Are kids behaving worse now at WDW then in the past?


New Member
Every generation thinks the next generation is worse than the one before...

Come on, we've all made a comment about it at some point!! We've all compared the music today to what we listened to growing up, or the way kids are dressing or how manners have gone down the drain. Same thing with's one of those never ending discussions.

I think the OP is just airing his frustration and he's not entirely wrong.

Anyways, "back in my day...." hee, hee :D :lol:


New Member
bsandersjr said:
WHOA! E-Z guy!

If I acted anything like the kids described, I would still not be able to walk today! :lol:

Same here! Giving a dirty look does not help the situation. I would not take my little one if he did not behave well enough to go. There are some people who do let their children run wild, but everyone has their moments. We can all get grumpy and sometimes it shows. Giving some one a dirty look is not the answer. The best thing to do is just ignore it. If I spent all my time giving dirty looks to the parents' of kids pitching a fit or going wild, I would not have time to enjoy my vacation. :p


New Member
Original Poster
First off, I am gladd that so many of you have commented. I would really like to adress the stroller issue...

I am a New yorker, born and raised as a city kid so I deal with walking in crowds all day and there is nothing worse than strollers. The problem with strollers is that they take up alot of space. Don't take this harshly it is just an observation from a city point of view.

The MK is always crowded, and with all the character sightings and parades it can be a pedestrian nightmare for thoes of us diehard fans who know where we are going. I know hot to get around the MK, and being a city walker I walk with a and direct. I wouldnt be complaining if the stroller families weren't getting in my way.

Secondly, stoller parents tend to forget that the rides all require you to park the stroller. Despite the multitude of signage they bring their strollers up the lines, then they take their sweet time folding them up holding the line up behind. I dont judge somone to be rude just because they have strollers, its the whole thing about holding up the line for somone else.

I get mad when a person infringes on somone else's good time.

The stroller comments are observations...I do think it is rediculous to be pushing a 4 year old around in a stroller. My parents didnt push me around at that age, I dont expect that I would do the same to my kids. What I saw was not tired kids at the end of the day, it was bossy brats being pushed thru the park at 10 am.

And Yes I agree that teenagers are a problem too. I cam across this one girl, Im estimating her to be around 14 who was dressed more trashy than most college girls I know. But again, thats the parents fault.

I would like to point out also that parents kept trying to get around the hight limits for their kids. I was on line for EE and a kid who was definatly under 3 years old was being pushed thru the line by his parents. When the line got to the CM's they kindly reminded the parent the kid was too small and the parents got all upsett and threw a fit worse than a three year old's fit. Now I know where the kids get it. People my age and in their late 20's should just not be having kids.


New Member
mmartelli said:
First off, I am gladd that so many of you have commented. I would really like to adress the stroller issue...

I am a New yorker, born and raised as a city kid so I deal with walking in crowds all day and there is nothing worse than strollers. The problem with strollers is that they take up alot of space. Don't take this harshly it is just an observation from a city point of view.

The MK is always crowded, and with all the character sightings and parades it can be a pedestrian nightmare for thoes of us diehard fans who know where we are going. I know hot to get around the MK, and being a city walker I walk with a and direct. I wouldnt be complaining if the stroller families weren't getting in my way.

Secondly, stoller parents tend to forget that the rides all require you to park the stroller. Despite the multitude of signage they bring their strollers up the lines, then they take their sweet time folding them up holding the line up behind. I dont judge somone to be rude just because they have strollers, its the whole thing about holding up the line for somone else.

I get mad when a person infringes on somone else's good time.

The stroller comments are observations...I do think it is rediculous to be pushing a 4 year old around in a stroller. My parents didnt push me around at that age, I dont expect that I would do the same to my kids. What I saw was not tired kids at the end of the day, it was bossy brats being pushed thru the park at 10 am.

And Yes I agree that teenagers are a problem too. I cam across this one girl, Im estimating her to be around 14 who was dressed more trashy than most college girls I know. But again, thats the parents fault.

I would like to point out also that parents kept trying to get around the hight limits for their kids. I was on line for EE and a kid who was definatly under 3 years old was being pushed thru the line by his parents. When the line got to the CM's they kindly reminded the parent the kid was too small and the parents got all upsett and threw a fit worse than a three year old's fit. Now I know where the kids get it. People my age and in their late 20's should just not be having kids.

