Appalling state of the monorail cabins


Premium Member

Soarin' Over Pgh

Well-Known Member
Yep in early 2010. The rest of the beams were not so lucky though.

Here are some pics of the clean with before and after

Now see, that looks nice. Why can't they continuously clean the beams?


As for Tokyo's monorail, I think it's beautiful. I'd like to respectfully disagree to whomever above said its too 'character' ized... sure, it is. But isn't that what the monorail WDW loop is about? You're going to MK.

Unfortunately I just don't see the American public (and our foreign visitors) playing nice with the insides of those cabins. I can mentally see torn seating, someone trying to lift the mickey-head handles, and the outside of the cabins becoming a lovely shade of unclean offwhite.

That said, our current monorails need some serious help.


Well-Known Member
Currently riding monorail coral. The lady behind me just remarked that the cabin smells like a Chuck E Cheese ball pit. And she's probably right. Classy.

Beats riding BART (San Fran) or METRO (DC) or SEPTA (Philadelphia) or Chicago or NYC. No homeless people drinking a 40 oz in a paper bag. No homeless people pan handling for money or defecating in the corner of the train. After using mass transit in all of the cities above I'll never complain about Disney's monorail experience.

Clever Name

Well-Known Member
Beats riding BART (San Fran) or METRO (DC) or SEPTA (Philadelphia) or Chicago or NYC. No homeless people drinking a 40 oz in a paper bag. No homeless people pan handling for money or defecating in the corner of the train. After using mass transit in all of the cities above I'll never complain about Disney's monorail experience.
MD 20/20 makes mass transit into a hobby for some people.


Well-Known Member
you mean as in: "use it until it falls apart completely and crashes down and we are forced to replace it by first demanding insurance money and then rebuild from zero" ?

Yip exactly why else would they let the standard of them fall so far? Maybe they already have planned for replacements in their budgets and now it is just a waiting game, I can't ever remember them being as bad the pictures posted but I always do remember them smelling bad and it attempting to look modern but it just looks faded!


Well-Known Member
Yip exactly why else would they let the standard of them fall so far? Maybe they already have planned for replacements in their budgets and now it is just a waiting game, I can't ever remember them being as bad the pictures posted but I always do remember them smelling bad and it attempting to look modern but it just looks faded!
Why let standards all over property fall?


Well-Known Member
Imagine some of the stuff that must have been lurking in the ball pits of places like CEC, Hardee's, Mc'd back in the day. Pizza, burgers, diapers, sickness, etc.


One Little Spark...
Imagine some of the stuff that must have been lurking in the ball pits of places like CEC, Hardee's, Mc'd back in the day. Pizza, burgers, diapers, sickness, etc. never really was a big issue. Neither were diapers (though, pull ups were a bane in the tubes, because...well, lets just say they don't contain solid waste very well and kids crawl through the tubes in one of a few ways...some crawl, some run in a squat, and others scoot on the butts. Use your imagination).

Sickness happened, but also rather rare.

No, you don't want to know what I (or people who have worked for me) have found in them, but I will say this, in stores I ran I was obsessive for a reason about the tubes being cleaned every half hour during peak, and at least once a shift during non-peak...and the pit being cleaned out twice daily, and the balls swapped and sanitized once a week (after the weekend rush). Things I've found are far worse than anything you've mentioned. I will spare you the details and just say...

There are reasons we decided to remove them altogether...and you didn't list any of them. :p

Clever Name

Well-Known Member never really was a big issue. Neither were diapers (though, pull ups were a bane in the tubes, because...well, lets just say they don't contain solid waste very well and kids crawl through the tubes in one of a few ways...some crawl, some run in a squat, and others scoot on the butts. Use your imagination).

Sickness happened, but also rather rare.

No, you don't want to know what I (or people who have worked for me) have found in them, but I will say this, in stores I ran I was obsessive for a reason about the tubes being cleaned every half hour during peak, and at least once a shift during non-peak...and the pit being cleaned out twice daily, and the balls swapped and sanitized once a week (after the weekend rush). Things I've found are far worse than anything you've mentioned. I will spare you the details and just say...

There are reasons we decided to remove them altogether...and you didn't list any of them. :p
I always enjoyed the rumors of rattlesnakes in the ball pits! :eek:

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