Are kids behaving worse now at WDW then in the past?


New Member
GenerationX said:
Fortunately, the kids are now past that stage and will stop most all problematic behaviors if I threaten to take away their GameBoys. :D
It IS hard to think of 'creative' punishments as they age.... when my kids were about 4&5 & misbehaved in the store, I would threaten them that each time I had to get onto them meant I would stay in the store 30 more minutes (they HATED shopping with me)... One day we went out for milk & bread at about 5:00 pm. They must've been having a bad day, because I kept shopping (and shopping, and shopping, and shopping at Walmart until 10:30 pm before they finally got the message and straightened up---and got hungry)... Yes, it took a long, unplanned chunk out of my time but for a few years after that all I had to do was MENTION that if they kept misbehaving we would go to the all-night Walmart because I could shop alllllll night. People often tell me even now how well behaved my kids are in the stores now ,,, But now they are older and have a little money and LIKE shopping, so that does not work anymore...

So now, I just threaten my 10 & 11 year old that if they do not behave, that the next morning I will give them a HUGE wet slobbery kiss and talk baby talk to them right in front of all their friends when i drop them off at school... THAT straightens my boy right up! :hurl: :lol:

But I guess it gets even harder to be creative as they get older.

Also, I think kids are not much worse behaved than when I was a kid, but some of the parents DO suck and are afraid of hurting their child's 'feelings' or 'damaging their self-esteem'. And some parents are just plain lazy .... Kids have ALWAYS tested their parents since the beginning of time, but where most parents used to try to get a 'C" or better on their "test", nowadays they don't care if they flunk and let the kids run all over them ....


New Member
minnie2000 said:
(btw - I don't put up with the sort of behaviour you have been describing - I either threaten to leave the park, or video them and say I'll show it to their teacher at home - that really works!):lol:

LOL! :D You sound like me! Creativity, people, creativity! It counts!


New Member
RonAnnArbor said:
There is a definate change -- and I am looking at this from a 45-year old perspective going to WDW since the late 60's...but I agree that it is not just at WDW, it is everywhere --

The change doesn't come from the kids, it comes from the parents. I work with my patients day in and day out trying to teach them to set limits on their kids - and its hard for 24-year olds who had no limits themselves from parents my age, to set limits for their kids now.

But it certainly isn't limited to just theme parks - watch how they behave the next time you go to a baseball game, or a museum, or a movie or a restaurant. THen watch the parents - where is the cuing they give? Where is the plain old "cut that out and sit down?" and heaven-forbid where is the smack on the butt and the "shut up" that I and my friends grew up with for the most part.

Don't get me wrong, I am not in favor of corporal punishment, but I am a huge advocate of parents teaching their kids limits.

In the old days, corporal punishment "spanking", done with the right parental motivation and attitude, was a perfectly acceptable method of child discipline and correction for bad behaviour.

It worked well for hundreds of generations and produced children who learned to behave and come under proper submission to thier parents or gaurdians. Sure there were abuses, but generally children of these era's functioned much better in society.

But now, in our new "enlightened" age, we've abandoned the time tested methods of the past and guess just doesn't work! We are now seeing the horrid results.


New Member
I think a large part of it is the parents. I am a single parent, and I know my 8 and 9 year old would not act like that in public and if they did I would put a stop to it right away. In my neighborhood other kids think I'm the "mean mom" only because I always have to know where my kids are and what they are doing. I see so many kids with no parental supervision. It also is very hard to find appropriate ways to punish your children. For my kids, if I take away something they really like for a while, that usually does it. So for right now when they act up I say, keep it up and you won't go to Disney!


Well-Known Member
I also take away things that mean a lot to my kids. Once we had a zoo trip planned with my best friend and her kids. Well, my daughter was acting up and I told her that if she didn't stop, she would stay home with daddy while her brother and I went. Well, I guess she didn't believe me and didn't stop. She got left home with daddy.


New Member
I think kids these days have a total disrespect for their parents, things and other people these days. It's definitely not just at WDW, but with heightened excitement of a great vacation, things get ugly really fast. Many parents these days are too busy finding the next attraction than paying attention to their kids. Unruly kids are the bane of my existence. I grew up respecting people and possessions. If I so much acted out, I was spanked. It worked for me. My child (coming in July) will behave accordingly when at public places. Many kids these days are spoiled rotten and their parents are too busy to notice. I nannied for two perfect children years ago-they were so well-behaved because their parents paid attention and raised them properly. Maybe genetics has an influence on children's behavior--if that's the case, my child will be well-behaved. Where I live, kids these days are so spoiled due to the amount of money parents have. Teens are driving Land Rovers and BMW's to high school. I will never give those luxuries to my son unless he works his butt off for them. I guess that's my 2 cents.


