Are you sick of Stitch in WDW parks?

Are you sick of Stitch in WDW Parks?

  • Yes, I'm tired of Disney overhyping this character.

    Votes: 157 57.5%
  • No, I love Stitch and enjoy seeing him everywhere

    Votes: 73 26.7%
  • I don't care!

    Votes: 43 15.8%

  • Total voters


New Member
No, I love Stitch, and in fact WDW has become my favourite disney park in large part because of the huge stitch presence there.

I really do love it.

Problem is I see Disney burning this character out and that alarms me a great deal. Because as a diehard Stitch fan I want to see him last for decades. The way disney is pushing him means that he's been steered in the direction of a fad...where everyone is crazuy about it one minute, then gets sick of it and dumps it the next. I don't want that happening to Stitch. Not at all.

More alarming to me is that people who are disappointed with SGE are now turning on the character HIMSELF. It used to be that Stitch was rarely spoken ill of, or at least that's what I saw. But now everyone here seems to be bent on bashing Stitch. For a person like me, that's heartbreaking. It's like, because of bad planning on the part of disney management, people are hating the character that they once liked or loved.

I just think disney needs to get its foot off the gas pedal for a while, and let people adjust to the new stitch exposure in the park, instead of constantly heaping on more. We're not giving people enough time to actually appreciate his presence and instead we're burning him out. That's to the detriment of Disney...because a burnt out character cannot move all that new merchandise they keep coming out with for him.

Now the merch isn't a problem. They can keep introducing new Stitch merch and that's fine, I don't see people complaining about that because they have a CHOICE to not buy the stitch merch. (Though I have seen a few people complain that some stores have been converted into Stitch emporiums, but I think they need to get over it.)

It's the stuff people don't have a choice in that they're upset about. Stitch on the monorails, Stitch at the gates, Stitch here, there, all over the place. Some of us are in absolute heaven at seeing it all. Considering that back in 2002 we didn't even know if this character had a future. Some, who didnt see the movie or didn't like the character, are going nuts over it. They hate it.

There is a happy medium. disney has not found it.

If I had my way Stitch would be everywhere, in every park, because that's something that makes my WDW experience all the better. But, MY way would ultimately pi ss a lot of people off too! Not everyone wants a Stitchland, but I do!

My thoughts are these:

1. Don't dis on it until you've seen it for yourself. Until then it's just hearsay you're going on and I don't think that's a fair way to judge an attraction. Give it a chance before knocking it, even if you are 100% certain you'd hate the ride.

2. If you're tired of the Stitch overexposure in the parks, remember it's not the character's fault, it's management's fault for going overboard with it. Don't hate Stitch because of a bad management decision. That's not really fair.

3. If you hated SGE, please respect the opinions of those who did like it and do want a Stitch attraction in WDW. It doesn't mean we're idiots or clueless or that our opinion doesn't count. It counts as much as yours does. And like it or not, there are those of us that would be dead-set against an effort to remove Stitch from the parks.

4. Just because Stitch is overexposed doesn't mean he should be GONE. Disney does need to tone it down a bit, yes. But they shouldn't get rid of him. I'm glad he's at the parks. I think he's earned a wake up call for guests, mascots in all the parks except epcot, and a coming character breakfast. He's earned that. Let him have it. I've seen characters from far less successful movies get these same things, and I'd consider Stitch just as if not more deserving.

5. Lilo and Stitch was not a sub-par movie, and was not a failure. A lot of people like to use these arguments when stating why Stitch shouldn't be in the parks. It is factually wrong. Lilo and Stitch was a blockbuster. Its global earnings were nothing to scoff about, nor were its domestic earnings. It has been Disney's most successful movie of the 2000s, and post-Lion King, its earnings are second only to Tarzan, which, it could be argued, was a success mostly because of the Phil Collins score. Tarzan failed to produce a memorable character with longevity, and thus a limited franchise.

Stitch has produced what has the potential to be a modern icon if Disney plays its cards right. Stitch had produced a solid franchise that keeps on giving for Disney. Stitch has survived for 3 years in an industry where people hardly remember the movies they saw last summer or last year. We live in a society that has a very short memory, and tastes that change so rapidly that movies become obsolete almost instantly. Stitch has survived.

Do keep in mind that while Disney pushes this character, they can only do so much if the public doesn't respond. The public has responded. Stitch is a success.

