Are kids behaving worse now at WDW then in the past?


Well-Known Member
Being in what seems to be the minority that is the respectful part of my generation, I seem to be judging people a lot more by their actions. As Betty mentioned above, labelling an entire generation of kids/teens as unruly towards authority can be dangerous (and, as I've found out in public, quite disheartening). Sometimes I get either rude stares for just walking past people on the street, or nervous looks like I'm about to jump them. :(
speck76 said:
From what I see more often than not, the kids are just acting like kids, and the parents want them to act like "little adults".

In addition, I see kids act out because the parents are ignoring them....for instance, I was recently in a lounge at a resort hotel....the parents were drinking and having a rather long conversation, meanwhile, the kid was forced to sit an be quiet during this entire time. The kids eventually got bored and started messing around, which cause the parents to scold him. do not know how toe entertain themselves in a productive way
2...parents ignore their kids too much

I think it falls back to the self nature of so many American is all about them, not about the kids, not about the family.....

I agree with you except for one comment, that "kids are just being kids". While I understand the context of your post and why you used that phrase, I feel it's used too often these days to explain rude and disruptive behavior. Perhaps I am too sensitive with regard to this phrase because it was used against me after something my daughter experienced. She was the victim of a bully in her freshman year of high school. We didn't know the extent of the torment until she came home with a half-moon under her eye. She had been punched. Because I spoke to a guidance counselor and the student was expelled, I was accused by another parent of going way too far. The man used the term, "kids will be kids" to explain the assault on my daughter. We have not spoken since, but I'd protect my daughter again in a heartbeat.

Again, I understand your use of the term, but take issue with it being used as a "free pass" by many to excuse lying, line-cutting, pushing, etc.... right up to assault.


New Member
Stereotyping will get you nowhere.

Kids are mostly obedient. If all kids were spoiled little brats who defaced property and beat on people, then it would not be possible to visit Magic Kingdom without being manhandled.

Extracting information about the whole from a small group of outlying circumstances is misrepresentation.

Kids will be kids. You were one too.

Mori Anne

Active Member
In the Parks
If we look around WDW (in this example) it isn't that there are a lot of kids out there that are having a bad moment, it is just that they stick out more.

Remember the saying on Polyanna's Necklace.... "If you look for the bad in mankind, yea will surely find it"

Look around and focus on the kids behaving and you will notice how there are by far more behaved kids, than kids having their moments.:sohappy:


New Member
Without adding more controversy, I want to tell you this little tidbit! My bro-in-law is a cop in a large city. He told us one day he received a call from a teenager who had been spanked by his mother for using profanity. He was not abused but just merely spanked. My bro-in-law had to take a report of course but said that what he really wanted to do was offer assistance to the mother with spanking her child! With that said, I have no issue at all with spanking my son in public. The minute some "liberl" gives me a dirty look, I offer to send my misbehaving son home with them for an hour or so. They immediately shut up! We also use creative discipline and only spank as a last resort. I however do not believe in time outs! They don't work! My son is ADHD and is very literal about everything. We simply set consequences for his irresponsible actions. He is finally learning his limits. It only took six years!

Mori Anne

Active Member
In the Parks
In Disney movies there is spanking.....

Nemo, Lady and the Tramp, and others that slip my mind at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Am I the only person here who goes to Disney World to have fun?I really do not care who is in a stroller or a wheelchair,who's kid is screaming and throwing a fit.It really is none of my business and I dont let it get to me..Why worry about petty little things when I just spent a lot of money to be here.I really dont think these things are going to ruin someones vacation....I do not go there to find different things I can complain in strollers,people in wheelchairs,fat people who should be walking...I go there to spend time with my family in a place that I love.


Well-Known Member
moriah said:
If we look around WDW (in this example) it isn't that there are a lot of kids out there that are having a bad moment, it is just that they stick out more.

Remember the saying on Polyanna's Necklace.... "If you look for the bad in mankind, yea will surely find it"

Look around and focus on the kids behaving and you will notice how there are by far more behaved kids, than kids having their moments.:sohappy:

While I understand and appreciate your sentiment, I think that attitude can create complacency and allow problems to become huge issues. Certainly, you should not be looking for poorly behaved children. BUT, when the poor behavior of people is brought to your attention by the behavior itself, that is not looking for the evil. It is simply the evil being there. It's a different line.

Having said that, I do agree with the statement "kids will be kids." I really don't think, aside from some societal implications that the constant bombardment with media casues, kids act any different than they would generations ago. The difference is that "kids will be kids" has become, as someone said, a free pass to misbehave instead of a red flag for parents that kids do misbehave, so pay attention. I think it is fine if corporal punishment goes the wayside or if it doesn't. If you don't have access to a "discipline method" it means you have to get creative, as many here have cited. However, this means paying more attention and being more involved in your children's lives and upbringing. The truth is that the exact opposite is happening. Many parents are too busy: through necessity or own decision, so a more involved parenting necessity becomes impossible (again through their fault or not).

