Hell everyone. I'm a cast member at the attraction. I was there early Monday morning, Dec.1, 2004, looking at my family of artist when they told us that our jobs were being cut in pay. I was there when they told us that drawing was no longer needed on the tour and that any cast member will be able to run the attraction because of tracing being implemented. I was there when they told us that they had been looking into doing something like this for a long time and never had any decency to let us know about. I was there when they told us Feb.1, 2004 was going to be the end for us. I was there when we found out that our house payments, our car payments, our bills might be a little harder to pay on time. I was there when the guilty coward, not looking us in the eye but staring down in to his folder told us that our opinions did'nt matter. I was there when the person who gave us this news would'nt look us in the eye and just sat there coldly telling us the company was doing us a favor by giving us two months to find work. Anyone who has a brain would know that this is one of Disney's best years fiscally since 9-11 and Christmas and the New Year is right around the corner.
We're doing them a favor as well.
We're still going to go out there and give the guest great shows untill this is over. I've read your comments and I feel you needed to know how dirty this was for them to do this to us that day.
I've read your comments......If you think it's about 2D animation and 3D animation then think again. This is about respecting the human being. Just because a man or woman is a custodial cast member cleaning Disney World does'nt mean they're less important than the manager that runs a theme park. Bad management hardly ever is corrected but the man or woman under them is the first to go. I can tell you of horror stories of bad managers still working with the company and still moving up in the company. It's about respect, Disney did'nt have it that day.
I've read your comments, some of them were not too bad but I think you're missing the point again. If this were about 3D animation going out, then why is'nt the company training us to use computers at the attraction? It's not about 2D and 3D animation because I've seen crap coming from both mediums....do you remember DINASAUR and what about HOME ON THE RANGE! Some of us need to really know what we're talking about, 3D is great but it is'nt the greatest thing ever. Do you know who animates 3D films? Not computer experts but traditional artist who can actually draw classically. Walt and the animators before made a template for us to follow, I don't know why we are'nt following that template: STORY-CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT-ANIMATING EXPRESSIONS AND ACTING OUT EMOTIONS using your mind, body and soul. I've met a lot of the great animators of the past and I would ask them questions untill they got tired of having me around them. I once asked Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston about computer animation and they had no hard feelings towards computer animation but they did give me this answer: "When the electric guitar was created it did'nt eliminate the acoustic guitar or the other guitars....like the old western guitar. It's only a different sound coming from both insturments that are....in a way are the same."
I've read your comments and it comes down to this....PEOPLE WANT TO DRAW! They don't care about a medium of a movie! Like I said before, I've seen crap coimg from all over the industry it really comes down to the love for a skill, the craft, the talent.
So if you think this is about drawing on paper and working from a computer then you don't know much. It's about paying for talent. Something our company is lacking, something our company is not willing to pay for, so lets bring Joe Blow or the college programer who really does'nt care about the history of the company or animation. It's cheaper to bring anyone off the street who does'nt know how to draw and have them pose as an artist. I know people may want to take this as a moment to shine in the spotlight as a Disney Artist but let me tell you....the guest will be able to sniff you out like a bloodhound. What will you do when they want you to draw Cinderella in their autograph books? What are you going to do? You see this company has lost its values, its heritage and its traditions. Look at the cardboard cut-outs that they're building and calling them attractions. Why do we accept this? Why do we accept the unsafe maintenanced attractions everyday? Why do we accept the attractions falling apart? While the attractions are falling apart we're not putting the money back into them but we're putting money into the pockets of higher management. Just ask yourself what in the Disney World is going on (laugh).
I've had parents bring their children to me for adivice. I'm not this greatest artist but the guests that see my work thank I am. I've had computer animators come up to me after a show and ask for my drawings. I've had animators from the early years with Walt ask me for my drawings and that was and still is a pleasure for me today. I've had the great old Warner Brother animators ask me for my drawings. the old Fliesher animators have asked for my drawings. I'm not bragging, I'm trying to get you to see that if this was all about 2D and 3D then why does this still happen on the tour! People come back to Disney World to visit the park but they also come back to see me, see us. I find it hard to believe that people come back to see us but they do....and they're from other countries as well! Let me tell you,
I've personally taken my friends who've come back to visit me out to lunch at Starring Rolls, 50's Prime Time Caf'e, ABC Commissary while on the job during my break. I've done it with people that I've met for the first time, all they want is for a real Disney Artist to talk with their son or daughter about why we love what we do as a Disney Artist. I don't know what that child will take from that experience but I do know that I've done something beautiful. The guest can still get this, but why? Why....when you know that the person has no background in art or animation at all. It's sad.
I've had children that were dying come up to me and ask for my drawings. You know what, my drawings made that child not feel that pain at that moment. Some of my friends have written me letters before they've passed on. A lot of the people that I've met are no longer with us but they are with me...when I perform on that stage from 10AM to 8PM.
I remember a man dying of cancer visiting the attraction once, he only had a year to live......I gave that man a simple drawing of Mickey Mouse and he started crying. I said, "I hope this makes you feel better." 2 years later I see this familiar face in the crowd during one of my shows....Yeah....you got it! It was that man that should've been here but he was, he wanted to say thank you! He pulled out this drawing of Mickey from his back pocket of his pants. It was in bad shape....tattered and torn. His wife said, "....he's so silly....he never let that drawing get away from him....Even when he was going through surgery, it was hard for the doctors to pry it away from him." Now I don't know if my drawing did anything for this man but I will say this, that drawing of Mickey gave him hope while he was in his last days...like when Mickey gave Walt hope when he was on his last leg after having Oswald stolen from him by a New York Studio.
You think you know what the people want but you really, really, really don't know. This is about the people. Touching lives and inspiring lives. For those of you who don't have a clue.....I invite you to come by and pay us a visit in our last months, our last days. I want you to see the children that we inspire and the adults that laugh at their own drawings at the end of a class in The Animation Academy. Come and take a part in history because it won't be the same ever again. When you come by ask for Clark. I will give you something to take back home with you. Whenever you're in the area come by to have some fun. And if you like what we have been doing for years go by guest relations and show that you're thankful for what we do.
Stay posted because want to plan a day when all animation fans will come to the attraction in record numbers and just have fun. No protest but a day to walk off into the sunset with our heads high looking and being professional about the whole ordeal.