Another MK smoking area goes up in smoke

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OV 104
Premium Member
or you can smoke at epcot but not MK ect. (thinking out loud)

THAT is where it gets interesting to me IMO. EPCOT is a bar in 2014, simply put. Those drinkers and party-esque park goers are going to want a cig to go with their buzz. When you convert a theme park to a bar for six months of the year these are going to be issues. Can smoking and those people will take their alcy $$$ elsewhere.


Because I am not responsible for your health, you are. If you are so concerned over your health, don't stand in the middle of a smoking area and complain about smoke.
You didn't answer my question. Why don't you use an e-cig when around children?


Think for yourselfer
At 5 bucks a pack, I don't understand how anyone can afford to smoke, much less why they would want to. I guess I was lucky, in that in the 5 or 6 years that I did smoke, it was socially. We're talking maybe 4-5 cigs a day. I think I did it more because my friends were than me actually liking it. When my wife, @Runmyhorse, told me to quit, that was it.

While I don't like smoking, I don't care if there's smoking sections that are out of the way. The one by the castle is in an EXTREMELY poor location. Honestly, I didn't even realize there was a smoking section by BTMRR.


In NJ it's closer to $9 a pack. In NYC its pushing $13.


Well-Known Member
My dad smoked Pall Mall Unfiltered...that was a serious cigarette. He picked up the habit when he was in the Army fighting in the Korean War. My husband grew up in a smoking household, but neither of us are smokers. I am not offended by smokers in their area, but I don't want smoking in my house. I do know that living on the Illinois / Missouri border LOTS of people go across the river to get their gasoline and tobacco products. The taxes on both of these in Illinois are much higher than in Missouri. Gas for example is always about .35 cents a gallon cheaper in Mo. than in IL. I know the tobacco is quite a bit cheaper as well. In our part of Illinois name brand M cigs are about $9.50 a pack, across the river...about $5.50 a pack. Some day Illinois will get wise and see the money they make on taxes they lose on revenue in sales because the serious smokers go across the river and stock up.


Well-Known Member
Five dollars? You yanks have it so cheap!!

Try $13 in the UK!

If that doesn't answer the question about how addictive they are, nothing will. If you live in North Carolina, the tobacco center of the world, they are about $4.50 a pack. You can get them cheaper in discount outlets along the I-95 corridor. But, comparatively cheap and cheap are two different things. When I started, back in the dark ages, they were 20 cents a pack. When the prices started to go up, I vowed that if they ever got to $2.00 per pack I would certainly quit. I didn't. The desire was just to strong. I'd guess it is the same thing that gets people to spend huge amounts of money on cocaine and pot. It's all for the buzz. The buzz stops when COPD sets in, but, the need doesn't.

Having stopped (with difficulty), started again (missing brain cells) and stopped again, I am aware very acutely, about what the mental anguish is all about. When I hear someone say... "just ban them" or "I don't want to die because I walked near a smoker", I just want to smack them, figuratively, of course. When someone accuses others of being insensitive because they are smoking, I have to ask, where is your compassion or does their suffering mean nothing to you. It is a nasty, unhealthy and shame producing (now) habit. However, it isn't controlled by flipping a switch and like magic, the need is gone. On top of that, I can tell you that no smoker has ever stopped because someone got in their face and told them what disgusting human beings they are. My experience with such a thing, at the time, was to light another one immediately. Way to help the cause folks!!

Early in WDW's (and I'm sure Disneyland) history people and probably the majority of people, smoked "right down the middle of main street. Disney had special crews that hid in the shadows and scurried out when ever someone dropped a cigarette on the street. (which was constant and probably why the place was a lot cleaner back then) In a very brief amount of time (less then 30 years) that situation has changed, but I can assure you that it wasn't from anyone wagging their nicotine free fingers in anyone's face and telling them how much that they individually disapproved. When I started smoking there were no large scale programs telling of the evils of smoking. All we were told is that we were either too young or we were old enough to smoke if we wanted. Education and a constant repetition of the message that smoking will kill the user along with taking reasonable measures to separate smokers from non-smokers made the difference. Now that's not even good enough. It must be all or nothing. Well, alcohol, chocolate, fast foods, vehicle exhaust and 47 million other things kill people, when it gets to the point where they hit upon everyone's individual disgusting habit shouldn't that be the time to go after those things full on.