New Member
olive10tails said:
I think kids these days have a total disrespect for their parents, things and other people these days. It's definitely not just at WDW, but with heightened excitement of a great vacation, things get ugly really fast. Many parents these days are too busy finding the next attraction than paying attention to their kids. Unruly kids are the bane of my existence. I grew up respecting people and possessions. If I so much acted out, I was spanked. It worked for me. My child (coming in July) will behave accordingly when at public places. Many kids these days are spoiled rotten and their parents are too busy to notice. I nannied for two perfect children years ago-they were so well-behaved because their parents paid attention and raised them properly. Maybe genetics has an influence on children's behavior--if that's the case, my child will be well-behaved. Where I live, kids these days are so spoiled due to the amount of money parents have. Teens are driving Land Rovers and BMW's to high school. I will never give those luxuries to my son unless he works his butt off for them. I guess that's my 2 cents.

I agree. Kids have been behaving worse everywhere, not only at WDW. I am a teacher (I teach Brazilian people how to speak English), and I just don't work with children anymore. They totally forgot the meaning of words like: respect, morals, decency. That's sad...


Well-Known Member
Although I agree with some of the posts here, I have to say that labeling a whole generation of kids as bad and a whole generation of parents as negligent is very dangerous. I like to think that I am a good parent - my kids (a teen and a 21-year-old) are compassionate, polite and caring. But so are most of their friends, and I'm sure there are many others here who feel the same way. Yes, there are kids out there who have little respect, but there are a lot of others who are well on their way to being mature resposible adults. Unfortunately, the ones we notice most are the loud and obnoxious ones, but I think if you take a closer look, you'll see that they are actually the minority.
Ringo8n24 said:
Look at the examples/role models kids have today. Spoiled brats like Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton have no appreciation of how good they got it and the kids of today want to be like them with the expensive tastes and the bratty attitudes. It does seem more difficult to raise a child today so you could have the parents that are losing the battle and their kid becomes more obnoxious than normal in public places(not just WDW). It is not always the parents' fault, it could be today's society in general. The Generation Xers that are the majority of the parents today of small kids did not have those types such as Paris H and Lindsay L to grow up with. We had the Brady Bunch and Facts of Life kids to be our role models.

Why are parents losing the battle? It is their job to teach correct behavior, not just to provide Coach bags and manicures for 9 year olds. There always were and there will always be celebrities on the pages of our magazines showing a lifestyle of excess and decadence. They are not to blame. The parents who can't say "no" to their little princess when she wants an expensive purse because Lindsey has one are the ones to blame.

Kids have too many rights and no responsibilities. They cannot be disciplined in public school because the teacher might get sued. They can wear whatever they want so their individuality is not compromised (yet, they all dress the same anyway). They are not held accountable for their negative actions because they are children. There is no code of behavior because "kids will be kids" so when, exactly, are they supposed to learn manners or conduct? Do we think they will just wake up on their 21st birthday and have their act together? They'll know how to say "excuse me", "thank you", and not use the "f" as if it was just a regular adjective? After years of being indulged, will they suddenly know patience and how to wait for something they want? After wearing pj pants to restaurants and school, they'll know how to dress for a job interview? They'll realize that you can't shove past people and cut lines at WDW because it's cool to get over on somebody?

Someone recently asked me how my daughters came to be as polite and mature as they are. I simply replied, "It's my job". It is a job and, if done correctly, it has the greatest reward in the world.


New Member
Speeking as a non-parent (yet) I am in no position to make any comment on the right/wrong use of the buggies in Disney. Mine, and my wife's, only gripe was in the design of the double-buggies. Surely an inline concept would be better for the parent and the pedestian's navigation than the currently used side by side design. Buggies have to be used where they are necessary but I'm probably not the only person who has seen the nightmare that is some poor parent trying to navigate along the Main Street sidewalks just prior to Spectromagic with a double-width stroller. Nobody moves for them and nobody can move behind them. My sympathies!

This month's trip was our last before we have kids so maybe my outlook will change, but I have to imphasise that I have no arguement with buggies use after all not every kid that goes to Disney is 36years old :p


Well-Known Member
My DD is 9. My day does not start until I get a big smile from my girl. BUT, she will never disrespect anyone. Her father and I will not tolerate it. She was trying to be funny one day and said something rude like to her great uncle. He didn't care, but I did. I made her call him and apologize. She says please and thank you. If she askes me something and I say no, she better not ask again. But she usually does:) all I have to do is look at her and she says "ok mom". I don't spank her, I think she has only had 3 spankings in her life. She is not afraid of us. I could never live with myself if she was. She is a good kid and I'm very proud of her. If she starts mouthing off all I do is look at her and point to her room. She goes, she isn't happy about it, but she goes. :D I want her to be her own person.

I believe that society has taken it out of the parents hands the right to disipline their children. There is a difference between abuse and disipline. I don't feel there is anything wrong with spanking your kid on the butt. I got spanked as a kid and I'm not doing killing sprees. Now smacking your kid across the face is bad. There is just some things a kid could do that would require a spanking, and if I want to spank her then I don't feel anyone has the right to tell me I can't.


