Any news on The Tiki Room?

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Well-Known Member
Well, I certainly think that arabian carpets and tiki huts from Polynesia have synergy... :lookaroun

Seriously, the two things are from two TOTALLY different regions of the world. TDO was ridiculous when this decision was made official. Biggest mistake for that area. Now it is congested, busy, and totally out of whack with theming and such. I can't stand it...

Time to start a petition?

I don't even think that eisner even asked wdi for what their opinion would be on this, I know what they would have said because everyone else is saying it. That is part of the problem, just filling up space just to fill up space is not the best thing way to go about theming a park.

I would like to see a tiki plaza with CS or TS, but it would have to look right in that location.


Well-Known Member
o yah for got it was eisner's doing

i mean if there really needs to be something there what could replace Aladdin?
a nice water feature would be cool
Side note: come 2012 we will have 3 spinners in MK:dazzle:

3 spinners at mk? It is four: 2 for dumbo, 1 for carpet, and 1 for astro. Now if only they could place a pirates spinner on tom sawyer island would mk be truly complete.


For the tiki plaza, it won't take up as much room as the carpets (the garyish- brown color). I was thinking of either a CS or TS (the brown circle) with tables surrounding the one side (green hexagons).

If just a plaza with a hut in the middle, there would be trees native to the south pacific placing within the plaza.

If a CS or TS, there would a small pond on the right side, which would help to hide a stair case leading to a second level.


Well-Known Member
Wait, where is East Asia represented in Adventureland? Closest I can think of is SE Asia in the Jungle Cruise. Point being, once you dropped Caribbean Plaza across from the Tiki Room, I think any continuity was thrown at the window, not that there really was much to begin with. It is just a "exotic regions of adventure" area. I think an Arabian market fits in there as well as anything else.

But we already have an arabian market, haven't you see the indy stunt show?


New Member
Except - the reason they're adding another spinner in FLE is because even during low attendance times, all of the spinners get good attendance. Even Aladdin, apparently the least popular, almost never has an empty seat at the deadest of times.

In contrast, El Pirata y El Perico is only open seasonly because there is not enough demand for food service. I doubt converting it to TS would increase demand.

Personally I don't care for spinners, they are cheap and unimaginative carnival rides. But based on their capacity, lots of people do like them. And the capacity these rides suck up benefits the rest of the park.

Not that things couldn't improve, they always could. But there are bigger fish to fry in the MK, and in WDW as a whole IMHO.


Well-Known Member
The spinners are popular for three main reasons : 1) they don't take up a lot of space 2) kids love them because they are an interim step between float along rides and adult rides and 3) they are relatively inexpensive due to size and already established R&D.

No one here wants another spinner but I have to say, my kids love them. They are a necessary evil and I don't care if they insert them where there isn't enough room for a bigger attraction. That's why I don't mind MCoA -- can't really put anything else there. Sure, would be nice to have an open area but for all of the flow problems it creates, I'll take that over having nothing at all.

And before you counter with "but they could use the money elsewhere" the spinners are pretty inexpensive.


Well-Known Member
Except - the reason they're adding another spinner in FLE is because even during low attendance times, all of the spinners get good attendance. Even Aladdin, apparently the least popular, almost never has an empty seat at the deadest of times.

In contrast, El Pirata y El Perico is only open seasonly because there is not enough demand for food service. I doubt converting it to TS would increase demand.

Personally I don't care for spinners, they are cheap and unimaginative carnival rides. But based on their capacity, lots of people do like them. And the capacity these rides suck up benefits the rest of the park.

Not that things couldn't improve, they always could. But there are bigger fish to fry in the MK, and in WDW as a whole IMHO.

Well if they add a path between JC and POTC, then cross the bream and Caribbean way, there is plenty of room over there to build a little Arabian land. They can put the carpets there, iago can have a joke shop with a cs restaurant where he insults everyone. They can make a genie funhouse. Top off this land with a movie theater that looks the palace and shows a clone of the aladdin show at dca.


Active Member
As I have posited in threads to numerous to count, kids like anything. Many kids love eating their own boogers, but if someone suggested a "Booger selling" cart in Adventureland, you'd being properly repulsed and declare it ridiculous. Often times, when a kid likes something, it is simply because it is different, not because it is of quality. Building things solely because they appeal to kids under 5 is a recipe for disaster (as the Magic Carpets are).


Well-Known Member
Untrue .. my daughters don't like haunted mansion, jungle cruise, astro orbiters and several other 'scary' or faster attractions and they are not able to go on any of the larger attractions such as Splash, BTMRR, SM, etc. Point being, of the 50+ attractions at MK, is it really an issue having 3 spinners (currently)?

I understand your point above but my point is that kids DON'T actually like just anything. At the young ages of 4-7 many kids are just working up enough courage to go on the larger stuff so it is wise to have some transitional style rides, such as spinners. Another example is the speedway, which is just above sleep inducing for adults but for kids is actually pretty exhilarating

Do I like spinners? No. Do I wish there was something different and more involving? Of course! What else are you going to put in that small location though? That's the main issue, not whether or not the type of attraction is worthwhile. As it stands, to me, MCoA is the lesser of two evils, and I choose the option where there is something rather than nothing. In AL, there is JC and PoTC that caters to all audiences (and SFRT and TR to a lesser extent) but only MCoA caters to young kids


Active Member
Point being, of the 50+ attractions at MK, is it really an issue having 3 spinners (currently)?

Yes. One is fine. Three is Disney saying "We're too cheap to build something else. It's good enough." Also, at best, MK's got 30 rides and shows. Even if you counted all the restaurants, you probably couldn't get to 50.