The strollers are difficult to use in large crowds. Unless you have pushed one through a thick crowd, you have no idea how difficult it is. The fault lies not only with the pusher of some strollers, but those who walk without one. I can not tell you how many times I had people walk right in front of the stroller and just stop. And I mean just stop in the middle of the walkway and not move. It is more difficult to have my 3 yr old squashed by the fast moving adults than it is to have him safely in the stroller. It can be difficult to push the stroller through the crowds, but it better than loosing him in one.

The use of a stoller is the business of the parent. Let's leave it at that. I am in my late 20s now and Love being a parent!! If you are ever blessed enough to have children and take them to wdw, you will have a newfound understanding of the whole experience. There is nothing like seeing wdw through the eyes of you child!:dazzle:


Well-Known Member
3fordisney said:
The strollers are difficult to use in large crowds. Unless you have pushed one through a thick crowd, you have no idea how difficult it is. The fault lies not only with the pusher of some strollers, but those who walk without one. I can not tell you how many times I had people walk right in front of the stroller and just stop. And I mean just stop in the middle of the walkway and not move. It is more difficult to have my 3 yr old squashed by the fast moving adults than it is to have him safely in the stroller. It can be difficult to push the stroller through the crowds, but it better than loosing him in one.

The use of a stoller is the business of the parent. Let's leave it at that. I am in my late 20s now and Love being a parent!! If you are ever blessed enough to have children and take them to wdw, you will have a newfound understanding of the whole experience. There is nothing like seeing wdw through the eyes of you child!:dazzle:

Well said..:)

Mori Anne

Active Member
In the Parks
excuse me but there are alot of great parents out there that have their children in there 20's. Four year olds in strollers isn't rediculous, you are. And, perhaps you get run over by strollers because you are probably one of those people who complain about it loudly enough so the parent who is pushing the stroller hears you. I would run you over too!!!!

I don't know who you think you are, but you need to back off and fast. You were already warned to lay off the stroller issue, now your telling us that people shouldn't have kids until they are in their 30's. Looks to me like you are just looking for an online fight.


Bill Smugs

New Member
I don't think a four year old in a stroller is to ridiculous. What I do find ridiculous is say a 7 -10 year old in one. I think 5 or 6 should be the cut off for a child being in a stroller.


New Member
Yes, we were at WDW the second week of May, and the kids we encountered were demons to say the least. At Animal Kingdom, they had the palm tree come out before park opening and this little girl kept trying to pull the tree down. She would "push it around" and hang on to it, making it difficult for the tree to move around. The parents were NO WHERE in sight to tell this little girl to stop. I had strollers shoved into my heels more than 10 times, by older children pushing smaller children around in the strollers. This time was also bad for kids touching and pulling on our backback while in line for rides, kids shoving past us and their parents while in line, and too many other occurances to list. I think the problem is the parents mostly IMO. If your kid is disturbing others/property they should be stopped. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
all of this stuff with kids happens stores,departments stores,games fairs,theme is going to keep going on no matter what anyone says or whether you or 20 or 60 and having kids does not matter.It is how they are raised most of the time but also a lot of times it is a kid being a kid... kids ARE loud,and they do get fussy and whine just like we all did.I am not in any way condoning the pulling and jumping on things or the shoving and the pushing.The parents should and need to handle that,but the little things like whining and crying..Thats Kids....believe me..I am a teacher and thats what they do....


Well-Known Member
Bill Smugs said:
I don't think a four year old in a stroller is to ridiculous. What I do find ridiculous is say a 7 -10 year old in one. I think 5 or 6 should be the cut off for a child being in a stroller.
This is something that is the decission of each parent to chose for their child. It's none of anyone elses business.
Man I'll tell you one thing, if I acted half as bad as kids do now days my butt would have been raw with blisters and my mouth full of soap pieces. Oh and the stroller issue WOW NELLY what are parents thinking if little jonny can walk on his own two feet really good then wear them shoes out.
My parents had me out of a stroller walking around at 2. Course this is coming from the kid that climbed the backyard fence at 15 months ran around to the front of the house and shouted "IZ OUT" to which my mom said she figured it was time to teach me the meaning of NO. I think we as a country started slipping when we took religon out of schools and stoped treating our kids values and manners. What shames me is how well mannered kids from other countrys are compared to america and how we should be the ones with the best behaved kids. My favorite parenting phrase my mom used was "spare the rod spoil the child" and then there was my dads favorite right before my afternoon spanking which was "SON THIS IS GIONG TO HURT ME WORSE THEN IT HURTS YOU". In general america n parenting sucks.