Active Member
Not every kid is bad and not every parent is bad either. Its just a few out there. It all rests on the parents shoulders. If they teach their kids respect and how to act and maybe a very once in a blue moon discipline them then there would be no problem. Once again though its the parents job for this, if they let the kid get away with everything, then the kid will do it even more because he knows he could do it. I was brought up to always behave and respect my olders. was disciplined very very rarely. It was just the constant coaching and teaching from my parents. Just seems now that some, i do mean some, parents just don't care. Unfortunately without parenting and guidance i fear to see what these kids will grow up to be. Just my thoughts on this. I work with the public everyday and the thing that gets me the most is when the kid is being a smart**s or doing something bad and the parents are standing there laughing, and im standing there lookin at them like are you gonna do anything about what their doing. oh well the jist of it all is not all are bad just takes a few to hurt everyone else.:wave:


New Member
ConstanceIrene said:
Why are parents losing the battle? It is their job to teach correct behavior, not just to provide Coach bags and manicures for 9 year olds. There always were and there will always be celebrities on the pages of our magazines showing a lifestyle of excess and decadence. They are not to blame. The parents who can't say "no" to their little princess when she wants an expensive purse because Lindsey has one are the ones to blame.

Kids have too many rights and no responsibilities. They cannot be disciplined in public school because the teacher might get sued. They can wear whatever they want so their individuality is not compromised (yet, they all dress the same anyway). They are not held accountable for their negative actions because they are children. There is no code of behavior because "kids will be kids" so when, exactly, are they supposed to learn manners or conduct? Do we think they will just wake up on their 21st birthday and have their act together? They'll know how to say "excuse me", "thank you", and not use the "f" as if it was just a regular adjective? After years of being indulged, will they suddenly know patience and how to wait for something they want? After wearing pj pants to restaurants and school, they'll know how to dress for a job interview? They'll realize that you can't shove past people and cut lines at WDW because it's cool to get over on somebody?

Someone recently asked me how my daughters came to be as polite and mature as they are. I simply replied, "It's my job". It is a job and, if done correctly, it has the greatest reward in the world.

EAXCTLY! What is it with these kids toting $200 purses and pitching fits about notbeing able to stay out until 2 am? I can't help but think its these parents who take thier kids EVERYWHERE. How can you expect them to differentiate between *special* places where nothing but your best manners will do and a trip to the grocery store? Kids are everywhere these days! There at the movies seeing R-rated movies at 11 pm, there next to me at fancy restaurants crying because they can't get chicken fingers, at James Taylor concerts for $60 a head, running up and down the aisles of moving buses and trains, and trying to cut in front of me in lines at WDW. There is a power struggle going on in these homes today and its not between the mother and fathers (or two mothers and two fathers). Kids are growing up thinking the world is their oyster and thier need trump the needs of every other human being. Its sick. Parents JUST SAY NO.


Well-Known Member
From what I see more often than not, the kids are just acting like kids, and the parents want them to act like "little adults".

In addition, I see kids act out because the parents are ignoring them....for instance, I was recently in a lounge at a resort hotel....the parents were drinking and having a rather long conversation, meanwhile, the kid was forced to sit an be quiet during this entire time. The kids eventually got bored and started messing around, which cause the parents to scold him. do not know how toe entertain themselves in a productive way
2...parents ignore their kids too much

I think it falls back to the self nature of so many American is all about them, not about the kids, not about the family.....


Active Member
this all leads straight to the crybabies at the aclu:hammer: who have everyone convinced that correcting your child is an infringement on their civil liberties & is child has even gone so far as if they see you spank your child not beat of course they call social services.we are all supposed to let our small children dictate to the parents what they want & tolerate the tantrums when we say no because they are finding themselves.


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biggbird5182 said:
Have you also notived that some people are riding around in wheelchairs when ther'es nothing wrong with them. They're just using them to get to the front of the line in every attraction!
I've also noticed a lot of obesce individuals using them and those electric carts when they should be out walking instead....


Well-Known Member
I heard that in some state (Conn I think), if a HS football coach lets his team win by more than 50 points, he will be terminated....

We are raising a generation of wimps and losers......although it is not because they can not handle the loss, it is because the parents don't want to be embarassed....


Well-Known Member
TurnipHead said:
I've also noticed a lot of obesce individuals using them and those electric carts when they should be out walking instead....
I would say there are more "large people" than not at WDW our country has a problem with weight management.....

Mori Anne

Active Member
In the Parks
Skinny people can be fat too.. Yes it is true.... I had that problem. I weighed only 105, but I had such an incredibly high body fat count vs. muscle count that the dr. told me that I was considered over-weight:eek: . I have since than been walking a lot more, doing more activites, and running on a regular bases. So, 8 months later, my fat count is 1/2 of what it was.

Isn't that the wierdest thing though, skinny Fat people...... :brick:

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