady that used to work with me on the animation tour. The couple had met they young lady at a CentraCare office in Kississimee, Florida. The couple lives in Deland, Florida. The wife was getting a soar throat and wanted to get it checked, the young lady taking their info wanted to know why were they visiting a CentraCare in Kississimee. The couple told her that they were visiting Disney and had a lot of fun in the Animation Academy at the Disney-MGM Studios. They young lady asked more questions and got excited when she found out that I was their artist in the drawing class! A SMALL WORLD RIGHT!!!

Well that's not the best part the family gave me one last thing before they went back home to Deland....They gave me an apple for being a good teacher. I had to pull myself together.
You all just don't understand how much I'm going to miss what I do. I don't want to sound sappy so I'm going to tell you the greatest part of yesterday.

There's a family named the Dunlap's, they visit all the time, I met them earlier this year for the first time. September of this year they made a banner for another cast member and myself that was about 13 feet or longer with a lot of different things on it. They sent it to my manager Gloria Hardee. I hate to say this but we never received the banner! It wasn't untill the Dunlap family came back to the studios and marched themselves over to guest relations and demanded to know where her office was did we get this awesome banner. The Dunlap family are great Disney guests like many other people that visit our parks, they like to recognize great cast members. Go to their website, or if you want to see what they are about.

This is the letter that the other cast member and myself never received:

Ms. Gloria Hardee
Studio Operations
Disney-MGM Studios
648 Stage Lane
Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830

September 9, 2004

Hi Gloria,

We think the artists in the Animation Academy and Animation Gallery are among the very best experiences in Walt Disney World. They have made our trips Magic for years. We have made it a point of looking them up every visit since 1999. In our case that is more than a Dozen vacations.

With all the talk of attractions meaning big thrill rides, we feel it is very important to let you know, we think the Art of Disney is critical to our vacation experience. Disney artists are an inspiration to our family and joy to visit. We have a collection of Cells that are a direct result of David Rippburger's show in the Animation Gallery.

We have a fan web site that tells the stories of Magic Moments we have had in Disney World. The first of these Magic encounters was with David years ago. More recently David introduced Isaac to us in July of this year. We had the pleasure of making a new friend, one who has strengthened the love of art in our children.

To read about these moments you can see:

It's a shame to see the closed shutters on the windows of the former animation studio. Please keep artists a prominent part of the Disney Studio experience. Interacting with artist builds strong bonds with guests, particularly the young ones. We can say with certainty artists, and the Magic they make, bring guests and their vacation dollars back to Disney property.

Would you please pass on the attached 'little card to David and Isaac for us?

The Dunlap Family

We never received this letter and it only leaves this in my mind, my area manager knew for a long time what was going to happen and wanted to ignore the vital parts of this letter. How someone sleeps knowing that everything that happened two weeks ago was so prophetic in this letter shocks me. I'm going to leave you with these facts and testimonials and let you be the judge for yourselves!


Well-Known Member
Wow, I'm so sorry that you never received your letter and banner. That's horrible! :(

Edit: Just wanted to add that I just visited the above website. It seems to be a really cool site dedicated to their love of Disney and the cm's that make it special. I second the recomendation to visit that site. What an honor to you as being included in such a hall of fame. Are you Isaac, or David? (Sorry if you've already answered the question). Thanks for all that you do to make the guest's visits so magical. Management may be blind, but we (the guests) aren't. You will truly be missed. I'm just sad that I won't be able to visit again before February, and even sadder that I didn't make it to the tour on my most recent trip. We went to the Studios for Super Soap and did little else there (I guess we assumed that everything would still be there on the next trip. But then again, you know what they say about those who assume...)


New Member
To which ever Disney operative has been assigned to spy on these threads and report back to miss-management:


General Grizz

New Member
barnum42 said:
To which ever Disney operative has been assigned to spy on these threads and report back to miss-management:

Please do.


Account Suspended
Several Thoughts on this subject:

First of all, some of you will know that I am a fan of the more "traditional" Disney from years gone by. So, it is sad to see things changing, but change is a way of life. Suffice it to say, if other countries were using 3D animation, and digital animation, I'm sure that most in this country would complain about how far behind the times WE were. Having said that, it is said to see the animators go, but this is a business. First and foremost. It is the responsibility of those in charge to make tough decisions that most won't like and even fewer will go along with.

First, let's examine the feasibility of keeping the animation studio open as an attraction. You would have to examine the turnstile #'s versus other attractions to see if it's a good business decision to leave it open, fully staffing it with animators, and cms. On top of that, I'm sure they were all receiving full benefits as cms for Disney.

Secondarily, how many of these folks were engaged in current productions for Disney? Or was their sole function as an entertainment vehicle for park guests?

Another issue is replacement to other positions within the company. Does anyone know FOR A FACT that these folks weren't given other opportunities within the company? If so, then they were given some option of future employment.

With so much talk about new rides (ie thrill rides) needing to be brought in, or kept as in AE, (i know, it was more of a "dark ride"), it strikes me a little odd that there's this sudden grass roots movement, if you will, to keep this type of attraction open to the public. Don't get me wrong, I hate to see it go as well, but let's face facts. IT'S A BUSINESS. How many of us out here, if we owned our own business, would keep something, or someone, on if it or they weren't producing REAL profits for us? And on top of that were costing us money in benes and pay? I know, I know, you're all very noble and would bite the bullet, cause you know what's right and what's wrong. Yeah, sure. Until it comes time to pay the bills.

While I agree that it is in keeping with "Disney tradition" to keep animators on property, I also know that the REALITY is that change is a part of life. Like it or not, Disney IS a BUSINESS.

And no, I DON'T like Michael Eisner.

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