Active Member
Look at the examples/role models kids have today. Spoiled brats like Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton have no appreciation of how good they got it and the kids of today want to be like them with the expensive tastes and the bratty attitudes. It does seem more difficult to raise a child today so you could have the parents that are losing the battle and their kid becomes more obnoxious than normal in public places(not just WDW). It is not always the parents' fault, it could be today's society in general. The Generation Xers that are the majority of the parents today of small kids did not have those types such as Paris H and Lindsay L to grow up with. We had the Brady Bunch and Facts of Life kids to be our role models.

Mori Anne

Active Member
In the Parks
There are alot of people who even call "time out" child abuse.... I know that is sounds stupid but it is true. No matter what you do, someone screams child abuse.Parents are so confused on what is the rightway and the wrongway to discipline their child, that they think they are doing the right thing by just letting it go.

coastermaster83 said:
I think we as a country started slipping when we took religon out of schools and stoped treating our kids values and manners.......In general america n parenting sucks.

I Hear You coastermaster83, but also too, having been to 48 countries, There are many experiences, hardships, and disciplinary tactics that are either not an issue here in the states or not acceptable in the states. And, I do agree that schools (at least when I went) enforced manners and values, but today, out of fear of being sued, they don't anymore. That is where parents (or parent) need to make up for at home what the school systems are too scared to teach/ enforce at school. But, sadly, not all parents (or parent) do this. For example, a school teacher kicked a girl out of his HS science class because she was dressed really inappropriatly. He calmly pulled her aside and took her into the hall and politly told her to go to the nurses office for a t shirt and sweatpants. WOuldn't you know it, her parents threatend to sue the school and all heck broke loose. So, the school systems def. lack, but so have parents too.

I agree that parenting in america is stinky but it is in part because society calls everything child abuse and parents are so confused on what is acceptable discipline and what is not, that they just do nothing because society and laws make it that way.. I have this same issue when taking care of business with my daughter... I am SOOOO COOONNNFFUUUSSSEEEDDD, especially in public.. I always think, what if I do something someone will call abuse, even though it is not, like time out, or standing in a corner, or leaving the park holding my screaming kid with legs kicking.......... I know what my parents would do, but that is not acceptable or allowable anymore. (When I acted up and my mother would smack me, she would smack me for every syllabol in the speach/yelling that came with the spanking. We got hit the hardest where the period would be OUCH!!!). That being said, there are many great parents out there, alot of them post here at It is just the few that are "stinky parents of america" get noticed the most because people tend to (I am guilty as charged) see the "bad" things and "bad" behaviour before noticing all the good behavior. My hubby pointed this out to me on our last WDW trip, so, the next day I tried to focus on the good parenting at Disney, and BY FAR, there were more WELL behaved children than out of control kids. It just takes a little readjusting to notice......

As far as the stroller goes, My family goes on (at least weekly, more if possible) 3 mile trails with our children (and dogs) on a regular basis, play without tv when inside, and play outside when possible (ICY NEW ENGLAND) and neither of them get "rides". But, in a large crowd and having two kids, it is more managable using a stroller when one gets too tired too walk. Now, if we have only been in MK for a few hours, and my daughter complains that she is "too tired to walk" I give her the choice of walking or going back to the hotel. But, it is really the parent of the child's call. Some kids just do better in strollers, and you know what, that is okay. A child can easily get overloaded with rides, crowds, and excitement while at WDW and if a stroller makes the child's experience more enjoyable, than so be it... AFter all, it IS a vacation for them too. And Remember, they are kids and today's WDW is open a lot longer, and it is alot bigger than "WDW" 20-30 years ago. AND HOPEFULLY IT WILL KEEPPPPPPP GROWING

Mori Anne

Active Member
In the Parks
Ringo8n24 said:
Look at the examples/role models kids have today. Spoiled brats like Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton have no appreciation of how good they got it and the kids of today want to be like them with the expensive tastes and the bratty attitudes. It does seem more difficult to raise a child today so you could have the parents that are losing the battle and their kid becomes more obnoxious than normal in public places(not just WDW). It is not always the parents' fault, it could be today's society in general. The Generation Xers that are the majority of the parents today of small kids did not have those types such as Paris H and Lindsay L to grow up with. We had the Brady Bunch and Facts of Life kids to be our role models.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: Don't forget about Brittany Spears......