My mother is a teacher and has been for over 20 years. She teaches all ages. She has noticed a huge decline. Many parents (especially those that may not have "wanted" to be parents) expect the schools to raise their kids. They do not want to, but they are the first to cry bloddy murder if the school actually tries to instill manners, morals, etc. and might (god forbit) use punishment (not corporal - I'm talking failing, sent to the office, changing clothing, etc.) to do so.

I think there are still many wonderful parents out there, and that shows in their kids. If I see a child throwing a tantrum and a parent taking proper disciplinary action, I don't think twice. If a 5 year old is in a stroller, and the parents are attentively pushing it and cognizant of the people around them, not a problem at all. It's the parents that are too busy, too tired, too frustrated, too complacent to care about what their children are doing that raise eyebrows. Unfortunately, that does seem to be more and more common everywhere. It's a sad reality for those children and a greater problem, I would argue, than any smack on the butt or refusal to go/wear/do something would be.


Well-Known Member
well I know one thing. I was spanked as a child and my mom also sometimes pulled my hair to get me to behave. Am I a bad person because of it? No. When I was a kid, my parent's friends were always amazed at how well behaved my brother and I were.

Now I do see the difference in my brother and myself though. I was raised in a time where spankings were the answer, my brother was raised in the time where you could still spank, but my parents just didn't do it as much. My brother is a great guy, but he mouths off to my parents all the time. (He's 18 right now and is still doing this). My parents didn't punish him like they punished me when I was a kid (and I know you all are probably thinking, I'm sure they did, you just didn't realize it b/c you were a kid, but really, that isn't the case.)

Most kids these days are good kids, thanks to good parenting. I will admit that. But there is also a significant portion who have no clue how to behave and that really saddens me. Now, I don't have kids myself, but I see what the effects of not disciplining kids can do. I have already promised myself that I will not give into my children. I will not try to be their buddy...because I think we all see how that is working out for most children.


Well-Known Member
maggiegrace1 said:
Am I the only person here who goes to Disneyworld to have fun?I really do not care who is in a stroller or a wheelchair,who's kid is screaming and throwing a fit.It really is none of my business and I dont let it get to me..Why worry about petty little things when I just spent a lot of money to be here.I really dont think these things are going to ruin someones vacation....I do not go there to find different things I can complain in strollers,people in wheelchairs,fat people who should be walking...I go there to spend time with my family in a place that I love.

I guess I have to cite just a few things with this one.

A. I go to Disney World for the atmopshere. I've had many instances where I literally cannot hear or experience an attraction because a child and parent are yelling at each other in the car ahead of me for the entire 10 minute trip.

B. I know of one time where I was walking down Main St. and a stoller came up behind me and ran into me, hard, catching my ankle. I literally fell over (and I am a 6'1, over 200lb guy). The parents pushed around me, gave me a dirty look, and just went on.

This is where it happens. It really has no bearing on age or kids or anything. It is discourteous people. THAT is where the problem is greatest and is growing.


New Member
moriah said:
If we look around WDW (in this example) it isn't that there are a lot of kids out there that are having a bad moment, it is just that they stick out more.

Remember the saying on Polyanna's Necklace.... "If you look for the bad in mankind, yea will surely find it"

Look around and focus on the kids behaving and you will notice how there are by far more behaved kids, than kids having their moments.:sohappy:

Well said!!!!:dazzle:


Well-Known Member
Epcot82Guy said:
I guess I have to cite just a few things with this one.

A. I go to Disney World for the atmopshere. I've had many instances where I literally cannot hear or experience an attraction because a child and parent are yelling at each other in the car ahead of me for the entire 10 minute trip.

B. I know of one time where I was walking down Main St. and a stoller came up behind me and ran into me, hard, catching my ankle. I literally fell over (and I am a 6'1, over 200lb guy). The parents pushed around me, gave me a dirty look, and just went on.

This is where it happens. It really has no bearing on age or kids or anything. It is discourteous people. THAT is where the problem is greatest and is growing.

I fully understand both of your points..and it is annoying and frustrating..I just think that people are letting their trips be ruined by these things.If it mad,upset,frustrated..whatever..but then get over it.Some people here are letting their vacations be ruined by these things.


Well-Known Member
maggiegrace1 said:
I fully understand both of your points..and it is annoying and frustrating..I just think that people are letting their trips be ruined by these things.If it mad,upset,frustrated..whatever..but then get over it.Some people here are letting their vacations be ruined by these things.
And for those people I feel a bit sad. I mean it is one thing to take notice of bad behavior and be disgusted by it (parents or kids behaving badly)...but it is another thing to let it ruin your entire vacay. I can't understand how people let something like that, ruin a trip that you are only on for a few short days before you go back to reality. Because I know I want to enjoy my vacations.


