As of February, guests will no longer be able to see a trained Disney Artist who is d


Well-Known Member
I remember a man dying of cancer visiting the attraction once, he only had a year to live......I gave that man a simple drawing of Mickey Mouse and he started crying. I said, "I hope this makes you feel better." 2 years later I see this familiar face in the crowd during one of my got it! It was that man that should'nt have been here....but he was, he wanted to say thank you! He pulled out this drawing of Mickey from his back pocket of his pants. It was in bad shape....tattered and torn. His wife said, "....he's so silly....he never let that drawing get away from him....Even when he was going through surgery, it was hard for the doctors to pry it away from him." Now I don't know if my drawing did anything for this man but I will say this, that drawing of Mickey gave him hope while he was in his last when Mickey gave Walt hope when he was on his last leg after having Oswald stolen from him by a New York Studio.

That put tears into my eyes. One simple action gave a dying man hope and strength to live.

Please help save The Animation Academy. The Walt Disney Comapny has truly lost it's values.....


New Member
Some people are mean.

I just went to to post this letter and let me tell you, some of them are very rude. This is my first time doing something like this. I'm just trying to get the word out to good people.
I guess Disney owns that website. It figures.


New Member
General Grizz said:
What did they say? IE is not letting me access the website; I do not think Disney owns it.
Instead of posting his own thread, he posted his "letter" within several other threads. The members (and webmaster) felt that he had hijacked those threads for his own purpose. Several members stated that his "letter" was, in fact, Spam. His posts were removed by the webmaster.


New Member
all sad about the events

Let me start off thanking everyone for their support about what is going on with the attraction. Now when news broke this week about what was happening with our artists we were not that happiest of people. I can't speak for everyone but it seemed like the same reaction was going through everyone's mind. What do we do now? I know for years and years as I was growing up my family was fortunate enough to afford annual passes. I can say this with confidence that the magic is starting to fade away, and situations like this is what makes the magic fade.

I can say from a "tour guide's " point of view that I am very unhappy about all of this. So now it's credible and ethical for Disney to let me trace and act as if I am a real artist; people can do that on their own time. I really do not want to act as if I went to a college or university and got a degree in art and tell people that I am going to teach them how to draw a classic character. I might as well point our guests towards the Animation Gallery Gift Shop and tell that they can get a book for about $8 that will probably serve them better. What am I suppose to do when a little child comes up to me after their drawing session to see what they can do to improve their drawing? Or how about when they ask me to help them draw another character? I have seen countless moments when children have come up to our artists and do that. I have witnessed some many instances when a child will come out of a drawing class then go right back into the line to do it again and again and again.

Well I'd like to tell you a story about what happend today at work.. Well while I was at the position in front of the Animation Academy with a fellow cast member a man, and his family comes up to us with a request. He tells us that his father was a huge Goofy fan and when his father came to see the tour in 2001 an artist gave him a sketch of Goofy just for no reason just make someone's day even better. Well unfortunately the man's father passed on since then and the picture remained framed after he passed on. This man asked us if there was anyway he can ask one of our artists if he can get another drawing of goofy with a tribute saying in loving memory and his father's initials. Me and the other cast member automatically went looking for the nearest and available artist we could find and to ask if he could draw this for us. We told the family to go ahead and come back in a few hours so we can see what we could do and almost immediately after we asked the artist the drawing was done. I can not describe to you the expression that was on this man's face today. All I know is that after February 1st how we can do that for our guests and touch lives like that? We really can't. That man made it a mission on his visit to ask us for the drawing.

The people I work with are sort of like family to me. I feel like the family is falling apart and it's sad. I look up to some of the artists and when I need advice they won't be there anymore. I love working for the company but when things like this happen, you can't help but wonder why they are do this to people.. I just want people to know that we cast members are there for a reason. We want to help make our guests days the best it can be. I really can not describe the many precious moments that happen through out my days working at this attraction. Remember on some days expecially holidays like Christmas, New Years and even Thanksgiving we come into work and not be with our families for YOU... to help make the magic for you.


New Member
For what it's worth, I've emailed my feelings to Disney, reminding them that animation is the at the heart of what build the world of Disney, and I want to know why current management is tearing that heart out.


It is sad, but can disney justify hiring artists for a five-minute presentation? Artists and the animation tour. The two go hand in hand and one cannot exist without the other. I've made my decision. Eisner's now on 'My special List'.