Mori Anne

Active Member
In the Parks
coastermaster83 said:

I still get that from my parents (me almost 30) when I call and ask for a favor............ lol :lol:


Well-Known Member
moriah said:
There are alot of people who even call "time out" child abuse.... I know that is sounds stupid but it is true. No matter what you do, someone screams child abuse.
True, and this certainly makes parenting more difficult.

A friend was at McDonald's with his 3 year old. The kid wanted to play first then eat, and my friend wanted the reverse. The kid proceeded to scream and make a scene. My friend took the kid back to his van, swatted him twice on the butt, waited for the kid to stop bawling, then returned to the restaurant. The kid ate the food quietly, then played.

That night a squad car pulled into my friend's driveway. The police were acting on an alleged child abuse report and demanded to see the 3 year old. After waking him up, the policemen checked him for signs of abuse. None existed, of course, as my friend does not abuse his children.

Someone had called the police using my friend's license plate number, based on two swats on a clothed butt. At age 3, some kids respond to time-outs, some do not. His did not.

I do not intend to start a spanking/no spanking debate. The point I am making is that parents must operate carefully as Big Brother is watching. Doing nothing is a risk-free course of action. Personally, I have spent hours and hours in time-outs in cars waiting to return to wherever we were. It's better than doing nothing, but it sure is time-consuming. Fortunately, the kids are now past that stage and will stop most all problematic behaviors if I threaten to take away their GameBoys. :D


Well-Known Member
It's everywhere.

Parents used to train and teach their kids to be good, respectful, sometimes fearful, people.

Then all this hippy-feel-good-BS child raising began, where you don't correct little Suzy or little Jimmy, because that would be denying their individuality.

I'm all for alternative education and such, but it's just sick when you watch parents kissing their kids behind and not the other way around...there is a time for individuality, and that is after you've got a decently formed, polite, respectful human being.

Those are the parents that sit and have a meal at a restaurant and totally ignore little Bobby and little Briana while they scream, yell, kick, and fight, ruining everyone else's time.

When these kids turn into dysfunctional adults that can't hold a job or relationship because they never learned to be decent people, it will take a lot more to correct it than if it had just been done in the first place.



Well-Known Member
About strollers - I have a 5 year old, and I haven't used a stroller for her since she was about 3 - except for holidays in WDW. When we go, we usually spend the whole day there. It is tiring, we get tired, but we are adults and can cope with it. If a 5 yr old suddenly feels tired, it can be a long walk back! Do we carry a tall 5 year old, use a stroller, or let her walk, crying all the way home? I choose the stroller!

Also, 2 more things to think about. We are from the UK, and even on a lovely summer's day (yes we do get them sometimes!) humidity is never high. When we come to Florida the humidity really affects us all, we are just not used to it.

As well as that, both my children occasionally wake up with what I imagine are 'growing pains' in their legs, which are much worse when they have walked a lot that day. They walk a lot at home, but a day in disney can be really exhausting!

(btw - I don't put up with the sort of behaviour you have been describing - I either threaten to leave the park, or video them and say I'll show it to their teacher at home - that really works!):lol:


New Member
I have to say people in general are much more rude and inconsiderate than they used to be. I love to videotape as much as possible (without the flip out view screen...that's rude, too) when I go to any of the Parks, and nothing annoys me more than people making unnecessary noise. Once upon a time, when an attraction started, people stopped what they were doing and paid attention. Now, between cell phones, Gameboys, those evil walkie-talkies, spinning and blinking toys, and just plain unnecessary discussions or comments you can't go on an attraction without hearing about the lives and opinions of every doofus around you. Is it so hard to be quiet for just a few minutes, to break off communication from your buddy Jethro long enough to possibly hear what's going on? People come to the Parks to be let Disney entertain you. If you're not enjoying whatever the entertainment is, then quietly leave and do something you will enjoy. I long for the day when I can watch one of my videos and not have to listen to Bubba yelling into his cell phone, "Yeah, I'm at Disney World! Yeah, I'm on that Pirate ride!" Or, for that matter, someone reciting the words spoken in the attraction. Guess what? I know them, too. Some of us are just considerate enough not to go shouting them out and detracting from the show.
Forgive me for coming across a bit hostile. Lack of consideration for others is one of my biggest pet peeves, and unfortunately a good many people think the only person who is important enough to think about anymore is themselves. I admit, I'm unintentionally inconsiderate from time to time, but when I'm in a group of other people I consciously try to think about what I'm doing and how it is going to affect others. If only everyone did.

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