Active Member
ConstanceIrene said:
Why are parents losing the battle? It is their job to teach correct behavior, not just to provide Coach bags and manicures for 9 year olds. There always were and there will always be celebrities on the pages of our magazines showing a lifestyle of excess and decadence. They are not to blame. The parents who can't say "no" to their little princess when she wants an expensive purse because Lindsey has one are the ones to blame.

Celebrities like Lindsay showing up at the Children's Choice Awards sans underwear for all the children too see is too much in your face for children today. Front of a magazine fine, but not something a parent would choose to think would be safe for a child to watch. Next thing, a child would not want to wear underwear because "Lindsay does not".

I am not saying all parents are losing the battle. I do not feel like I am losing because I am trying to raise her as you say with the respect for others. She is very good about the "thank you", "excuse me", "please", etc. However, there are some parents losing the battle that have kids that go to school with my child and they try to influence her. If she comes home being bad, it is usually her just being a kid...we all went through it. When she comes home being defiant about a piece of clothing she wants (apparently backless shirts and daisy dukes are in for a toddler:rolleyes: :hammer: ) or singing a song that I do not particularly agree with that a kid her age should know...that is society. Apparently a young girl at her school taught them the words to "Laffy Taffy" and "Hollaback Girl" on recess. Now I am familiar with these songs, but do not agree my child should be around that to sing them for me. There are lots of kids today raising kids, too. The little girl who taught her these has a mother that cannot be more than 20 yrs old. Babies raising babies...:rolleyes:

Not all kids are bad, not all parents are bad...just saying it is harder to keep them on the right path today, but still achievable.:)
The kids are HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mainly it's because of the parents lack of parenting. I also dislike the older kids who sit in the strollers and let their parents push them around like they are uncapable of walking. It seems to be a growing problem.

"It was all started by a mouse."-Walt Disney

Mori Anne

Active Member
In the Parks
Clark Griswold said:
The kids are HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mainly it's because of the parents lack of parenting. I also dislike the older kids who sit in the strollers and let their parents push them around like they are uncapable of walking. It seems to be a growing problem.

Seeing that you are 17 years old, I assume that you don't have kids. That being said, there were many things that I said that I would never do or allow when I was "childless" that I most definatly do now. Wait till you have kids and you will see another side to this issue. You may or may not disagree with stroller us, and that is okay, but as a parent, you will find that it is your right to make that call, and you will get upset when somebody else attacks you for making a (in this case) stroller use decision, that is your parental right to make.


Well-Known Member
moriah said:
Seeing that you are 17 years old, I assume that you don't have kids. That being said, there were many things that I said that I would never do or allow when I was "childless" that I most definatly do now. Wait till you have kids and you will see another side to this issue. You may or may not disagree with stroller us, and that is okay, but as a parent, you will find that it is your right to make that call, and you will get upset when somebody else attacks you for making a (in this case) stroller use decision, that is your parental right to make. is not a is a choice that they still allow you to make....but it is not a right.


Active Member
moriah said:
Seeing that you are 17 years old, I assume that you don't have kids. That being said, there were many things that I said that I would never do or allow when I was "childless" that I most definatly do now. Wait till you have kids and you will see another side to this issue. You may or may not disagree with stroller us, and that is okay, but as a parent, you will find that it is your right to make that call, and you will get upset when somebody else attacks you for making a (in this case) stroller use decision, that is your parental right to make.

Thank you. That is absolutely true. I was saying those things when I was 17, too, but perspectives change when you grow up and have your own children. I think a healthy, older child should walk and not be in a stroller, but that is a decision I am making for my child. If another parent wants to use a stroller for an older child, then it is their choice. Regardless how many older teenagers and adults love WDW, it is still a child's ultimate place to visit. Strollers are a part of letting them have their time there, too.


New Member
Why does a parent using a stroller make you so upset? It is my choice as a parent. I decide if I need to use a stroller for my child. Its hard to believe that teenagers and adults who do not have children want to judge some one based on the use of a stroller. How in the world can you tell me that I do not have the right to use a stroller?

Unless you have personally pushed a stroller through a thick crowd or tried to carry a child through it so he doesn't get run over by adults who will step on him, you can not comment on it. I do understand there are some who are rude with the strollers, but there are just as many who are rude without one who will push to get in front of you just to stop right in front of you for no reason. It is very difficult to use one. How about the next time you go, try pushing one right after a parade has ended or when a park closes and see how easy it is. Its amazing people will comment and judge when they have no experience with pushing the stroller.

I don't understand how a parent using a stroller can cause so much tension and anger. I do not even look at kids in the strollers because I am too busy having fun with my family to worry about what someone else is doing. You must not be having that much fun if you get this upset over every stroller that goes by you.

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