Are kids behaving worse now at WDW then in the past?


Well-Known Member
3fordisney said:
I don't understand how a parent using a stroller can cause so much tension and anger. I do not even look at kids in the strollers because I am too busy having fun with my family to worry about what someone else is doing. You must not be having that much fun if you get this upset over every stroller that goes by you.

Thank you.....Thank You.......Thank You.....
Get a life people...There are better things to worry about.....


Active Member
Odd that the subject of this thread is about gets behaving worse at Disney, yet the parents who are trying to keep their kids under control in a stroller are being targeted now in this thread. :hammer:


Trophy Husband
For as long as I can remember, I've heard people complain about how other peoples kids don't know how to behave anymore.

One thing I can tell you is that there was one miserable, obnoxious, little brat who was there in 1973, and I'd be very surprised if any kids who have been there recently are half as bad as that little ________ was.;)


New Member
Epcot82Guy said:
I guess I have to cite just a few things with this one.

A. I go to Disney World for the atmopshere. I've had many instances where I literally cannot hear or experience an attraction because a child and parent are yelling at each other in the car ahead of me for the entire 10 minute trip.

B. I know of one time where I was walking down Main St. and a stoller came up behind me and ran into me, hard, catching my ankle. I literally fell over (and I am a 6'1, over 200lb guy). The parents pushed around me, gave me a dirty look, and just went on.

This is where it happens. It really has no bearing on age or kids or anything. It is discourteous people. THAT is where the problem is greatest and is growing.

alright... i'm opening myself up here for a big flaming... but it has to be said...

There were instances on our trip where I could be accused of being parent B.

There is no excuse for rudeness... and heaven forbid a parent push someone out of the way with their stroller - b/c that is quite rude... but to the credit of the parent - people that tend to view others as discourteous for trying to navigate a stroller tend to be the same people who find themselves standing still when someone is clearly saying excuse me... even if it is interupting the fireworks or show or whatever... and you just want to stand their and watch and not have to keep moving out of the way... you've chosen to place yourself in an environment with children. And kids have needs that can't necessarily wait like an adults... I remember well how frustrating it could be trying to accomodate kids all day when it was just my DH & I touring the parks...

Sure you can get in front of me to see mickey, OK i'll move for the 10th time b/c this kid has to go the bathroom... again... No problem sweetie - take my seat on the bus you look like you've had a long day... Here, I know I've been sitting here at this parade spot for 2 hours and you just walked up - but go ahead have a seat...

Frustrating? yes - and i suppose some would say how dare a parent let their child behave like that! But seriously come on - were we not all kids too at one time? I mean maybe a few of you had that horrible of a childhood that your parents made you wet your pants and miss parades all together b/c you were standing in line for dumbo and now there's no place to see - but really... most of our parents weren't like that at all... I'm the oldest of 4 - some of which are still kids... and my parents have taught us to always be kind and respectful of others... but here again- they are kids! And yes, kids will be kids - not bullys... that's unexcusable - but kids are impatient - (we all were!) kids have small bladders - (we all did) - Kids get excited and angered easily! (and that's ok!) there's appropriate ways of handling these situations and some parents choose to have it out with their kids right then and there and some wait... this whole thread is such a joke to me... kids are not behaving any worse in WDW than they used to - we just older now and instead of being that "unbehaving kid" ourselves - we are now the "so much wiser and well behaved adults"

So how about we stop "blaming" parents for not parenting - and try to practice some patience ourselves... I'm with Dana - i go to have a good time and honestly - a kid bumping into me 3x's or squeezing in beside me at a parade just doesn't bother me... as well it shouldn't.

Since we are the "adults" here - let's be the one's to act like it and exercise patience and try to be a little more forgiving... I have yet to read one instance here that a child physically abused or did something illegal in the parks... that is unexcusable... kids being kids and running or riding in strollers until they're 13 is just dumb to complain about... personally i wasn't allowed to run or ride in a stroller past the age of 3... who cares?

flame away... i just figured i'd be honest and ask y'all to remember when you were kids... oh i know - "my mom never would have let me run" yeah... sure... and you walked uphill both ways in the snow to school every day too huh?


Active Member
After reading all of these posts, I started thinking, particularly about the strollers.
Yes, I have been run into by more strollers than I can think of, but think about this:

How many people do you actually see in one day, running into people, or recklessly navigating through a crowd?
Prob. alot. BUT, go by the Land in epcot. Look at all of the strollers parked there. Now there are four parks. Can you imagine how many strollers there are there in one day?

