Repeated coincidence
1. We were in MK, right after Laugh Floor opened. I txted a joke (how cool is that whole concept?). We're in the show, and they read my joke, turns out, i wasn't the only one that txt'd the SAME joke. They announced my name and 2 other girls, both from 1 town over from me on Long Island. As we exited, we overherad the two girls talking abuot how weird it was that the "other guy" was from Long Island too. We introduced ourselves, had a qucik laugh, and left.
After that, we saw them at least 2 other times during the trip, AND they ended up on the same flight home as us, 2 seats away.
2. While struggling to read the MK map, a "gaggle" of people coming the other direction passed me, and proceeded to scream my name. They were season subscribers to a local theatre at which I perform regularly. They were screaming "Airport playhouse guy.....we'll see you next friday night!!!!!!" It was too crowded to turn around, so we waved and kept moving.
3. Went to watch the Voices of Liberty, 2 mins. in, I recognized one of the singers. We had done a teen version of Little Shop 16 years ago. I worked my way forward, and halfway through the song, she glanced over and reallized who i was. So nice to catch up with her.
I love when weird stuff like that happens!!!!!!