Disney now has to make the right choices to ensure that Stitch remains successful. So whether you think Stitch is a "deserving" character or not, the FACT is that the movie was a success, the character was a success, the franchise is a success. It is now in Disney's hands to keep it that way, and the WRONG thing to do is push the franchise so hard that people start to get sick of it, and Stitch goes the way of beanie babies and cabbage patch dolls.

I hope they make the right choice and ease off the gas a bit, before they hurt this character's future. I love him, I want to see him last.


Well-Known Member
Stitchfan... long time no see. Hope things are well.

Just wanted to say (again) that just because we are disappointed with the attraction doesn't mean we are disappointed with the character. The two are seperate. Stop getting so worked up about that.


New Member
I'm not. Take a second look at my post if you would please...because I expressed what I'm seeing and the general attitude that seems to have come about as a result of SGE's shortcomings.

I can't help but feel this way when some of our new members show up bearing anti-stitch icons and the like. Can you see my point?


Well-Known Member
Actually, this is what you said.

Stitchfan712 said:
More alarming to me is that people who are disappointed with SGE are now turning on the character HIMSELF. It used to be that Stitch was rarely spoken ill of, or at least that's what I saw. But now everyone here seems to be bent on bashing Stitch. For a person like me, that's heartbreaking. It's like, because of bad planning on the part of disney management, people are hating the character that they once liked or loved.
You are saying that because of people's disappointment with the attraction they are turning on Stitch. That is not the case. I am sure those of us you liked the character before still like the character (like me). However, most people are getting tired of the blatant over-exposing of the property, which is seriously effective the essense of the Magic Kingdom ("Stitch Kingdom", monorail decals, TPing the castle). Unfortunately, the symbol of the marketing IS Stitch, which means it appears we are turning on him.

Don't misconstrue people's actions. This whole Stitch thing runs deeper than simply liking or dis-liking the character. It comes down being dissastisfied with how the property is being used.

THAT is the essense of all this "anti-Stitch" sentiment.


New Member
Okay, I see your point. Still, sometimes it seems that people's disappointment with SGE is translating into them disliking the character as a result.

My feelings are the same on the over-hyping of Stitch at the parks. I mean, if I had my way, Stitch would be even more present at WDW than he already is, but that's because that's what I like and what I'd like to see. There are others out there that would be happiest with no Stitch, anywhere, at all. There is a happy medium. But it's difficult to see people saying "I'm sick of Stitch", when actually they're sick of the Stitch over-promotion but don't have a problem with the character.

When you're a fan of him as strongly as I sucks to see people APPEAR to be bashing him, or ACTUALLY bash him. Can you see it from my perspective?

I see what you are saying though. Stitch is the face of this promotion so that's what people go after. But it's still hard to see one of Disney's deepest and most complex characters (he was) get treated in such a manner because of bad decisions on management's part. But it's also hard to see management cheapen him and his depth too. Stitch was tangible, he was real. They're making him for of a stereotypical character than one with real depth as he was.

I just want the true essence of what Stitch is to remain alive. Because that's what people loved in 2002 and still love today. But disney can wreck that. I don't want that to happen.

Sometimes I've considered leaving this board because I hate seeing all this Stitch backlash, but....I also have to remind myself that it's not necessarily because of anything Stitch did.


Well-Known Member
I think a lot of your concern is unwarrented. I do understand where you are coming from as to your frustration about the apparant bashing, but as far as the character being destroyed forever don't worry about that. Disney has over-hyped a property, or song, or idea before and people have gotten tired of it. So what does Disney do? They withdraw whatever was overhyped to much more limited numbers, and then after a while bring it back. It actually happens with their songs a lot, with Go The Distance being a recent example. When Hercules was released, that song was the anthem of the year. It was played wherever an inspirational tune was even halfway suitable. Before long, the power of the song was lost. But NOW, 8 (?) years later, they stick the song in Wishes for one of the most powerful moments in the show.

Stitch will ALWAYS be around and will always represent a sort of anti-hero for Disney. Disney over-hyping him now will just result in period of a drought. Then the character will slowly be brought back in to fill his niche.


New Member
One question: Is Stitch really getting a character breakfast, Stitchfan? Or is this what you hope happens?

I agree, Stitch is cute. I don't mind the hype (probably because I haven't been to Disney World since Feb 2004). However, I won't turn on the cute and cuddly creature yet. I'll try SGE because I LOVED AE, and hope the hype is toned down when I go this February.


New Member
Stitch already has a character breakfast at DLR, at the paradise pier if I have my facts correct.

It is rumoured, unconfirmed at this point, that he'll be getting a character breakfast at WDW. I don't know the details though, that's just what I've heard.