Just compare the number of strollers used each day at WDW, and the number of incidents.

Yeah, I get a little hot when I get hit in the back of my ankles with a stroller. I get impatient when someone with a stroller just makes a sudden stop in front of me, or cuts me off. But I am on vacation. I let it bug me for about 30 seconds, then I move on. It rarley has happened to me more than twice a day. If you can think of five times you got run over, or bumped in one trip, you gotta lighten up. There are sooooo many more memories of Disney trips that pop into my mind, the stroller incidents seem to have never happened.

As far as "bigger" (meaning older) children in strollers...... SO WHAT? You enjoy your trip, don't let that ruin it.


Well-Known Member
jesserin said:
alright... i'm opening myself up here for a big flaming... but it has to be said...

There were instances on our trip where I could be accused of being parent B.

There is no excuse for rudeness... and heaven forbid a parent push someone out of the way with their stroller - b/c that is quite rude... but to the credit of the parent - people that tend to view others as discourteous for trying to navigate a stroller tend to be the same people who find themselves standing still when someone is clearly saying excuse me... even if it is interupting the fireworks or show or whatever... and you just want to stand their and watch and not have to keep moving out of the way... you've chosen to place yourself in an environment with children. And kids have needs that can't necessarily wait like an adults... I remember well how frustrating it could be trying to accomodate kids all day when it was just my DH & I touring the parks...

Sure you can get in front of me to see mickey, OK i'll move for the 10th time b/c this kid has to go the bathroom... again... No problem sweetie - take my seat on the bus you look like you've had a long day... Here, I know I've been sitting here at this parade spot for 2 hours and you just walked up - but go ahead have a seat...

Frustrating? yes - and i suppose some would say how dare a parent let their child behave like that! But seriously come on - were we not all kids too at one time? I mean maybe a few of you had that horrible of a childhood that your parents made you wet your pants and miss parades all together b/c you were standing in line for dumbo and now there's no place to see - but really... most of our parents weren't like that at all... I'm the oldest of 4 - some of which are still kids... and my parents have taught us to always be kind and respectful of others... but here again- they are kids! And yes, kids will be kids - not bullys... that's unexcusable - but kids are impatient - (we all were!) kids have small bladders - (we all did) - Kids get excited and angered easily! (and that's ok!) there's appropriate ways of handling these situations and some parents choose to have it out with their kids right then and there and some wait... this whole thread is such a joke to me... kids are not behaving any worse in WDW than they used to - we just older now and instead of being that "unbehaving kid" ourselves - we are now the "so much wiser and well behaved adults"

So how about we stop "blaming" parents for not parenting - and try to practice some patience ourselves... I'm with Dana - i go to have a good time and honestly - a kid bumping into me 3x's or squeezing in beside me at a parade just doesn't bother me... as well it shouldn't.

Since we are the "adults" here - let's be the one's to act like it and exercise patience and try to be a little more forgiving... I have yet to read one instance here that a child physically abused or did something illegal in the parks... that is unexcusable... kids being kids and running or riding in strollers until they're 13 is just dumb to complain about... personally i wasn't allowed to run or ride in a stroller past the age of 3... who cares?

flame away... i just figured i'd be honest and ask y'all to remember when you were kids... oh i know - "my mom never would have let me run" yeah... sure... and you walked uphill both ways in the snow to school every day too huh?

okay. not going to flame, but going to point out a HUGE discrepancy here.

All of the "pro-parenting" (just making a term to make it easier) arguments really seem to be missing the point of some of the other arguments. I am very patient with kids. I realize they are going to be loud, inconsiderate, etc. They are KIDS. My problem actually tends to be more with tweens that should know better. If a kid squeezes in next to me at a parade, is it annoying? sure. But, it's a kid. Do I think the parent should say something if he/she is aware, yes. But that is because courtesy is a largely dying art in this country. And I have to say I don't know of anyone or any argument that will suggest otherwise to me. It is close to, dare I say it, objective fact.

Also if you are going to attack stereotyping, don't reverse it. I am a fairly accomplished crowd navigator. I do my best to zip in and out and be very aware of everyone around me. When you have a large piece of equipment with you, you should be on an even more heightened awareness. I realize they are difficult to navigate, but it is your choice to use them. Use them properly. If you are taking your time, asking people politely to move (and excuse me works just fine), I really don't think anyone here has a problem. If you are blindly wandering with a large piece of equipment that is not self-aware and can really hurt if it bumps someone, you are at fault. Period. Sorry, but I see that simply as the way it is. I would love them not to be allowed because they really are problematic from a congestion standpoint, but I absolutely see the need for them.