The thing I find hypocritical in Disney parks, particularly Epcot, but all, is the absolute promotion of alcohol. Anyone ever heard of liver disease, pancreatic cancer linked to alcohol or for that matter the second hand results of alcohol usage such as the death of innocent people due to driving while intoxicated? I am not a teetotaler, I have an occasional drink, but, when I see or hear the phrase "Drinking around the World" it makes me cringe. But, let's get those damn smokers.
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Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Congratulations on quitting. Just a few words for you to remember. I had quit for over 12 years, no longer thought about it, no longer craved them. Then, in a moment that can only be described as "stupid", I thought it would be fun to try one. Long story short... I had to start the process all over again. Granted that doesn't happen to everyone, but, I'm just saying that if you get to the point that you are telling yourself that one will not cause me any problems, DON'T DO IT. Keep hanging in there. :)

Thanks @Goofyernmost! I only get "weak" when I'm having several 'adult beverages' I used to be a clove smoker and my kryptonite is even just smelling a clove cigarette. I've had the "i can have just 1" argument with myself before and I know I CAN'T have just 1


Well-Known Member
I really don't get it. We're out in the open air. Do I like smelling it? No, but I know the exhaust from the car in front of me on I4 is probably just as bad. Again not defending it, but I just don't get the need for people to get all up in the air (no pun intended) over smoking in a designated smoking area in an open air environment.
Some of us do have an immediate hacking and tearing up reaction to car fumes.

Just because some don't have that reaction, it does not mean that others do not react with pretty intense problems to cigarettes specifically.
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Well-Known Member
THAT is where it gets interesting to me IMO. EPCOT is a bar in 2014, simply put. Those drinkers and party-esque park goers are going to want a cig to go with their buzz. When you convert a theme park to a bar for six months of the year these are going to be issues. Can smoking and those people will take their alcy $$$ elsewhere.
That argument has been used in many cities where smoking was banned in restaurants and then bars and clubs. People said, "If I can't smoke there I'll never go and you'll lose my money." The ban went into place and the smokers disappeared (or showed up and smoked outside) and the people who had hated the smoke returned to take their place. Very few, if any, businesses lost money; many saw an increase in business.


Well-Known Member
Living in Illinois it all depends on what county u live in. I live right on the border of cook and dupage county. Dupage u can get cigs for $7. Cook they r about $10!

Yes I know it's a bad habit, but again it my choice...e-cigs r nasty as hell! I've tried a few different like...

I do have kids but I do not smoke in our house or enclosed spaces ever! I go outside and my favorite smoking spot at MK is BTMR! I love it over there!


Well-Known Member
Personally I've walked and been around enough smokers lately that hold their cigarette away from THEIR OWN BODY towards you...that I have become pretty anti-smoking.

Luckily many/most states are banning it in eateries and bars. I've thought about what would the likely outcome be from a sundown date on cigarettes (born after this date no longer allowed to purchase)...but doubt it would have any impact (prohibition doesn't exactly work out well for us)...Personally I don't see how people view this as attacking their freedom of choice...If you want to smoke in your home/property...fine...more power to you. But don't encroach on others, and private companies have that right...If they want to ban smoking...people can stop visiting them if they choose...just like anti-smoking people can stop visiting if they openly encourage smoking.

But the numbers don't lie...society in general is on the "anti-smoking" side now a days...And I realize it's an I'm not attacking all smokers personally...but I feel that their "desire" to quit or keep smoking is irrelevant.

Just my .02 and I know that it probably ticks off some of you...


Well-Known Member
Personally I've walked and been around enough smokers lately that hold their cigarette away from THEIR OWN BODY towards you...that I have become pretty anti-smoking.

Luckily many/most states are banning it in eateries and bars. I've thought about what would the likely outcome be from a sundown date on cigarettes (born after this date no longer allowed to purchase)...but doubt it would have any impact (prohibition doesn't exactly work out well for us)...Personally I don't see how people view this as attacking their freedom of choice...If you want to smoke in your home/property...fine...more power to you. But don't encroach on others, and private companies have that right...If they want to ban smoking...people can stop visiting them if they choose...just like anti-smoking people can stop visiting if they openly encourage smoking.

But the numbers don't lie...society in general is on the "anti-smoking" side now a days...And I realize it's an I'm not attacking all smokers personally...but I feel that their "desire" to quit or keep smoking is irrelevant.

Just my .02 and I know that it probably ticks off some of you...
I would say that by the billion of dollars big tobacco companies bring in, society is still very far from anti-smoking...sorry, but numbers like that don't lie no matter what those "Truth" commercials say...
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