I figure the character breakfast at DLR is long overdue. As is a possible character breakfast at WDW. As I've said earlier, I've seen characters from less successful movies make it that far. Stitch has more than earned it. And no one can say that a breakfast at DLR is only because of SGE hype.


Well-Known Member
I personally love Stitch
I love the mass marketing of him, if a mouse can get it, why not stitch?

I adore the movie, always have, I love that there is finally a "naughty" member of the disney family, it's refreshing and he's cute as hell.

I may be blinded by my love for stitch but, I think a lot of the problem is the mass attachment people had for AE, I personally never got to see or go on the ride.
I have to admit although I loved the animatronic, the ride was dissapointing, it was funny, it was cute, but it was a stinky room of fog for 4 minutes.

It doesn't take away from the love I have for him, and it's one of those loves that means I have a small room in my house dedicated to Stitch-Stuff due to overshopping.

I think his day has been a long time coming and having had to wait 3 years to get to see him widespread as it were was amazing for me, and the whole Stitch Kingdom made my day.
I do think they have hyped the ride too much
they could never hype Stitch too much as a character.


Well-Known Member
Stitchfan712 said:
You rule!! :sohappy:


I respect the opinions of others, but I can love who I want and I can't explain the sheer...Magical enjoyment I had on my trip to WDW this December, I just, I can't explain it, I have this love for him that makes you get all hyperactive.
They say every "dog" has it's day, Something tells me Stitch will get more than that.
He has been a quiet cult classic since the release of the movie, why would they release a whole ride based on his adventures if he wasn't SO loved?
I think the creators, and the management have the same love for him, which hopefully means i'll be hopping to the parks like a 5yr old just to see him for years to come.

He is my "Mickey" and my "Minnie" put together

---Unrelated, I also have "Chritmas reindeer-red nosed Pluto" love, they need to get a plush of him out!------

End of waffle


New Member
I'm going against the grain but I don't mind. I actually like the show. I'm a tech geek and I think that the animitronic is worth checking out. Don't worry...when Soarin' opens it'll be all over as well.


Well-Known Member
arcsbite said:
I think a lot of the problem is the mass attachment people had for AE, I personally never got to see or go on the ride.

That's understandable.

But if you ever did see AE, then you would understand MUCH better of why some people feel that way :wave:


Well-Known Member
Well I feel like the Stitch promotion is too much. Regardless of what you think of the attraction. It set my last visit off to a really bad start when, instead of Mickey cheerfully waking me up and welcoming me to WDW, I was awakened to Stitch screaming in my ear. And the huge inflatable Stitch in front of the MK felt like one of those giant blow up Michelin Man figures they put at tire stores. Tacky.

For Stitch fans I'm sure it's great - but for me who has no attachment to the character, it was just an annoyance that dimmed some of the magic for me. (Oh how it hurt to have to wake up to an alarm clock my whole Disney week....)


Well-Known Member
PurpleDragon said:
-The overall general consensus on this board is negative
-There are at least 2(possibly more) articles referring to the poor quality of the attraction and the negative feedback.
-CM's on this site have stated they've heard talks of refurbing the ride due to negative guest feedback.
-CM's on the site from guest relations stated they have gotten negative feedback(sorry can't find the thread right now)
-Someone stated earlier in this thread that there was no line for the attraction last week. This shows poor attendance, the attraction is not strong enough to bring people back.

Hi there! You rang? Speaking as someone in a position to perhaps get the negative feedback on the new attraction, I will tell you that the small number of negative comments I receive on this attraction are outweighed by the number of families that enjoy it, at least in terms of feedback received by me and others. Also, last week, there weren't lines for anything at the MK, so that's not really a fair assessment. There are talks of refurbing the ride, to shorten the amount of time spent in the darkened area of the attractions to make it more kid friendly.
With all that being said, I don't like Stitch so prevelent in the Magic Kingdom, I don't like the new attraction (however, there are many people that do), and I will be glad to join any sort of "Ditch Stitch" campaign


New Member
But why? Maybe tone Stitch down a bit...but ditch him entirely? :(

As for the wake up call, I was thinking tthey had done a "calm stitch" kind of thing. But if he's waking people up by screaming in their ears, then yeah, that needs to change. Because Stitch isn't always like that.

See, bad management decisions are wrecking this character. It's heartbreaking! Hey people, would you mind a Stitch wake up call if it was him calmly and cutely saying "good morning!" and inviting you to come play with him at the parks? It's not that hard to imagine.

Would that be acceptable, or are we dead-set against any Stitch sort of wake up call at all??

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