The jist of this post is that I think several people that are either being offended or are staunchly against the arguments made are citing very different behavior than those finding a problem. Yes, children's behavior can be very poor and annoying, and I would bet that parents would be first in line to say that. However, the biggest problem I have seen is not taking responsibility for this. If your child is doing something that is causing a disruption, you, even though it may be difficult, have the responsibility out of courtesy to do your best to control it. If she is tired, you get a stroller and must try to keep it under control and be courteous navigating it(which many are not). If she is throwing a tantrum, control it or remove her from the ride or restaurant. Of course a high level of patience is expected, but that is balanced by a high level of responsibility by parents. An apology, an excuse me, or even statement to the child goes a long way.

And just to put it in context, I would bet most of you are not in the category. If you are saying excuse me and people are not responding, that is rude behavior on their part. It's when there is rude behavior on the part of the child or parent that is not only ignored but known and not responded to that we have a problem. "Kids will be kids" is not a ticket to allow improper behavior (again, something it doesn't sound like anyone on here does). It is not the behavior but the reaction that speaks to me.


New Member
My parents are free spirit hippie whack-jobs :)animwink: ), but they were certainly not against a smack or two on the hiney if I was being a terror. I learned quite quickly that I didn't like getting smacked, and thus to behave.

I went to a high school graduation last night in which the little boy behind me kept kicking the back of my seat. Then he missed the seat and kicked me in the back of the head. I turned around, said "Stop that!", and gave him a Look, and he immediately went crying to his mother. Mom then had the nerve to demand why I should tell her child how to behave. Stuff like this happens far too often, IMHO. I don't mind kids acting up--it's going to happen, because they're kids and that's kind of what they do. But when a parent insists that it's okay for little Johnny to kick me in the head and for me not to tell him to stop? Parents need a little growing up, too, from time to time.



New Member
maggiegrace1 said:
Am I the only person here who goes to Disney World to have fun?I really do not care who is in a stroller or a wheelchair,who's kid is screaming and throwing a fit.It really is none of my business and I dont let it get to me..Why worry about petty little things when I just spent a lot of money to be here.I really dont think these things are going to ruin someones vacation....I do not go there to find different things I can complain in strollers,people in wheelchairs,fat people who should be walking...I go there to spend time with my family in a place that I love.

I too go to WDW to have fun, however, when these instances of annoyance *being kicked, shoved, pushed, and other things* are happeing about every 10 minutes, it does ruin a vacation quickly. I can not count the number of times I was shoved, or kicked by a little kid, only to have the parent look at me like , "OH it's YOUR fault because you are standing in front of my child" look. I try to ignore it, but like I said, after being run over, hit, etc. for 70% of the day, what fun is that? In one example we were in line for a character greeting, and a little girl behind us literally shoved me at least 5 times, and the mother continuosly ran her stroller into my heels, WHILE IN LINE. I wish I could say this only happened once, but for our last trip a few weeks ago it happened at least 3 times for every park we went to. I go there to have fun, but how can you just ignore things like that?:(


Well-Known Member
3fordisney said:
Its hard to believe that teenagers and adults who do not have children want to judge some one based on the use of a stroller. How in the world can you tell me that I do not have the right to use a stroller?

Unless you have personally pushed a stroller through a thick crowd or tried to carry a child through it so he doesn't get run over by adults who will step on him, you can not comment on it.

I may not have children of my own, but I have been to WDW with my young cousin (two at the time) and I have pushed her stroller through the crowds, and held her hand while navigating through a crowd. The only thing I haven't done is picked her up and navigated through a crowd, and only because I am not physically able to pick her up; I'm very small and she was a larger child. I have to say that from this experience, I found it easier to hold her hand and walk her through a crowd than to push that stroller. When I was pushing the stroller, I was trying so hard to be considerate and not bump people with it, etc. And that can be difficult in a large group when people are constantly stopping and going. I don't want to be the person who's hitting everyone's ankles with the stroller. My cousin also had a much better time walking than sitting in the stroller. My aunt ended up using the stroller to put her stuff in, rather than the kid. So I guess my point is, I may not have my own children, but I *DO* have experience with a young child in WDW, with stroller and without. So just like all of you want to complain that we are wrong for jumping to conclusions about your stroller use, perhaps *YOU* are wrong for assuming that those of us who are young and/or have no children have no experience with children in a stroller or a child in general.
I don't think it is the individual kids today but society in general that is drifting towards being ruder. You notice it as you get older. Don't believe so, go talk to your parents/grandparents about it.

