Any news on The Tiki Room?

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Well-Known Member
The only reason I heard was that eisner wondered why there was a large open space in AL and tdo filled it with a popular franchise and rethemed the shops near it.

You mean this is not themed correctly?


As someone on another thread said, it is tdo giving the middle finger to us

Well, I certainly think that arabian carpets and tiki huts from Polynesia have synergy... :lookaroun

Seriously, the two things are from two TOTALLY different regions of the world. TDO was ridiculous when this decision was made official. Biggest mistake for that area. Now it is congested, busy, and totally out of whack with theming and such. I can't stand it...


Well-Known Member
Well, I certainly think that arabian carpets and tiki huts from Polynesia have synergy... :lookaroun

Seriously, the two things are from two TOTALLY different regions of the world. TDO was ridiculous when this decision was made official. Biggest mistake for that area. Now it is congested, busy, and totally out of whack with theming and such. I can't stand it...

Its what TDO does best and they continue to make these type of blunders. They seem to want conjestion in every last spot they can find, except for using perfectly good tomorrowland-land as a parking lot for managers. :brick:


Well-Known Member
Well, I certainly think that arabian carpets and tiki huts from Polynesia have synergy... :lookaroun

Seriously, the two things are from two TOTALLY different regions of the world. TDO was ridiculous when this decision was made official. Biggest mistake for that area. Now it is congested, busy, and totally out of whack with theming and such. I can't stand it...

Yeah it is hard to get around the area much ess to enjoy yourself when it is that tight of an area....


The only reason I heard was that eisner wondered why there was a large open space in AL and tdo filled it with a popular franchise and rethemed the shops near it.

You mean this is not themed correctly?


As someone on another thread said, it is tdo giving the middle finger to us

o yah for got it was eisner's doing

i mean if there really needs to be something there what could replace Aladdin?
a nice water feature would be cool
Side note: come 2012 we will have 3 spinners in MK:dazzle:


Active Member
o yah for got it was eisner's doing

i mean if there really needs to be something there what could replace Aladdin?
a nice water feature would be cool
Side note: come 2012 we will have 3 spinners in MK:dazzle:

Actually, we will have 4!! Carpets, 2 Dumbos and Astro Orbiter. Right?


o yah for got it was eisner's doing

i mean if there really needs to be something there what could replace Aladdin?
a nice water feature would be cool
Side note: come 2012 we will have 3 spinners in MK:dazzle:

Between the Dueling Dumbos, it's actually four spinners in the Magic Kingdom.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member

So i guess we shall all just be spun silly then, with all the spinners about...

Oooo i feel queasy...( spins some more)....OOOOooo! Look out! :hurl:


New Member
Not to defend spinners, but re: margic carpets in general, it isn't out of place at all. General "foreign/eastern" feel. Does a mash of Polynesia/East Africa/SE Asia/Caribbean really lose continuity when you introduce the middle east?


Well-Known Member
Not to defend spinners, but re: margic carpets in general, it isn't out of place at all. General "foreign/eastern" feel. Does a mash of Polynesia/East Africa/SE Asia/Caribbean really lose continuity when you introduce the middle east?

Well Polynesia is closer to Asia/China/Japan/Hawaii region than it is to the Middle East. So when looking at a map... yes. When studying architecture and cultural references? Also yes.


New Member
Wait, where is East Asia represented in Adventureland? Closest I can think of is SE Asia in the Jungle Cruise. Point being, once you dropped Caribbean Plaza across from the Tiki Room, I think any continuity was thrown at the window, not that there really was much to begin with. It is just a "exotic regions of adventure" area. I think an Arabian market fits in there as well as anything else.


Well-Known Member
Wait, where is East Asia represented in Adventureland? Closest I can think of is SE Asia in the Jungle Cruise. Point being, once you dropped Caribbean Plaza across from the Tiki Room, I think any continuity was thrown at the window, not that there really was much to begin with. It is just a "exotic regions of adventure" area. I think an Arabian market fits in there as well as anything else.

I didn't say those Eastern Asia regions were represented in Adventureland. I was just listing a reference point... meaning that Polynesia is closer to that area than to the Middle East. The Middle East/Northern Africa is quite far from Polynesia. It is also far from the Caribbean, which is the theme of Pirates of the Caribbean.... right?


