I commented on that in my last post, wondering why people don't check their suitcase. When I think of carry on, i think of a bad with magazines, snacks, headphones, cards - i.e. things u need to access on the plane. I figured it was because people were impatient and didn't want to wait on their luggage. The thing is, I've NEVER seen the baggage claim take "forever".
The longest I've waited from the time I got to the baggage claim area was 10 minutes (which is admittedly about the point that I start to grow impatient myself :brick: )
Well, there was the one time I went to Paris and everyone's bag came but mine and I waited and waited and no one came and said anything.
After about 20 minutes I went searching for assistance and saw my suitcase sitting open and unattended

outside an office (it had come open on the plane). So I just grabbed it, shut it, and left...
Anyway, the fact that people would rather stuff giant luggage on the plane than wait 10 minutes is a reflection of our impatient society I guess.