We can see this in the how TV keeps evolving. I don't know exactly when all the swearing started on TV, I don't watch that much of it. But it seems things that wouldn't have been allowed 20 years ago, don't even raise an eyebrow now.

I remember MTV having a huge uproar over George Michaels song "I want your ______" back in the 80's, I remember Madonnas video getting banned for being to racy and these were only carried on cable TV. I can remember the old black and white sitcoms, married couples being show sleeping in different beds.

Now on my local channels its nothing to change the channel and find yourself in some bizzarre gay love triangle or a lesbian orgy.

I remember the first time they showed Star Wars on regular TV broadcast, it had a huge parent advisory warning and that it may be too intense for small children. Lol, now look at what you see on TV.

Its society changing and we notice it more the older we get. I don't think its stoppable or reversable, so better just get used to it and attempt to raise YOUR children the way you see as appropriate because you have virtually no control over anyone elses.


Well-Known Member
The bottom line is parents these days are just too wimpy...

I see so many parents whispering "oh no, little johnny.. please sit down, etc" without any bass in their voice or any physical control while their kid is creating mass havoc all over the place. TOTAL WIMPS!!!!


New Member
This behavior problem all startsd with TIME-OUT. What is this? I have been going to Disney since 1975 and children are getting worse. I wish they would have adults only sections, and put all the little brats in Jail were they belong. I have two grown cildren and two grandchildren that don't act anything like this. parents should be able to scold their children.


Active Member
ssidiouss@mac.c said:
The bottom line is parents these days are just too wimpy...

I see so many parents whispering "oh no, little johnny.. please sit down, etc" without any bass in their voice or any physical control while their kid is creating mass havoc all over the place. TOTAL WIMPS!!!!

A friend of mine took her little girl to WDW on a trip with the local Girl Scouts. The little girl started being really bad there and my friend told her she was going to take her to the bathroom and spank her. Another guest overheard what she was saying and told her it was illegal to do that to a child in public place because it was considered abuse in Florida and she could be arrested. My friend was so mad at being told NOT to discipline her own child, she said she took her behind some bushes and spanked her. I have never heard of such being illegal. I mean, as long as she is not being overly hard on her a spanking is not abusing. Otherwise the majority of our parents would have gone to jail.


Well-Known Member
postal03 said:
This behavior problem all startsd with TIME-OUT. What is this? I have been going to Disney since 1975 and children are getting worse. I wish they would have adults only sections, and put all the little brats in Jail were they belong. I have two grown cildren and two grandchildren that don't act anything like this. parents should be able to scold their children.

Thats what we should do.. Thank you so much for solving the problem... Lets put the kids in jail..where they belong.. If someone would have thought of this sooner .. then the world would be a better place.... you should run for president:rolleyes: :brick:


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Original Poster
moriah said:
excuse me but there are alot of great parents out there that have their children in there 20's. Four year olds in strollers isn't rediculous, you are. And, perhaps you get run over by strollers because you are probably one of those people who complain about it loudly enough so the parent who is pushing the stroller hears you. I would run you over too!!!!

I don't know who you think you are, but you need to back off and fast. You were already warned to lay off the stroller issue, now your telling us that people shouldn't have kids until they are in their 30's. Looks to me like you are just looking for an online fight.


Its interesting to see the quite angry reactions from stroller parents. I am not one who complains loudly about the stroller parents. I am a city walker and am quite good at dodging crowds. The issues here are not meant to be poisonous barbs, they are observations. I am a 22 year old, and I dont think many people my age or of my generation are capable of raising kids. (dudes, chill its an observation based on the 20 somethings I dont kill me)

Of course there are exceptions to the obnoxious kid/parents...WDW attracts many good people, people are super nice and friendly here. However, I think that there is a problem with older kids being carted around when they could just walk. When I was a kid I wanted to explore everything in WDW, a stroller would have kept me from exploring. But I do remember my parents would have smacked me if I got out of line, if I screamed, or if I ran into other people.

Generally kids and parents that go to WDW are good people. There were plenty of parents with little ones in strollers that were capable of steering the thing without incident. I dont hate stroller parents, I am just commenting on the older kids that are capable of walking. Many of you don't understand my complaints because you dont live in big cities like NY where I live. I am used to dealing with crowds, and let me tell you these problems arent just unique to WDW, they are just the same here on the streets of NY, clueless walkers, slow people, tourists who photograph everything, parents pushing huge SUV sized strollers around...its all the same wherever there are big crowds.