What else are you going to put in that small location though? That's the main issue, not whether or not the type of attraction is worthwhile. As it stands, to me, MCoA is the lesser of two evils, and I choose the option where there is something rather than nothing.

I vote for pavement. It worked for 30 years.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Yes. One is fine. Three is Disney saying "We're too cheap to build something else. It's good enough." Also, at best, MK's got 30 rides and shows. Even if you counted all the restaurants, you probably couldn't get to 50.
Or the other possible conclusion. The vast majority of guests like them and wanted more of them. Just because you do not like an attraction does not make it a bad attraction.

I vote for pavement. It worked for 30 years.
Trepanation was used for quite a while to treat migraines. Times change.


No one here wants another spinner but I have to say, my kids love them. They are a necessary evil and I don't care if they insert them where there isn't enough room for a bigger attraction. That's why I don't mind MCoA -- can't really put anything else there. Sure, would be nice to have an open area but for all of the flow problems it creates, I'll take that over having nothing at all.

I don't mind the addition of the Arabian theme into the Adventureland mix. After all, the land is already an amalgam of various "exotic" locales. What bothers me is how cartoony it is, smack dab in the middle of a land that otherwise strives for a more realistic tone.

Also, people note that Caribbean Plaza has little to do with the rest of Adventureland, but a transition was designed to accomplish the effect of it belonging with the more tropical/Polynesian section near the land's front. The new Aladdin area, conversely, seems shoehorned in. Disneyland Paris, which was designed to feature an Arabian area from the start, achieved the effect better.

At least WDW has, for the most part, avoided lands largely made up of off the shelf kiddie rides, like A Bug's Land at DCA, Mermaid Lagoon at TDS, and Toy Story Land at DSP.


AL is 2 mini lands tropical/polynesian area and a Caribbean area, with a transition between the two, a desert DOESN'T fit in to any of these areas. If they have to use the kiddy ride just make it with a different theme!


Well-Known Member
I LOVE the flying carpets. I never understood why people around here moan and groan constantly about this. I think it's way better than just having dead space.

Also, I don't have time to wait for 2 hours to ride Dumbo, nor do I want to wait 45 mintues for the Astro Orbiter

in that statement, i think you hit a fundamental point between two different disney go-ers:

one all about sensory overload. attraction, attraction, attraction. i want stuff new, i want something here, i want something there. because ultimately at the end of the day is alleviates the long wait for X (whatever the ride is. in this case, dumbo and AA). and i'm not saying there's anything wrong with that and there aren't places in WDW that would benefit from that type of thinking (studios, AK).

but the other is a lot like a good portion of people who post here. those who enjoy a mix of attractions and subtly. i think it's fair to say that the majority of these people view late '80s to mid '90s as the glory days. included in that subtly is themeing and what goes along with that in some points is, yes, empty space. i, for example, would rather have dumbo be the first thing i do in the day and get it done in 10 minutes rather than try to hit it a 2PM, and i'll sacrifice 15 minutes waiting on a longer space or splash line if it means that, if the mood strikes, i can sit on a bench and hear the polynesian drum beats or get that vibe of a more laid back, uncharted territory rather than a bustling zoo, which is what magic carpets essentially creates right outside the tiki room.

just my $.02

EDIT - i should also say that i'm not trying to lump you into one way of thinking or another. i'm just using this instance of the tiki room as a microcosm of a larger point.


the importance of relevance

Just got back from Disneyland - I had forgotten how quaint, nostalgic and boring the original (even re-edited) tiki room show was. The ONLY thing entertaining about it was the group of folks who had obviously visited their own "Laughing place" before heading over to the park and were performing a better - more active and engaging show in the aisles. My wife's first comment was - "wow the other one is so much better, my 6 yo son fell asleep and my 2 yo daughter was mildly amused. The last time we were at Disneyworld - UMN was his favorite attraction. You guys gotta remember that we must adapt, change and remain relevant to each new generation - not simply cater to your own nostalgic and inflexible views. You have your memories - now let new generations create their own. Do I think UMN was perfect - no. Do I think the original was groundbreaking FOR ITS TIME - yes. Is it time to find a new way - possible new show to entertain - yes. Is resetting the show back 50 years the best way - not in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
In contrast, El Pirata y El Perico is only open seasonly because there is not enough demand for food service.
That explains why they are building new food locations in Fantasyland. :rolleyes: It is easier and cheaper to make people wait in lines.


The Epcot Manifesto
Today's Facebook post from Walt Disney World:
"The Enchanted Tiki Room (Under New Management) opened at Magic Kingdom Park on this date in 1998. Who's your favorite Tiki Bird?"

The good thing is, a vast majority of the comments are about how much people hate UNM. Hopefully they are using this to justify thier change back to the original...


Well-Known Member
Today's Facebook post from Walt Disney World:
"The Enchanted Tiki Room (Under New Management) opened at Magic Kingdom Park on this date in 1998. Who's your favorite Tiki Bird?"

The good thing is, a vast majority of the comments are about how much people hate UNM. Hopefully they are using this to justify thier change back to the original...

:lol: I saw this when I opened up Facebook on my phone this morning. Gave me a good chuckle... Many people have mixed feelings. I've seen bad comments on the original show as well. :shrug:

Will an official announcement be made soon by TDO/WDW about the re-opening of the attraction, in whatever form it will be?


Well-Known Member
Fast forward a year and try to predict the comments (even on this board) :

"Man, the original tiki birds is sooo 1960s .. I vote for new mgmt!"

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