New Member
I didn't say those Eastern Asia regions were represented in Adventureland. I was just listing a reference point... meaning that Polynesia is closer to that area than to the Middle East. The Middle East/Northern Africa is quite far from Polynesia. It is also far from the Caribbean, which is the theme of Pirates of the Caribbean.... right?

I get you now. Seems you are saying, those things are closer, would bring greater continuity. Right?

My point is basically that the whole area is so mishmashed from a continuity standpoint that I don't think it is a big deal. If you changed the entire market/spinner to a Polynesian theme, or something at least more similar (say SE Asian), you'd still have the Tiki Room abutting Caribbean Plaza, which in my mind is every bit as incongruous as the Tiki Room is to a Mideast Bazaar.

And basically, I think the average guest is content to jumble all of these foreign locales together. Don't want to overanalyze, but Adventureland is basically just a pastiche of Western, colonialist views of lands of adventure, where you go hunting elephants, angering tiki gods, and chasing thieves in middle eastern markets. Caribbean Plaza is kind of an odd man out, but with no New Orleans square, where else would they go? If I was to pick, I'd say that Caribbean Square is more out of place in the original concept of Adventureland than the bazaar. See the subjects of the original Adventureland episodes of Disneyland to get what I mean. I'm sure that is why they tried to build Caribbean Plaza as a mini-land of sorts.

Anyway, no arguments that it could be more seamless, or less congested, I just don't think it is too harsh of an error and seriously doubt anyone would notice it and be jarred from their fantasy.

The Duck

Well-Known Member
The only reason I heard was that eisner wondered why there was a large open space in AL and tdo filled it with a popular franchise and rethemed the shops near it.

You mean this is not themed correctly?


As someone on another thread said, it is tdo giving the middle finger to us
Be careful what you wish for. They might remove the carpets and replace them with Iagos. Giant, freaking red, screaming Iagos.:eek:


Active Member
The only reason I heard was that eisner wondered why there was a large open space in AL and tdo filled it with a popular franchise and rethemed the shops near it.

You mean this is not themed correctly?


As someone on another thread said, it is tdo giving the middle finger to us

I LOVE the flying carpets. I never understood why people around here moan and groan constantly about this. I think it's way better than just having dead space.

Also, I don't have time to wait for 2 hours to ride Dumbo, nor do I want to wait 45 mintues for the Astro Orbiter


Active Member
If I was to pick, I'd say that Caribbean Square is more out of place in the original concept of Adventureland than the bazaar. See the subjects of the original Adventureland episodes of Disneyland to get what I mean. I'm sure that is why they tried to build Caribbean Plaza as a mini-land of sorts.

You feel the tropical forest environment of Jamaica is substantially different than the tropical forest environment of Tahiti?




Sorry, I disagree. Without looking at the URLs ... you tell me which one is Jamaica, which one is Tahiti, and which one is Hawaii. I can't tell the difference - they are all tropical jungle environments. Any one of them could be the setting for the Jungle Cruise, or have a Tiki Room buried in the jungle ... or have a colonial fort, where the forest meets the beach, overlooking the ocean. A desert oasis with camels and a middle eastern bazaar would look proper in exactly zero of these environments.
You feel the tropical forest environment of Jamaica is substantially different than the tropical forest environment of Tahiti?




Sorry, I disagree. Without looking at the URLs ... you tell me which one is Jamaica, which one is Tahiti, and which one is Hawaii. I can't tell the difference - they are all tropical jungle environments. Any one of them could be the setting for the Jungle Cruise, or have a Tiki Room buried in the jungle ... or have a colonial fort, where the forest meets the beach, overlooking the ocean. A desert oasis with camels and a middle eastern bazaar would look proper in exactly zero of these environments.

There is a significant flaw in your arguement. Caribbean Plaza does not depict a jungle rain forest. If it did, it would be indistinguishable from the jungle cruise area. It depicts Spanish colonial architecture, while the jungle cruise are depicts British colonial architecture. That's the difference, not the foliage.
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