Well-Known Member
moriah said:
I do agree that there are quite a few children that the parents do just stand there and let their child be obnoxious. But, after walking around all day, when the evening comes, I allow my daughter to ride in a stroller. She is 44 inches tall, and she is 4 years old. I see no problem in this at all.... Besides, some people put their children is stroller because the are being out of control. Do you want out of control kids running around, or would you prefer them to be in strollers? (I also agree that some people need lessons in stroller driving.)

Again, I don't mean to sound harsh to you, and I hope that I am not coming across as harsh, but from your post, it seems like you don't have kids, so until you do.......... you really should not judge others so harshly. I do the best I can as a parent, and I don't feel that it is right for people to judge me (or anyone else) as a bad parent (as I feel you were coming acrossed in your post) just because I use a stroller.

I am glad overall you had a good time at WDW and hopefully you felt the magic... but please don't be so hard on us stroller loving parents who still consider 4 years old as a stroller riding age.

edit, I would like to add that it is definatly the parents, not so much the kids. If my kids can't behave themselves WE LEAVE immediatly. NO questions asked. There is definatly a change in kids behaviors, but it is for the most part the parents, not the kids that cause it. My issue is with the stroller issue....
THANK YOU!!!! as a parent of a 2 1/2 year old and 5 year old i agree!!!! and yes , a believer of bringing strollers i agree....please, i'm 30 and under 5 feet , if i could get away with being pushed around in a stroller i'd do it also!!! lol


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coastermaster83 said:
Man I'll tell you one thing, if I acted half as bad as kids do now days my butt would have been raw with blisters and my mouth full of soap pieces. Oh and the stroller issue WOW NELLY what are parents thinking if little jonny can walk on his own two feet really good then wear them shoes out.
My parents had me out of a stroller walking around at 2. Course this is coming from the kid that climbed the backyard fence at 15 months ran around to the front of the house and shouted "IZ OUT" to which my mom said she figured it was time to teach me the meaning of NO. I think we as a country started slipping when we took religon out of schools and stoped treating our kids values and manners. What shames me is how well mannered kids from other countrys are compared to america and how we should be the ones with the best behaved kids. My favorite parenting phrase my mom used was "spare the rod spoil the child" and then there was my dads favorite right before my afternoon spanking which was "SON THIS IS GIONG TO HURT ME WORSE THEN IT HURTS YOU". In general america n parenting sucks.

Well Said Man...I noticed Italian women smacking thier children when they got out of line...and boy were thoese kids well behaved. It is embarasing to see the bad behavior that is enforcing the World's negative views of Americans. not all American parents were bad, I saw plenty of well behaved children, but I saw more monsters than I ever remmebered this trip.


New Member
maggiegrace1 said:
Thats what we should do.. Thank you so much for solving the problem... Lets put the kids in jail..where they belong.. If someone would have thought of this sooner .. then the world would be a better place.... you should run for president:rolleyes: :brick:

:sohappy: :lol: :sohappy: :lol: :sohappy:

couldn't have said it better... LOL!!!

Heather Joy

New Member
I so totally agree

I totally understand where you are coming from. Kids today are really getting out of control. Sure kids get cranky and they usually cry when tired...but these kids today are just plain rude and uncontrollable.

I can't help but blame the parents..eventhough they themselves are not bothering with the way they carry on. I have seen so many kids lately at the park pouncing on objects, banging features of the park, and just being unruley.

I do love kids and... usually, kids behave themselves, but not latly. There was an incident just in January. My sister and I were at DTD and was waiting to catch the bus back to the hotel. (Port Orleans..The best!;)) There was a young boy, maybe 5 or 6 who was with his mother and grandma (I belive) and he kept shinning a toy flash light (that is usually sold at the parks), In our eyes and kept laughing. At first we just ignored him...but he kept doing it as his mom an Gran laughed. Needless to say we confronted the woman asking politely if he would refrain from this and all they said over and over was..."He's just a child..don't get upset". (Well after those words ...upset was an understaement) Child huh? Child of the *****. :zipit: I'll refrain. But it just proves that the parents/guardians of these kids should try buckling down.

I was only allowed to go to Disney if I was good and behaved properly. I suppose kids have just gotten a bit too spoilt. Thats my five cents.

Thanks for listening and here's to better behaved children not just at the parks but everywhere.:wave:

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