New Member
What is this garbage.... Animation is one of the biggest and most well known parts of the Walt Disney Company. This is crap and I am sick of it. First they close studios, then they get rid of all traditional animation, now they won't even have a trained animator anymore? I just don't understand how this can truly help the company when one of it's major legs is completely cut. Yes CGI is impressive, but so is traditional animation. Complete garbage. Well, maybe the same thing that happened with Universal (with the Imagineers going to work on IoA) will happen again with animation. Disney might learn something and figure out their mistake of letting talent go and not let it happen a third time.


New Member
Thank you so much for your support!

What's up Everyone,

I don't know where to start,
you all are so awesome. I feel so bad that it took something like this to get me to be apart of your family.

All of the members of wdwmagic are so very supportive of the situation we're going through at The Magic of Disney Animation. My heart and love goes out to you all and hopefully one day I will be able to return the favor. If you ever need my help or our help please let us know.

Today, at The Disney-MGM Studios, I was in the Animation Academy getting ready for one of my drawing classes and something special happened! One of my favorite families visiting from Charlotte, NC walks into the drawing class.
I wish you all we're there.
I'm asking everyone in the class if they are ready to draw and.........Oh my..... this beautiful young lady comes rolling into the class, her mother is pushing her in a wheelchair!!!! They wanted to surprise me, they had been by the day before.
Since our rotation at work was a little off I was'nt able to treat them to lunch or dinner. I'm usually off on Sundays but all of us are working 6-7 days out of the week. Some of us work over 60hrs sometimes.
The daughter of this family is not really confined to a wheelchair but everytime I've seen her she's using one, I feel that it's rude to ask what her illness is.
She looked so beautiful, I got a kiss on the cheek and that made me feel good. Just seeing them made everything feel wonderful. Then they left and things were not the same but I felt a little better. She wanted me to look at her portfolio and some storyboard sketches but I did'nt have time, I had to jump back on stage in Drawn To Animation and talk with Mushu about how he was created (laugh).

I did get a chance to tell them what was going on and like everyone else they were concerned about us all. I introduced the family to AnimationTour and they fell in love with him and his nice pink Harvard Cardigan.

She's one of the reasons why I do this, why we all do this. Man I love making people happy with my talent!!!

I love you all and thanks again!

Good Night,


Naturally Grumpy
General Grizz said:
Animationtour, I totally see where you are coming from. A lot of guests might come to Disney's defense and say it's a good move economically, but who knows the result. Disney has never succeeded in its cutbacks, and it never will.

You artists are our inspiration and the true magicians of Disney magic. Hang in there -- and good for you!

May the WDCompany learn its lesson, and I hope that the glory of 2-D animation may come back to haunt Lord Ei$ner & his Henchmen one day. . .


Of couse he is not god, he's just a greedy self centred egotistical money-grabbing heartless selfish souless piece of corprate offal.

Don't hold back Barnum :zipit:

The big crime was to close the studio in the first place. I was surprised that they had real animators left and when I saw the show I can remember thinking it was only a matter of time before they too got the boot.

I found the whole show a little uncomfortable - seeing animators who have just been put out of their jobs talking about the rich history of animation at the studios.

The whole thing can be viewed as far from a positive move.

Can't say it any better you two, so ditto from me! :(

Animationtour, thanks for your post, the heart expressed in it and your desire to carry on the Disney ideals, even if Corporate doesn't.


New Member
Original Poster
LOL... Clark posted 5 times to different threadas by accident because he didn't know how these things work. So they are all angry at him for "spamming" them. He just didn't know that you only have to post once. If you know anybody on that board and could clear that up we'd be very appreciative.

General Grizz

New Member
Animationtour said:
LOL... Clark posted 5 times to different threadas by accident because he didn't know how these things work. So they are all angry at him for "spamming" them. He just didn't know that you only have to post once. If you know anybody on that board and could clear that up we'd be very appreciative.
Question, did the group of you come to WDWMagic because you heard the news and invite the others? It's just so odd - but good, I guess :) - to see so many Cast Members from such a department come at once.


