Oh not far-fetched at all. See, I have been shown the light. See, originally I was thinking, sinc you could hide things in shoes, like bombs, and many shoes set off metal detectors, it would save a lot of time and hassel to run them through the machine...
but ALAS, what's next, a bomb in a bra, so take off your bras! A bomb in a jock strap (or something that looks like it :lol

take that off. the next step is for TSA to make u walk through the metal detector totally naked (after a full cavity search), which i can totally see them doing, then they will have a dentist on standby to check under the fillings and crowns on your teeth, and they will make u take an ultrasound, catscan and xray to make sure no bombs are inside of you anywhere (at which point they will insert a secret chip in your brain used for mind control), then they will make u put on a bomb proof suit for the flight in case u still have one hidden somewhere, then they will make u watch videos of Hitler and educate u about the pros of slavery and something about a pure blonde hair blue eyed race...
Then when it happens, us dummies who complied with taking our shoes off will be to blame!