Appalling state of the monorail cabins


Well-Known Member
Let me repeat this PLEASE Email the pics to guest relations!!! with times and such. There are dedicated paid maintenance people that are supposed to be cleaning every night. Walk by the monorail 2 hours AFTER park closing and you will see them at TTC. This needs to be addressed so please send this in as a formal complaint and have it addressed.
The reason they are at the TTC after operating hours is because there is not enough parking at shop. We have 12 trains and only 9 available spots. That means trains stay out every night. Custodial is supposed to clean them bit from those photos, apparently not very well.


Well-Known Member
How do you know that this is happening? Is this fact or just speculation?
This is based on what the Monorail Society reported some time ago. I believe them based on the augments I made concerning automation. You can say my certainty about this is based on the fact that I trust my source and an educated guess based on logic and facts.

I won't say that this certainty is 100% because dumb decisions are sometimes made, and there's always a chance of that happening (even after being officially announced).


Well-Known Member
Just for the sake of argument, scouring pads wouldn't be nearly as effective as a TV news crew.
I don't need them to be changed, I need them to return to their previously high standards. If this happens without a public shaming I'm ok with it. However, unless that happens today, I'll volunteer to hold the boom mike for the news crew.


President of Progress City
I don't need them to be changed, I need them to return to their previously high standards. If this happens without a public shaming I'm ok with it. However, unless that happens today, I'll volunteer to hold the boom mike for the news crew.

Like I say in multiple threads, why don't we start a campaign out side of this website to fix Disney.


Premium Member
That actually is not true. The mechanical systems are actually very well maintained, especially since they have to use refurbished parts to replace the worn ones. As a matter of fact teal jist came back from an extensive mechanical refurb.

Then why did they have to cut back their operating schedules to make more time for maintenance? If they weren't behind... Why the need for more time?


Well-Known Member
Then why did they have to cut back their operating schedules to make more time for maintenance? If they weren't behind... Why the need for more time?
Well to give you an idea. When the hours for the monorails didn't end until an hour and a half after closing. On the EMH nights the monorails would receive about 0 maintenance because it was just a quick inspection by maintenance before they essentially started to get ready for service at 4:45. Now, the trains can actually receive some maintenance before having to return to service. In order to get the service that they "should" be receiving would end up ing almost everyone off because they would have to stop running them around 9 or 10 year round.


Well-Known Member
This may not be news to some, but may be for others - it needs highlighting. The monorail interiors are in a shocking condition.

I didn't go looking for this, just happened to be in a single car with no passengers, and just took a moment to realize just how bad things have become. These photos were taken yesterday on Monorail Black, but the problems can be found on all monorails and in some cases they are a lot worse than these photos.

Just how far is WDW prepared to let the condition go? I routinely go on subway trains in NYC that are in a far better condition than this, and let us not forget, these are the monorails transporting guests from those $2000 per night rooms in the new Grand Floridian Villas.

Stains on nearly every surface
View attachment 39227
Damaged seats, rips and stains
View attachment 39228
Missing trim on door panels
View attachment 39229
Damaged trim, non existant paint
View attachment 39230
Mold and stains on seats
View attachment 39231
Stains on doors
View attachment 39232
Cracked and broken trim
View attachment 39233
Mold growing on the roof panels
View attachment 39234
Mold and grime on the roof
View attachment 39235 View attachment 39236
RIP Monorail Respect, shame on Disney


Park History nut
Premium Member
That actually is not true. The mechanical systems are actually very well maintained, especially since they have to use refurbished parts to replace the worn ones. As a matter of fact teal jist came back from an extensive mechanical refurb.
Mechanically the fleet is so-so. Physically it's falling apart. Or in some cases fallen.

Clever Name

Well-Known Member
Is there a chance the track could bend?

All this talk is making WDW's system sound more like the one from Springfield.
You might recall that back in February, 2012 WDW experienced some extreme cold weather. As a result several monorail expansion joints on the resort track between the Grand Flo and the MK contracted a little too much causing a temporary "speed bump" at said joints. The monorails had to slow down over this route to preclude damage until temperatures warmed up.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I am surprised it took this long for a thread like this to start. The insides of the trains have looked like this for years. I remember one time riding in a car and noticing that a foot long section of the rubber weather-stripping between the two doors was gone, and I could literally stick my fingers through the crack. Now imagine if a little kid had discovered that crack and stuck a toy sword out just as the train entered the Contemporary. That could hurt.

I took a photo of it with my phone and showed it to a monorail manager. He seemed more upset that I had my phone out on stage than about the potential safety concern I was trying to show him. I could tell he was itching to write me up.

In my monorail days years ago I was always disturbed by the amount of trash that would continually cycle around the system on a train. The same spilled box of popcorn could be in a train for hours.

I even suggested to management to have a designated time every couple of hours that we could delay loading a train for just a minute or two, and a Cast Member would go through and sweep out the trash before the next load of Guests got in. I was shot down.


Well-Known Member
Your observations are spot on, but... how good does the inside of your 25 year old, constantly used for public transportation, car look?

The carpet HAS been changed numerous times over the years. For a while guests were complaining about the heavy odor of cat urine in the cars. Turns out is was the type of glue they were using . They have actually improved aspects of the interior of the cars to make it easier and efficient to clean and maintain.

At one point they almost installed a "monorail wash" right outside the roundhouse. They also had a 3rd part detail company on contract. Not sure if they still do.

Are they disgusting? Yes they are. I have to admit though they have held up well for the time they have had them (since 1991?).

I can also tell you that a lot of the parts needed for the trains have to be custom made because they are no longer being made or supported.

It is time to retire this fleet.

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