New Member
Animationtour said:
LOL... Clark posted 5 times to different threadas by accident because he didn't know how these things work. So they are all angry at him for "spamming" them. He just didn't know that you only have to post once. If you know anybody on that board and could clear that up we'd be very appreciative.
Why didn't "Clark Kent" create his own thread? Also why is it that many Disney fans (board members) know who "Clark Kent" is, even while he wears his disguise? Is it possible that "Clark Kent" is more than one person (perhaps 5 persons?)?

Yes, we will (have) cleared up the matter. Glad you appreciate the effort.


New Member
Thanks Woody13 and AnimationTour.

Thanks Woody13 and AnimationTour for clearing up things. It's embarrassing and I just want to put that all behind me now. I just did'nt know where to put it. That site is'nt as organized as this one is. I hope they don't get mad at me for saying that. They are a good group of people and I understand why they did what they hard feelings at all. I made a mistake, let's move on (laugh).

ClemsonTigger must be a Clemson fan! I'm a Gamecock! Maybe that's why the company is letting me go (HA! HA! HA! HA!)!

Well, a lot of us do actually check sites like this one to see what we can do to make our attraction better. I was one of those people that listened to the reports coming from other cast members. We have always had support with our studio but like I said before, when the company told us to lie to our guest about things that were going on inside the company or studio, we all knew that the guest weren't stupid, they could see what was going on....and they did!

I was always busy working on promoting another career outside of Disney. I never had the time to check on all of the sites but my friends would tell me what was being said. Yeah, a lot of cast members care about what you think of us and our company even if the company doesn't like to listen to you all (the guests). Anyway this is where most of my time went to....two animators that used to work with me but left the company created, Some of my work is on that site. I'm also one of the entrepreneur's of the site. One cast member wrote a letter and then another, and another we are. We just want people to get a feeling of what it's like being on the inside of WDW. I want to thank you all for listening to our comments. I will give you a report on the magic we create today at work! Love Ya! Have A Good Day!


New Member
I have emailed my thoughts to guest relations as well.
I think that this is simply outrageous. The Magic of Disney Animation used to be my favorite attraction at the Studios. I used to have to be pulled away by my family because I could stand for hours & watch the animators draw--I secretly always wanted to be an animator. When I visited the Studios in November & saw the now very very watered down version of the tour, I was first of all sad to see the working studio transformed into the kiosks etc that now make up the tour. The highlight of my visit was going the Animation Academy & getting to see an artist & getting to learn how to draw Donald Duck---I especially loved watching my artistically challenged husband with his tongue sticking out trying to recreate Donald. NOW, they are taking even that artist away from us too!!!! I don't understand & I am sure that Walt Disney would not be proud if he found out they were planning on fooling guests into thinking that someone was an animator & they were in fact TRACING a character.
I feel so badly for the few animators like Clark that are left that are now going to be out of a job. Disney should be ashamed!!
My next WDW trip isn't until Feb 12th so I will just miss seeing the real artists still at work & now I don't think I will even be able to go visit the Animation Academy which I so enjoyed before.
Clark & all the other animators out there, thank you for bringing magic & beauty & fun into our lives for all these years. You will be sorely missed.


New Member
General Grizz said:
Question, did the group of you come to WDWMagic because you heard the news and invite the others? It's just so odd - but good, I guess :) - to see so many Cast Members from such a department come at once.
Well animationtour started the thread and we heard about the feedback coming from all you that we decided to write too!


Well-Known Member
OMG, I just found this thread and it makes me want to cry. :cry:

I am so sorry to hear about this horrible cutback. Animation is what started it all, and it's what keeps me going back. "It was all started by a mouse" who was animated!

I'm now even more sorry that I missed the tour on my last trip in November. I had intended to go, but I just never really had the chance. I guess I took it for granted and thought it would be the same for awhile. After all, they did just rehab and reopen it. I guess I forgot how money-grubbing the higher ups at disney are.

Thanks to all of the animators for all your years of service and time and effort put into the company. Management may not appreciate you but we, the guests, do. The animation tour will not be the same without you.


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
Sounds like the systematic elimination of animation at Disney is proceeding nicely... in the eyes of upper management.

I wish someone up there would take a look at what they have, and where a lot of it came from - Animated Movies with GOOD STORIES. You can't fault animation for the failings of bad story. If the story is crap, you can't beautify it no matter how hard you try - it's still a stinking pile o' crap. Which, right now, is my opinion of quite a few in upper management at Disney.

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